Sunset Beach Apartments
Sunset Beach Apartments is the accommodation in Minia, just 30 meters from Spasmata sandy beach. Situated on a large plot, with a nice yard and lots of greenery and flowers, it also offers private parking, a wall-mounted barbecue with dining sets and a small children’s playground.
Minia is characterized by a peaceful atmosphere, so it suitable to everyone who comes to this island primarily to rest and enjoy the natural beauty.
There are 10 apartments (30m2) for 4-5 persons, with four single beds or one double and two single beds (and the possibility of adding a folding auxiliary bed). Apartments have two bedrooms (each with air conditioning, TV and a terrace or patio with a seating set), two bathrooms (one in each bedroom) and a fully equipped kitchen. Bed linen and towels are replaced every three days, while cleaning is performed on a daily basis.
Drive along the coast (parallel to the highway) from Argostoli then take right at the Casa Buganvilla and after turning into the second street on the right continue ahead for another 700m. Make a right again and 350m later you will see this accommodation on the right-hand side of the road.
The proximity of the beach is something that sets this facility apart from others in the same place. At just 30m from Sunset Beach Apartments, the sandy beach Spasmata is ideal for seniors and youth. The crystal blue water, which is characteristic of this part of the Ionian Sea, also contributes to the atmosphere.
Sanja20.02.2025 11:09:20
Da li imate slobodno od 20.07. do 03.08.2025. 4 odrasle I dvoje dece od 9 I 12 god. I cenu molim?
Biserka Jovicevic09.01.2025 11:46:10
Da li možete reći cenu smeštaja tokom jula za 2 odraslih i 2 dece uzrasta 12 godina? Hvalla
Petra Backova06.07.2024 16:51:38
Could you provide pick up service from airport? Thank you
Sanja02.03.2024 09:43:28
Da li imate slobodnog smestaja u periodu od 20.-30.jula za 6 porodica?
Dragana 15.02.2024 20:41:13
Koja je cena za 10 noćenja
Oana Popa16.01.2024 21:55:02
Hello! We are 4 families with 2 adults and 1 child per family. Please tell me if you have available apartments for mentioned period and the price per apartment. We can stay together 2 families, if it is possible to sleep in the living room or add and extra bed in the bedrooms. Or we can find solution with your approval. Thank you, Oana.
Zorana Kostic03.01.2024 03:21:39
Da li ima u periodu za prvu noć od 20.7 do 1.8. 10 noci, za tri odresle osobe i dvoje dece, apartman sa dve spavace sobe?
Jelena Ristic17.07.2023 17:08:29
Postovani, Zamolila bih za informaciju da li ima slobodan duplex apartman za 5 osoba (3 odraslih i 2 deteta) u periodu 28.07-05.08 Unapred hvala na odgovoru.
irena gjorgievska 10.07.2023 09:29:56
dali ja smestaj slobodam u periodu 10.08-19.08 u apartment za 4 odrasle osobe I dali su dopusteni kucni ljubimci?
Biljana09.07.2023 21:28:00
Dali imate 2 cetvorokrevetna apartmana za period od 7,8,9,10 avgust za 7 dana
Dina Tomasev20.02.2023 12:37:28
Dobar dan, Da li imate raspoloživih apartmana za 6 osoba (4+2), za 15 noćenja, u periodu od 12.07. do 05.08.2023? Hvala najlepse na odgovoru!
Tamara Aksentijevic27.12.2022 17:20:09
Postovani, Interesuje me cena za 2 pororodice u periodu od 1.8.2023. na 10 nocenja. 1. Porodica 2 odraslih i 3 dece(11,10;10 god) 2 porodica 2 odraslih i 2 dece (12,10) Pozdrav, Tamara
VASILIKI CHONDROU09.07.2022 15:38:00
Marija10.06.2022 20:54:13
Imate li slobodan smestaj za 4oro clanu porodicu, 10 dana, u bilo kojem periodu nakon 10.7.
