Christianna Studios
Christianna Studios is an accommodation located in Parga, in a peaceful location. It offers spacious, fully equipped studios for up to four people. Guests are provided with wireless internet and private parking. The accommodation has an excellent value for its price and quality.
The Piso Krioneri Beach is located approximately 800m away, while the city center is about 600m away.
The property consists of a total of 8 units positioned on the ground floor and the first floor.
These air-conditioned studios (28m2) can accommodate up to four people with one double or two single beds, four single beds, and either one double bed or a sofa bed. The studios are equipped with a TV, wireless internet, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, and mosquito nets.
Christianna Studios also has a four-bed apartment (45m2) on the ground floor. The apartment features a double bed in a separate bedroom and another double bed in the kitchen area. It has two televisions and two air conditioning units (one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen). The apartment includes a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with a shower cabin, and a large terrace.
Daily cleaning is provided, with bed linen and towels changed every third day.
Guests also have access to private parking.
Christianna Studios is an ideal choice for couples and families looking for excellent accommodation in a peaceful location close to the city. It offers great value for the price and quality, with the only drawback being the distance to the beach. Due to its proximity to the center, staying at this property allows you to enjoy the charms of beautiful Parga.
In our Epirus Guide, you can find more information about Parga.
Nikola Djordjevic17.02.2025 19:02:23
Interesuje ma da li imate slobodne dermine u perodu 21.07-31.07 na 10 noci ili neki drugi priblizni termin. Potreban je trokrevetni apartman koji nije u prizemlju.Da li je moguć dolazak sa malim psom Hvala
Goran 20.11.2024 12:04:41
Zanima me da li je soba sa slike 87 sa pogledom na krajičak mora dvokrevetna a ako nije da li postoji takv dvosobni apartmanć U suprotnom rezervisali bi sobu u Dafni studiu. Molim odgovor sto pre kako bih danas rezervisao smestaj. Pozdrav!
Maria Ivanova12.04.2024 17:07:31
Hеllo, do you have 3 available rooms/apartments for 3 families (12 people), every two adults with 2 kids from August 15-th for 10-14 nights? Thanks and have a nice day!
Tatjana Trifunović 20.03.2024 12:49:27
Poštovani,imate li slobodna dva apartmana za dve četvoročlane porodice.Deca uzrasta od 11 i 15 godina u obe.U periodu od 15-25.07.
Marija 14.03.2024 19:01:35
Do you have free apartment for five nights from 23.06-28.06.2024 for one family two adults and two small children (4and 7years)
Marija17.02.2024 17:29:20
interesuje me da li su studiji na spratu ili i na prizemlju.
Marija17.02.2024 17:23:01
Dobar dan, zelim da rezervisem smestaj u Christianna Studios za cetiri osobe, ali da smestaj ne sadrzi kauc na razvlacenje nego francuski i dva singl ili 4 singl lezaja, ali ne znam kako. Hvala
Sladzana Angjelkovska30.07.2023 10:47:45
Hello, I am interested in two two-bed studios for the period from 01.09 - 09.09.23. Let me know if there is any availability and what is the price for that term Thank you, Sladzana
Olivera18.07.2023 11:55:12
Postovani, da li imate slobodan smestaj za 10 nocenja u periodu od 5.avg do 25.avg, dolazak nije fiksan, za 4 odrasle osobe? Moze studio ili apartman. Hvala unapred.
Aleksandar petrovic25.03.2023 08:30:22
Postovani, Hteo bih da rezervisem studio 1/2 u Christianna Studios u periodu 29.07. do 08.08. 10 nocenja , pa ocekujem Vase upute Sedacan pozdrav
marijana nikolic24.02.2023 20:55:08
Interesuje nas da li od 22.7. do 1.8. 2023. imate slobodan jedan dvokrevetni studio u Kristijani (Parga) ili ako nemate tu, onda u Dafni studiju. Nase dete jos nije sigurno da li ce moci sa nama da krene, ali ukoliko bude mogla da li bismo u tom slucaju mogli da doplatimo jer vidimo da je kvadratura studija ista. Pozdrav
Vladica27.08.2022 02:51:12
Motica Nicoleta19.06.2022 21:24:23
Hello, Please, if you can show us the cost of accommodation for 10 nights. We are 3 couples (6 adults and 2 childrens , 6 and 10 years old). We need 3 studio with kitchenette. 2-2-4 persons. We arrive in Parga, June 25, 2022 and we leave on July 5, 2022. Please, tell us if you have something free in this period. Best regards, Nicoleta
Stojan30.07.2021 17:52:12
Cisto, cisto, mirno.... Sve je odlicno, od vlasnice, preko studija, do lepe i pomalo brdovite Parge... Nemamo nikakvih zamerki... Topla preporuka.
