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Gordana Tasic11.06.2024 20:06:09
Do you have available apartment for 2 adults and 2 children (one is 2year old and other is 13 year old) from 16. july in period of 7-10 days and what is the price?
Ivana Milenković28.05.2024 08:57:32
Poštovani, Interesuje me da li imate smeštaj za porodicu, dvoje odraslih i deca od 14 i 11 godina, četvoro ukupno. U periodu od 22.07 - 01.08.2024. Hvala
Luka13.01.2024 21:06:00
Pokušavam da rezervišem putem obrasca na ovoj stranici, ali ne radi... Dakle, za porodicu, 2 odraslih + 6 + 4 + 1 (troje dece)... 17-29 jun 2024. Da li ima i pošto je? Hvala.
Jelena Mitić26.07.2023 10:06:10
I nead 3 bads studio for my family (13 years old daughter, my husband and me) for only 5 nights. Thanks, Jelena Mitic, from Belgrade, Serbia
Jelena Mitić26.07.2023 10:04:18
I ask for 3 bads studio, for our fammily (13 years daughter, my hasbund and me) for only 5 nights - from august 4th to 9th. Thanks Jelena Mitic from Belgrade, Serbia
Natasa Djuric25.07.2023 23:32:19
Three units
Marija Naumovic15.05.2023 14:07:00
Da li ima slobodno u terminu 17.06.-25.06.2023. za dvoje odraslih i dete 12 godina?
Biljana 16.07.2019 14:54:43
Da li ima slobodan termin u avgustu i koja bi cena bila za petoclanu porodicu? Deca su stara 7,6,3 godine? Hvala