Danijela28.02.2020 16:53:09
Interesuju me dva apartmana. Jedan četvorokrevetni i jedan dvokrevetni u periodu od 15.07. pa na delje i to 10 noći. Datum dolaska nije fixni,kad ima termina
Ana Sibinovic11.07.2019 20:49:30
Da li je apartman slobodan od 13.7. do 23.7. ?
Marija Evgenijevic08.07.2019 21:54:14
salonmarija76@gmail.comSve je bilo super!!Dvoriste predivno,cisto,plaza prelepa i veoma blizu!!
Aleksandra Rancic15.05.2019 12:19:40
Postovani, Zamolila bih za informaciju da li ima slobodan duplex apartman za 5 osoba (3 odraslih i 2 dece) u periodu 11.08.-21.08.2019 (10 nocenja). Unapred hvala na odgovoru. Srdacno, Aleksandra
Danilo13.04.2019 09:17:25
Poštovani,vrlo lep i povoljan smeštaj.Imam samo jedno ,najdobromernije,pitanje.Na par stotina metara od smeštaja je aerodromska pista.Koliki je nivo buke i koja je frekvencija letova.Trebalo bi i to staviti u opis.Pozdrav Danilo
Zorica07.04.2019 18:16:36
Postovani,da li u terminu od 15.7. (ili oko tog datuma)ima slobodnih apartmana za dve porodice sa po dvoje dece.Hvala unapred!
Sanja Jakic31.03.2019 23:05:52
Postovani, Da li imate 5 slobodnih apartmana u periodu 30.7.-11.8.2019 i koja bi cena bila? Ukoliko nema 5 slobodnih napišite koliko ima Hvala,pozdrav Sanja
Biraut Ramona28.03.2019 20:15:27
Hello, accomandation for 2 adults and 2 children 5 years and 11 years , the period is 12.08.19-20.08.19. Thank you.
Zsuzsanna Pal10.03.2019 13:02:58
Hi, My name is Zsuzsanna and i want to ask if you have free rooms/apartment for 7 adult and 5 children, for this period : 14.07.2019-22.07.2019 , 8 night, and what is the price? 1 room/apartment for 2 adult 1 children (age of children 11 year ) 1 room/apartment for 2 adult 2 children ( age of children 9 and 14 year) 1 room/apartment for 3 adult 2 children (age of children 9 and 11 year). Thank you, Pal Zsuzsanna
Andrea09.03.2019 11:04:01
Zanima nas smestaj za 3 odrasle osobe i 1 dete od 2 godine, za period od 03.08. do 16.08. (13 noci/14 dana) i cena? Hvala unapred.
Frosina18.02.2019 11:02:09
Postovani interesuje nas smestaj u Sunset beach apartmanu na Kefaloniji 10 nocenja u periodu oko 15.06, pa bih vas molila da mi kazete cene. Mi smo cetvroroclana porodica, dvoje odraslih dete od 11 i dete od 2 godine i mislim da bi nam apartman odgovarao :) Ili nam vi predlozite jos koji smestaj u tom periodu. Hvala vam unapred
Edmund09.01.2019 17:53:35
Hello Me and my wife want to stay at sunset beach Apartments from 20.06.-11.07.2019. But we like to live on the upper floor. Is there an Apartment available with seaview on the upper floor ? What is the price for it ?
Fotis17.02.2019 17:07:06
Hello Thank you for your interest in our apartments. We have available room for you for that period, Just proceed with the booking through the Nikana website and you will get the price for that. Thank you Fotis
Natasa06.11.2018 15:04:35
Poštovanje, Zanima me ovaj apartman za petočlanu porodicu od 20.07.-09.08. (20 noćenja). Vidim da je cena u tom periodu za 20 dana 1584€. Da li bi imali neki popust na toliko dana? Unapred hvala na odgovoru. Pozdrav, Nataša