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Dijana25.04.2024 14:32:48
Poštovani, zanima me da li imate raspoloživ smeštaj za dve osobe u periodu od 01.09-08.09.2024.godinr? Takođe bi me zanimalo koliko je smeštaj udaljen od najbliže plaže na kojoj je omogućeno kupanje. Srdačan pozdrav
Adrian19.07.2020 22:17:35
Hello, We are 1couple with 1 children up to 5 years old The child sleeps in the room with the parents, a separate room is not necessary. We are looking for accommodation for any other 8 nights in the period 3- 13 august. Do you have anything available? How far is it to the center of Parga and what are the nearest beaches ? Best wishes, Adrian
Massimiliano Eboli18.11.2019 18:31:23
Good evening, I wanted to ask you for availability and prices for 4 apartments, for the following period: from 16 to 30 August, the apartments must be composed as follows: 1, 3 adults 2nd 2 adults + 2 boys 12 and 16 years 3rd 2 adults + children 12 and 7 years old 4 ° 2 adults + 1 8-year-old girl in anticipation of your best offer I thank you in advance. Let me know how far it is from the sea regards. Massimiliano Eboli