Elaia Apartments and Studios
At the beautiful location of Agios Ioannis, just 600m from the beach, you will discover the exquisite Elaia Apartments and Studios, surrounded by verdant greenery.
Near the accommodation, you will find a supermarket, bakery, taverns, and cafes.
The accommodation consists of four studios and two four-person apartments, located on the ground floor and first floor. The units feature a double bed and two single beds.
All units are equipped with air conditioning, WiFi internet, a TV, a fully-equipped kitchen, a bathroom, and a hairdryer.
Private parking is provided for all guests of this accommodation.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Zoran27.01.2025 10:16:39
Da li u apartmanu postoje dve spavaće sobe sa po jednim bračnim krevetom i sofa u dnevnoj sobi, jer u tom slučaju bi moglo stati 5 osoba, ili grešim?
Stefan26.08.2024 20:04:19
Da li u smestaju ima pegla? Hvala
Dejana 22.08.2024 11:30:43
Pozdrav, da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu od 1.9 do 8.9.2024 i koja je cena?
Limonka Lazarova19.06.2024 23:24:11
Dear, We are interested in accommodation for the period of July 13th to July 21st for a family of three (2 adults and 1 child, 8 years old). Do you have any available studios or apartments during this time? If so, could you please provide the pricing details? Thank you. Best regards,
Aleksandra06.06.2024 23:33:58
Poštovani, interesuje nas termin od 29.7. do 5.8. za tri osobe. Hvala
Ivana Curic 06.04.2024 12:29:31
Zanima me cena za 2 osobe,u sobi sa kuhinjom u trajanju od 10 dana
slobodanka josifovska18.03.2024 23:21:35
termin od 23.06-01.07 2024 za 8noci koliko kosta
Aleksandra25.08.2023 10:25:14
Hello, do you have an apartment for 2 people available from 28 August to 02 September and what is the price?
Vesna06.08.2023 23:02:30
Postovanje, da li imate slobodnih mesta za period od 5.09-15.09 za 5 odraslih osoba i 2 deteta od 2 i 3 godine. Hvala.
Natasha26.06.2023 14:48:38
Poshtovani,koristili smo vashe usluge na Lefkadu i Tasos i ove godine vi ste nash izbor. Zanima nas 7mo dnevni smeshtaj od ponudjenog slobodnog termina od 9tog jula, mi smo cetvoroclana porodica i treba nam 4 Bed Apartment, no 1 u Elaia Apartments and Studios unapred zahvalni
Sylvia Van Lennep18.06.2023 10:22:04
Do you have a ground floor studio or apartment available for check in 23rd /24th and check out 27th of June?
Danijela19.04.2023 12:03:50
Respected, I am interested in whether you have an apartment with a separate bedroom available from 3-07-14.07 for two adults and a 13-year-old child. What is the price and how can it be reserved?
niki24.01.2022 15:32:42
Ako me vid ne vara, zar ovo nisu bili Niki studios??? Ovo izgleda, novo ime, nove cene...!?
Alexandros 03.08.2021 22:50:41
Καταπληκτικά όλα, άμεση εξυπηρέτηση και πολύ όμορφο το μέρος, το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα!!!
Marija14.07.2016 17:37:48
Dear, We are interested to spend our summer holiday in your resort. Can you please send me an information's for the accommodation facilities that you have?? We are looking an accommodation for 2 families. We prefer two, 4-bed double rooms apartments.First family :2 Adults....2Children.... age 13 and 4 Second family:2 Adults 2 Children.... age 17 an 14 Please inform me for the available apartments for the period of 1 August- 10 of August (10 nights) and information's for the rates and terms of payment. Best regards, Marija
Νίκος Χάμος09.06.2015 11:38:17
Θα ήθελα να μου επιβεβαιώσετε την διαθεσιμότητα και τις τιμές για δύο διαμερίσματα για συνολικά 9 άτομα 4 ενήλικες και 5 παιδιά ηλικιών 17,13,10,10,7 για ημερομηνίες 25/6-2/7. Ευχαριστώ
Dusan10.06.2015 18:03:44
Σε αυτο το ξενοδοχειο υπαρχουν δυο διαθεσιμα διαμερισματα στην περιοδο που ζητατε. Ενα εχει τιμη 60ευρω, και το αλλο για 5 ατομα 75ευρω. Αν θελετε να προχωρησουμε με την κρατηση, στειλτε μας μηνυμα στο nikana@nikana.gr και θα επικοινωνησουμε με το ξενοδοχειο. Αν θελετε να τσεκαρουμε την διαθεσιμοτητα για κατι αλλο απ την προσφορα μας, ειμαστε στην διαθεση σας. Ευχαριστουμε