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Dragana Spasovic10.05.2024 22:12:07
Interesuje me od 28.6 do 7 jula za dve osobe. Da je apartman blizu vode da nije guzva bas za odmor. Nisam nikad bila u Grckoj pa neznam gde bi bilo lepo za mene i drugaricu? Najverovatnije autobusom dolazimo. Hvala unapred
Neda 10.05.2024 10:05:32
Pozdrav, Zanima me koliko bi koštao smještaj u ovom studiu za 2 osobe u periodu od 07.07. do 13.07.2024?
marija čikarić23.02.2024 14:48:15
Molim Vas za cenu u periodu za koji sam napisala. Hvala
Marijana07.02.2024 19:02:01
We need accommodation for 5 families this summer. Can you please send me: Are you available for the dates and studios stated below? Which studios are available? What is the price and deposit needed? What is cancellation policy? Is there parking? 28.6.-12.7. Family 1-Jovic 2 adults, 2 kids 9years and 6years 28.6.-12.7. Family2–Ivanic 2 adults, 2 kids 8 years and 6years 30.6.-12.7. Family 3-Todorovski 2 adults, 2 kids 11years and 6years 28.6.-12.7. Family 4-Živanović 2 adults, 1 kid 8years old 28.6.-12.7. Family 5-Pesic 2 adults, 1 kid 8years old
Valentina Tudor02.02.2024 16:39:57
Hello, We are a group of friends 7 adults and 4 children and we need 4 rooms as follows: 3 rooms for 2 adults + 1 child and 1 room with a double bed. 13 - 19 July 2024.
Marko13.08.2023 06:35:40
Pozz Intereseje me smestaj za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje male dece od 3 god Od 19 avgusta do 26 Da li ima slobodan termin Pozz Serbia
Jelena27.07.2023 14:46:26
Postovani, da li imate slobodan termin od 01.08 na 10 noci ili 12 noci za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 4godine? Unapred zahvalna. Pozdrav
Dusko Veskovski13.03.2023 17:29:52
Dears, i want to reserve acomodation for 4adult and 2child for june 16.06-30.06.23 two week. please send me best offer for two week i,m flexibile about date in june or july best regards Dusko
cezar buica04.01.2023 11:24:40
Hello. I am interested in staying with you in August. whenever there is availability, for 4 families consisting of 8 adults and 2 children (14, 15 years old). please tell me if it is possible and related costs
Jelena25.05.2022 10:17:33
Do you have a free apartment from July 18 for two people? Best regrards