Ioannidis Rooms
In the small town of Olimpiada, in the second row from the sea, lies the accommodation Ioannidis Rooms. Modestly furnished and somewhat older, this accommodation is suitable for those who wish to be close to the beach and all the amenities of the town.
Located 30m from the beach, with a supermarket at a distance of 100m.
The accommodation consists of six units, five triple and one quadruple apartment, spread on the ground floor and the first floor. The triple apartments have one double bed and one single bed. The quadruple apartment is situated on the first floor, offering one double and two single beds.
All units are equipped with internet, air conditioning, TV, and mosquito nets. The bathrooms are similarly equipped in all units, featuring accordion doors and a shower tub. The kitchens are also equally equipped, with a stove with two burners, a small oven, a large refrigerator with a freezer, and necessary utensils. Each apartment has a terrace, some with two, offering a side sea view.
The accommodation does not have a courtyard or private parking, so guests can park along the street.
Bed linen and towels are changed every five days, while guests are responsible for the cleanliness of the apartment.
Ioannidis Rooms is the ideal choice for those who prioritize proximity to the beach.
In our Guide to Athos you can find outmore information about the town of Olimpiada.
Irena Đorđević11.02.2025 16:01:41
good day, we are interested in accommodation in the period 24.08.-05.09. we want 12 nights, the date can be a little flexible. two adults and two children (6 and 3 years old) price?
igor menevski07.02.2025 14:08:21
Cena molim
Slavica Malinović-Milićević09.12.2024 14:34:03
Pozdrav, Zainteresovana sam za Ioannidis Rooms u periodu 24.07-03.08.2025 za tri osobe. Molim vas recite mi da li je apartman slobodan i koja bi bila cena. Datume je moguce pomeriti +-2 dana.
Sladjana25.10.2024 18:25:55
is a 4 bed apartment on the ground floor. Is there a bathroom with a shower and is there a separate bedroom and one bed in the kitchen? Thanks a lot for info
Sladjana25.10.2024 12:33:08
is a 4 bed apartment on the ground floor. Is there a bathroom with a shower and is there a separate bedroom and one bed in the kitchen? Thanks a lot for info
Sladjana25.10.2024 07:40:25
Postovani, da li trokrevetni apartman ima odvojenu spavacu sobu i da li poseduje kupatilo? Da li je moguce dobiti 2 odvojene spavace sobe. Termin 20-30.jun 2025. za 3 odrasle osobe i dete od 4 godine. Cena takodje. Hvala
Anja21.08.2024 15:04:34
Da li apartman ima kuhinju? Pošto piše da je samo soba odvojena od spavaće sobe, nigde se ne pominju i kuhinja i kupatilo? Meni bi bila potrebna i kuhinja, kada i da li ima slobodan studio ili apartman početkom septembra? Hvala
Martin14.08.2024 23:29:01
Interesuje me smestaj 0d 7 sep. do 9 sep. 3 odrasli i dvoje dece (11 god i 6 god). Ioannidis Rooms dve spavace sobe . Cena ?
Jelena08.07.2024 14:23:58
Da li imate smešta za dve odrasle osobe i jed o dete 8 hodina od 10.ili11.ili 12. Na 10 noći?
Ema07.06.2024 15:00:21
We looking for accommodation for 2 adults and 1 kid 8 year old from 20 juni to 28 June, 8 night Please tell me do you have room and prise
Vesna Guresic25.04.2024 14:28:41
Can you tell mi the price for ten nights starting from 3august ,two adults and three children(3,5,8years)?We need a apsrtment with four beds, bathroom and a kitcheen.
Jelena29.02.2024 23:29:06
Hi! Do you have 2 rooms in this accomodation from 20th June (10 nights)? If so, are they on the ground floor or firta floor? Thank you, Jelena
Natasa Djuran18.08.2023 22:42:28
Hi I need an apartment for two adults from 28.8- 7.9. Do you have something available ? Best regards Nataša
Jasmina09.08.2023 18:39:17
Kako bi znala da sam rezervisala ?Depozit gdeda uplatim i kada?
Dragan 07.08.2023 20:57:33
Καλή μέρα! Μπορείτε να μας κάνετε κράτηση διαμονής - διανυκτέρευση από 13/08 έως 17/08 για 12 άτομα και 1 παιδί.., σε τι τιμή.. Αντίο
Anica Stojanovic27.07.2023 10:52:33
Potreban smestaj od 7-17.8
Miljan23.07.2023 15:43:12
Hi, i need a apartement for two adults from to 04.august to 11.august , do you jave something available? Best regards
Blazenka Dimitrovski22.07.2023 17:05:04
Da li sam ovim rezervisala smestaj?
Snezana15.07.2023 07:25:58
καλημερα, ενδιαφερόμαστε για διαμονή, διαμέρισμα για 4 ενήλικες, για την περίοδο 02.08-12.08, δεκαήμερο. Ή μερικές μέρες πάνω κάτω. Στην Ολυμπιάδα
Jasminka10.07.2023 12:03:03
Good day. Do you have free accommodation from 28 (29, 30, 31) 08 for ten days for two adults and a child of 12 years. Price please.
Dejan04.07.2023 12:59:21
Interesuje me od 8 ili 9.7 7nocenje ev.8 noći za 2 osobe na koju cenu moze se naci smestaj?
Jelena02.07.2023 18:35:08
Poštovani, potreban nam je smeštaj na sedam dana u drugoj polovini jula studio ili apartman za dvoje dece (8 i 10) i dvoje odraslih.
Bojana 30.06.2023 16:20:35
Dobar dan Zanima me da li imate jedan trokrevetni i jedan četvorokrevetni apartman za period od 18-28.7?
Aleksandar22.06.2023 07:56:49
Poštovani, interesuje me da li imate slobodan smeštaj u periodu od 01.07. -04.07. za porodicu, dvoje odraslih i tri maloletna deteta, 4,7 i 10 godina? Hvala na odgovoru. S poštovanjem, Aleksandar Bogojević
Katerina18.06.2023 21:26:33
Sakam da rezerviram apartman za 4 vozrasni i 2 mali deca od 16.07 do 22.07 .dali ima slobodno?
Zaklina16.06.2023 18:54:52
Moze li slika od vilata kako ke ja najdeme vo Olimpiada lokacija