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Marija24.06.2024 10:49:55
Poštovani, da li u terminu od 28.jul 2024.god na 10 noći imate smeštaj za dve porodice, tročlanu i četvoročlanu?
Marjan21.06.2024 16:34:01
I was there two years ago with my wife and one more couple in big apartment with two beedroom + living room + big balcony. It was beautiful. The owner of the house, fantastic two person man and wife. I loose the visit card. I wish to contact them, because i like to come in the same apartment with my wife and two sons..one is 26..the other is 18. We wish to come from 28 august - 1 september = 4 nights. Please, i need information. Best regards to the owner from my self, Marjan Nikolovski Opera singer