Kosta Apartment
Kosta Apartments is located in the center of Pefkohori, in the pedestrian zone, just 170m from the sea and the beach. Situated in the second row of buildings from the street, it is shielded from noise.
The nearest store is 30m away from the accommodation. It is approximately 170m from the beach.
The apartment (35m2) is situated on the second floor, accessible by external stairs. It consists of a hallway, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a terrace.
In the kitchen, which is part of the living room, there is a stove with two burners, an induction hob, and a large refrigerator with a freezer. The living room features a sofa bed where two adults can sleep, a dining table with chairs, while the terrace has a garden table and chairs. The bathroom is small, with a shower curtain and an open shower. The living room is equipped with air conditioning, while the bedroom has a ceiling fan.
Bed linens are changed every 5 days. Guests are not provided with towels or hygiene products for the bathroom and kitchen.
There is no private parking available, so guests can park their cars in the surrounding streets.
If your choice for this summer is Pefkohori, and you wish to spend your vacation in a peaceful location, in an accommodation that will make you feel at home, Kosta Apartment can be an excellent choice for your family.
In our Guide to Kassandra, you can find more information about Pefkohori.
Mira723.02.2025 19:53:45
Da li imate slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete u terminu od 3.8-13.8
Zeljka25.06.2024 20:03:23
Postovani, da li imate slobodnog mesta za period od 11.08.-18.8.za ukupno 8 nocenja, dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 6 godina?
Miljana30.07.2023 14:48:38
Pozdrav, jel ima slobodnog smestaja od 19. do 26. avgusta, za dve osobe?
Aleksandar Milenković26.07.2023 23:34:21
Potreban smestaj za dve porodice jedna sa dvoje dece a druga sa jednim od 29.7 deset noci
Dejan18.07.2023 12:58:25
Do you have a free apartment for a family of 3 adults and 2 children (17 and 10) from 08 August for 7 nights (possibility of 3 more nights)
Zoran Kovacevic09.07.2023 11:32:14
Jel slobodan smestaj od 20.08 10 dana
Marina02.06.2023 17:17:05
Zanima me da li imate slobodnih apartmana (Kosta Apartmant) u periodu od 05.08. do 14.08. I koja je cena noćenja za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta (16 i 17.godina)
Milica Ostojic15.05.2023 08:36:07
Postovani, zanima me cena smestaja za period od 1 do 10 jula za porodicu sa 3 male dece od 9,6,1 godine sa odvojenim sobama? Srdacan pozdrav
Jelena 13.05.2023 21:26:34
Postovani,zanima me da li je slobodan smestaj za 4 odraslih sa pogledom na more i koja bi cena bila u terminu od 01. do 11.avgusta?
Danijela25.04.2023 09:59:44
Zanima me 10nocenja od 19,20 juna za 2 odraskih I 3 dece 10,8,7 god
Dragan15.02.2023 23:36:46
Zainteresovan sam za stmeštaj u Kosta Apartment (Pefkohori) u periodu od 20.-30. juna. Koja je cena za porodicu sa dvoje dece (14 i 3 godine)? Pozdrav!
Katarina15.08.2022 08:26:11
Pozdrav Da li imate neki smestaj u Pefkohoriju,Haniotiju u period od 16.08 do 22.08 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece Hvala
Daniel06.06.2022 22:33:35
Dobro vece zainteresovan sam sa Kosta Apartmant ili slicno za period 31.07 do 05.08,ali bi mi trebalo jos 2 takva ako bi moglo bas u blizini po mogucnosti u istom objektu sto bi bilo idealno
Stanko Jovanovic02.06.2022 17:52:59
Zainteresovan sam za steštaj u Kosta Apartment (Pefkohori) i interesuje me tačna lokacija objekta. Na web starnici se prikaže mapa Beča kada se klikne na lokaciju ! Pozdrav