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Ljupka15.08.2024 13:18:03
Dali imate slobodan smestaj od 19 do 25 Augustu i koliko je od plazi odaljenost?I kako bi mogli iz MK da rezervisamo?Hvala puno!
Snezana Mladenovic21.06.2024 14:27:36
Da li ima slobodnog smestaja od 16.07. 7 noci za 3 odrasle osobe. Moze i neki drugi datum okviru od 15.07.do27.07
Milan Stamenkovic23.04.2024 20:52:40
Dear, I wonder if you have a free studio in the period from 12.08. to 22.08. (10 nights). The room would have remained 2 adults and one child of 13 years? Price? Best regards, Milan
Aleksandra Cvetkovska16.03.2024 08:24:07
Molim vas za potvrdu dali imate slobodan smestaj za jedan 4 krevetni i jedan 3 krevetni studio u periodu od 05.07.24-12.07.24 Hvala puno!
milan marjanovic30.07.2023 22:32:18
Da li je slobodan u peruodu od 09.08 do 21.08
Sanja28.07.2023 07:56:37
3 odraslih I dvoje dece od 6 I 7 godina, period od 13, 14 pa I 15og Avgusta na deset nocenja?
Raluca Donovici25.07.2023 12:33:20
Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience. I would like to rent the apartment between 15.08-20.08.2023, for 3 people, me, my husband and the child who is 7 years old. I hope that the apartment has 2 areas for sleeping with a door between them because we absolutely need the door. I would like a contact phone to make sure we make a real reservation. My phone number is 0040752264734