Mavra Studios
Mavra Studios is a decent accommodation in Ligia, across the beach with rounded stones and very clean water. It offers studios and apartments for two to four people, in a well-located place, with a good price-quality ratio.
The nearest supermarket and bakery are located at 150m, and the center is about 200m away.
Mavra Studios consists of 19 studios and apartments. Double studios (18-20m2) have one double bed and a view of the courtyard, mountain, or sea, triple studios (22-28m2) have one double and single bed or three single beds and a view of the mountain or sea, while the quadruple apartment (28m2) and superior quadruple apartment (30m2) contain one double bed in the bedroom and two single beds in the kitchen area.
The accommodation units are air-conditioned, equipped with a TV, kitchen, bathroom with a hairdryer, and a terrace. Wireless internet is available throughout the villa.
There is no reception, but one of the owners is always at the snack bar on the ground floor, for any information and assistance.
Cleaning, as well as changing of bed linen and towels, is done every third day.
There is no private parking, but it is not difficult to find a place nearby.
Mavra Studios is recommended for guests who want to spend their vacation near the beach, in decent accommodation, at a reasonable price.
In our Lefkada Guide you can find more information about Ligia.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Srdjan Vukasinovic22.02.2025 11:08:25
Zainteresovan sam za apartman za dvoje sa pogledom na more. Zeleo bih da apartman bude u prvoj kuci do puta. Koji je to apartman.
Ivan Janicijevic22.01.2024 20:39:52
Hi, I need 3 studios or 3 apartmants or mix. 3 families(2+1)
Marko24.08.2023 21:16:31
Nasli smo ovaj smestaj, ako mozete da proverite raspolozivost za 2 bed economy sa cajnom kuhinjom i sa doruckom, ili 2 bed studio no view takodje sa doruckom.
Lenka09.07.2023 21:04:14
Dobrý deň..máte voľné pre troch s výhľadom na more a plus raňajky od 15.7.-22.7. Ďakujem
Taune Cristina07.07.2023 12:58:37
Hi We are 3 adults (2 adults and our daugther 19 years old) and a small cat, very quiet. We are looking for an accomodation between 16-27 september, with a small kitchen, close to the beach. Thank you, Cristina
Attila Havaši17.05.2023 10:44:45
imate li sobu..apartman za dvije osobe sa pogledom na more na spratu od 16/17.07 do 26/27.07 .2023 i koja bi bila cijena hvala lijepo i lijep pozdrav
Mirjana Antonijevic08.05.2023 13:25:05
Milena25.04.2023 17:18:18
Dali bi ovde nesto moglo od 7.8 do 14.8 za troje odraslih i dvoje dece?
Jerneja17.02.2023 06:39:53
Koliko je cena za 3 krevetni studio s pogledom na more u razdoblju od 25.6. do 1.7.
Tamara 21.07.2022 16:14:52
Zdravo, da li imate slobodan smeštaj od 10.08 u četvorokrevetnom apartmanu sa dve odvojene spavaće sobe? Pozdrav.
Gorana Stojnic21.05.2022 21:21:39
Hello! Do you have an apartment for four people. That the rooms are separate. two adults and two large children aged 15 and 17. in the period from 13.07 to 20.07 seven nights. the date of arrival can be moved by a day or two. Thanks !
branislava congradac19.05.2022 11:06:41
Iinteresuje me dvokrevetni apartman sa kuhinjom u objektu B (npr.7) period boravka bi bio od 13.09. do 22.09.2022 godine. Molila bih cenu i da li postoji mogućnost bookiranja sa plaćanjem na licu mesta! Hvala i srdačan pozdrav! Branislava Čongradac
Željko26.05.2020 23:48:15
29.06.2020.-19.07.2020. 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 11 i 7 godina, plaćanje odjednom po dolasku. Konačna cena sa svim troškovima?
Radoslav02.02.2020 05:05:45
Poštovani, da li je slobodan 5+1 apartman i 3+1 studio u periodu od 20.07.20 do 30.07.20? Pozdrav
Zoran20.08.2019 11:19:31
Od 26.08-03.09 trokrevetni apartman i cena?
Milos29.06.2019 21:14:38
Zdravo, trazimo smestaj od 27.7 do 6.8.2019. godine, za grupu od 5 ljudi. potreban nam je dvokrevetan apartman sa dnevnom sobom gde se nalazi jedna sofa.
Predrag 23.06.2019 21:25:20
Da li je 5-krevetni apartman raspoloziv u periodu 30.06. - 07.07? I da li ima dve spavace sobe?