Adrian19.07.2020 20:46:57
Hello, We are 1couple with 1 children up to 4 years old The child sleeps in the room with the parents, a separate room is not necessary. We are looking for accommodation for any other 8 nights in the period 3- 13 august. Do you have anything available? How far is it to the center of Parga and what are the nearest beaches ? Best wishes, Adrian
milan lazovic01.03.2020 09:12:31
Postovani,zanima nas smestaj u ovom objektu u periodu od 16.07. do 26.07. za 2 odrasle osobe i dvoje dece Konkretno nas zanima na prvom spratu sa pogledom i terasom kao sto je predstavljeno na slikama Cena? Uslovi placanja? Srdacan pozdrav Hvala
Ivana16.02.2020 20:19:04
Zdravo, da li imate slobodan cetvorokrevetni, i dvokrevetni apartman u periodu od 22.07.2020-01.08.2020.I koja bi bila cena za ovaj apartman? Hvala unapred
Massimiliano Eboli18.11.2019 18:10:43
Good evening, I wanted to ask you for availability and prices for 4 apartments, for the following period: from 16 to 30 August, the apartments must be composed as follows: 1, 3 adults 2nd 2 adults + 2 boys 12 and 16 years 3rd 2 adults + children 12 and 7 years old 4 ° 2 adults + 1 8-year-old girl in anticipation of your best offer I thank you in advance. Let me know how far it is from the sea regards. Massimiliano Eboli
Jasmina18.09.2019 12:44:48
Prostran, cist studio. Velika terasa (apartman broj 2) sa prelepim pogledom. Na uzbrdici je, ali nije nikakav problem doci peske u centar, ako imate i malo kondicije. Tvrdi jastuci i dusek, ali to je subjektivno. Menjanje posteljine i peskira na svaka 3 dana. Za svaku pohvalu!!!
Xxxx08.09.2019 22:31:19
Odlican smjestaj.
Anita16.08.2019 17:03:32
Postovani, da li je vila slobodna u teriminu od 9.septembra, na 5 ili 6 noci, dvokrevetna soba, i koja bi bila cena? Pozdrav
Marija Jankovic15.05.2019 18:21:58
Dear, Can you please check availability and price for two 4-bed studios (2+2) for mentioned period? Thank you Marija Jankovic Belgrade, Serbia
Mirjana Milovanovic15.03.2019 20:50:21
Postovani, Da li imate slobodne apartmane ili studio u periodu 20.07.-30.07. za cetvoroclanu porodicu ,dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece,uzrasta 13 i 11 godina Hvala
Aleksandar09.03.2019 16:02:41
Zdravo, Interesuje me dali ima slobodni studio u periodu od 24.07.2019 do 03.08.2019 za troje odrasle i jedno dete. Hvala vam,
Ivica Petrović25.02.2019 22:12:03
Postovani, Interesuje me termin od 15-20jula do 25-30 jula deset nocenja u tom periodu. Cetvoroktevetni studio dva odrasla i dva deteta 13 i 10godina Hvala na odgovoru unapred
Marina28.07.2018 21:13:33
Da li imate slobodan dvokrevetni studio u periodu oko 10. Avgusta za 10 nocenja? Hvala!
Ivana 17.06.2018 12:31:53
Da li je slobodan dvokrevetni studio za odrasle osobe u periodu od 16.07 do 26.07.2018? Hvala, Ivana Lazarevic
Marija16.06.2018 22:09:41
postovani, zainteresovani smo za dva cetvorokrevetna apartmana u periode od 07,07,2018. do 12.7.2018.
Tanja Radevic13.06.2018 13:43:40
Postovani, zainteresovani smo za boravak u vasim apartmanima , period boravka bi bio 10 noci, bilo koji termin u periodu od 17.07.2018. -19.08.2018. Potreban nam je cetvorokrevetni apartman ( 2 odraslih i dvoje dece 12 i 8 god) i dvokrevetni apartman 2 odraslih. Da li ima slobodnih apartmana u ovom periodu i koja bi bila cena cetvorokrevetnog a koja dvokrevetnog apartmana? Kakva je situracija sa parking mestima? Pozdrav! Tanja Radevic
Ljubica17.05.2018 23:08:13
Porodica- 2 odrasle osobe, 2 dece ( 7&10 god) Termin 27.06.-09.07. Slobodan Četverokrevetni studio ili apartman? Cena? Hvala unapred
Vesna Stanojkovic01.04.2018 18:15:39
Da li imate slobodni, jedan dvokrevetni, jedan trokrevetni i jedan cetvorokrevetni studio za period od 21.07-01.08. Hvala!