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Dorjan Nova18.05.2022 19:16:48
Good afternoon I was checking on different sites and I found your vilastructure ( the filoxenia apartments Nikiana ) but with different prices which make me a little bit confused. Please can you send me your best price as follows. ( in total 6 or 7 nights ) check in on 25/07/2022 check out 31//07/2022 or plus or minus 1 day In total we are 3 families from Albania first family - 2 adults + 2 childrens ( 10 and 13 years ) second Family - 4 adults third family - 2 adults In total 8 adults + 2 childrens If possible you can offer us 1 room and 2 apartments or 1 apartment for 6 persons with minimum 2 bedrooms and sofa for 2 childrens in kitchen + 1 apartment for 4 persons This is up to you Please give us your best price as above ( possibly included with any tax ) . If possible payment in arrival by total in cash. in case you have any extra payment as taxes or other expenses pls calculate them in grand total. Have a nice week Waiting Yours