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Razgovaramo sa vlasnikom u Vaše ime. Naše usluge su za Vas besplatne.
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Naše iskustvo i život u Grčkoj pomoći će vam da izaberete smeštaj baš po Vašoj meri.
Stefan Vasiloiu23.05.2024 15:13:45
Hello, We are a family from Bucharest, Romania (me, my wife and our daughter 10 years) We would like to stay to your Villa for 8/10/12 nights in July. Do you have a free apartment for us ? Thank you very much Stefan
Dragana Zilovic 20.07.2023 13:45:46
Dear sirs, please send us the availability and price for the 2 Bedroom Apartment Capacity: 4 adults, in the period 5.8.2023-18.8.2023. best regards, Dragana Zilovic, Belgrade, Serbia
Gordana03.06.2020 13:45:20
Kad ima slobodan 4.apartman u avgustu i koja je cena za 10.dana(2.odraslih i 2.dece),hvala
Katarina03.08.2019 19:41:41
Dear Sir/Madam, Please let me know if you have available villa for 4 persons (2adults, 2 children) for the period from 18th to 31st August. Kind Regards, Katarina
Sanja15.06.2019 16:38:03
Please tell us what is the price for apartmant for 3 people?12 days from 5.8.until 17.8.2019?or for studio for 2 people?
LAZIC MILAN10.06.2019 18:43:13
IVANA09.04.2018 00:57:11
2 porodice period 30.6-14.7. Ili 14.7-28.7 1. Porodica 3 odraslih+2 dece (11 i 11 god) 2. Porodica 2 odraslih+3dece (10,10,4 god) Molim Vas posaljite mi za oba termina da li su slobodni i cenu. Pozdrav
Anita31.07.2017 11:02:48
Postovani, Da li imate mesta za 3 odraslih i 2 dece (5 i 7 godina), u periodu od 19.08. do 02.09. za 15-15 nocenja i koja je cena? Pozdrav i hvala... Anita Vucinic (anita.knezevic@gmail.com)
Dragan Stojkovic18.07.2017 19:15:27
Hi, We are from Belgrade, Serbia and we would like to spend one week in Kala Nera or Affisos or Milina. I would like to ask you do you have apartment/studio/room available from August 13 to August 20. There are 4 of us, my wife, me and two kids (9 and 7 years). Also, do you have parking, wi-fi and air-condition? What is the price of the accommodation? Thank you. Best regards, Dragan Stojkovic
Mirjana Petkovic16.04.2017 23:43:09
Pozdrav. Interesuje nas smestaj na Pelionu, jedna od vila Saint Andrews u Milini. Ne znam razliku izmedju vile type D i ostalih a vidim da su cene nize. Nas je cetvoro ali je povoljnije uzeti ovu vilu ako ne gresim. Uglavnom ako nije problem par recenica u vezi sa smestajem i samim mestom. Bila bih zahvalna. Veliki pozdrav. Mirjana
Andreea Oprea01.02.2017 00:09:16
Hello we are a large group and we 'd like to spend our holiday in Pelion for 10 nights, starting 17 th of July. Please be so kind to let us know what do you have available for the dates and the price. Thank you, Best regards Andreea
Gordana Jovic16.07.2015 16:14:28
Dear Sir/Madam, we are looking for an apartment for our summer holiday in Greece from tomorrow and for 10 to 12 days, depending on a price. we are family with two little kids and my mother is traveling with us. we are 3 adults and 2 kids. please let us know as soon as possible because we have to decide today where we are going to. Thank you, Gordana Jovic tel. 381 21 6619801 cell 49 176 80658481 (using whats app and viber)
Vesna Vojteški26.02.2015 12:40:22
Poštovani, Molim Vas da mi odgovorite za cenu objekta u periodu od 15.08.2015 pa do 31.08.2015. na 10 noći, za 2 osobe sa detetom u zajedničkom ležaju. Pozdrav!
Nikana27.02.2015 12:52:07
Postovana Vesna, vlasnici se u ovom trenutku ne javljaju na telefone. Moze li da dodje u obzir neki drugi smestaj? Mozete nam pisati na mail nikana@nikana.gr