Bodor Cristina20.03.2019 21:08:56
Hello! I would like to know if you have any available rooms for the dates 20-28 august(8 nights) for three famillie: -one familly with one child of 5; -one familly with two children of 7 and 12; -one familly with three children of 9,11 and 12( if necesary two rooms) Thank you and I wait for your respons
adriana chitu20.02.2019 13:53:38
Hello, we are a group of 8 families who want to come to summer vacation in Greece in 2019 in Lefkada and please let us know what prices are for this period for the following group: -2 adulți și 1copil (15 ani) - C: 2 adulți și 2 copii (12 ani și 14 ani) - D: 2 adulți și 2 copii (11 ani și 17 ani) - O: 2 adulți și 2 copii (7 ani și 14 ani) - C: 2 adulți și 2 copii (4 ani și 10 ani) - B: 2 adulți și 2 copii (8 ani și 14 ani) - G: 2 adulți și 2 copii (11 ani) - D: 2 adulți between 26.07.2019-03.08.2019 Please send your offer individually to each family.
Marijana Pavlovic07.07.2018 00:47:39
Dear sirs, we are interested for the accomodation in apartment or studio with kitchen for 12 nights. Starting August 19th. Departure August 31st. Two adults and two girls (8 and 12 years old). If this kind of apartment/studio is available in that period, could you send a price for 12 nights. Thank you in adbance for the best price, if it is possible. Marijana Pavlovic Novi Sad Serbia
Edlira Dautaj03.07.2018 12:25:00
reservation 6 mekri 8 august tetraklino domatio
Ivana23.06.2018 18:13:12
Postovani,interesuje nas dal imate slobodan apartman od 16.07-26.07.(10 nocenja) za dve osobe i dete ,i koja je cena najma aprtmana ? Hvala puno
Milos08.06.2018 19:01:54
8 14:27:45 Postovani, interesuje me da li u periodu 22.07.2018-01.08.2018, postoji slobodan studio za dve osobe sea view, pod uslovom da se studio nalazi na spratu i da ima terasu... Unapred zahvalan.
Milos08.06.2018 14:27:45
Postovani, interesuje me da li u periodu 22.07.2018-01.08.2018, postoji slobodan studio za dve osobe sea view, pod uslovom da se studio nalazi na spratu i da ima terasu... Unapred zahvalan.
Aleksandra Petrovska06.06.2018 14:04:04
Zelimo rezervaciju za 4 Bed Studio za period of 23 Juna do 30-tog Juna 2018. Pozdrav
Marija24.05.2018 20:28:12
I would like to know if there is an available studio or apartment for 2 adults and 2 kids from 3 July till 13 July and how much does it cost? Thank you !
Jelena15.05.2018 10:57:52
Poštovani, zanima me smestaj za osam odraslih osoba u periodu od 23.jula do 1.avgusta. Da li imate cetiri dvokrevetna apartmana u tom periodu? Pozdrav
UgljesaUtjesinovic28.03.2018 18:18:48
Hello,We are weary much interested into staying in your beautiful apartments. We would need one studio or small apartment for me and my wife, and one apartment with two separate rooms for my sister and her family. The date for us is not fixed, we can move it for few days depending on your availability. Best regards, Uglješa Utješinović.
Snezana24.02.2018 22:49:04
Postovni, Da li imate u vili Mavra slobdne dve sobe trokrevetna (porodica 2odraslih i1dete od 13godina) i jednu cetverokrevetnu (porodica 2odraslih i 2 deteta 11i13 godina) u terminu od 19 do 29 juna. Termin moze da se pomera dan dva gore dole. S postovanjem Snezana Aleksic
zoran19.08.2017 15:03:09
imate li studio za dve osobe sa pogledom na more na spratu od drugog septembra
milica27.07.2017 17:55:07
da li imate slobodan cetrvorokrevetni apartman (4 odrasle osobe) u periodu od 07.08.2017. do 16.08.2017. i koja bi bila cena za to? hvala
Bojana27.07.2017 11:00:15
Za dve osobe. Od 31.07 do 10.08
MONICA MIRTA22.07.2017 13:10:31
Hello Please tell me if you have a free studio for two persons from 05/08/2017-12/08/2017 and which is the price. Thank you
Nadica Djordjevic19.07.2017 21:37:12
Hy! Do you have a free apartment for 4 people from 31.7. Or from 1.8 and how much they cost ? Best regards!
Andjelka09.07.2017 23:57:02
Smestaj za dve osobe od 16, 17.07 do 26, 27.07? Hvala
Ceca15.06.2017 08:09:04
Da li imate slobodan trokrevetni studio za dve odrasle osobe i dva deteta (7i9god) od 20-30.06. Hvala
EVANGELOS MARGIOULAS13.06.2017 21:52:03
Interesuje me cena za trokrevetni sobe (dvoje odraslih i jedno dete. 10 god) u perjodu od 01.8.2017 do 11.8.2017 ili 31.7.2017 do10 .8.2017.