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Kosta Novkovic11.02.2025 23:21:35
Postovani, interesuje me raspolozivost i cijena apartmana za 2 porodice u periodu od 1.7. do 10.7.2025. godine (9 nocenja). Jednu porodicu cine 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece (starost djece je 4 i 8 godina) Drugu porodicu cine 2 odrasle osobe i 3 dece (starost djece 6, 10 i 13 godina)
Paola Roscioli19.08.2024 23:34:44
Hello, I would like to book a flat for 2 adults and an 11-year-old child from 4 to 11 September. Is it possible to have a flat with a separate room on the ground or first floor? What would be the cost?
Danijela Knežević31.07.2024 22:14:53
Cena za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 05.08 do 15.08
Nicoleta22.05.2024 12:07:28
Hello. We are a group of 6 adults and we want an accommodation for 7 nights (August 17th-24th) in unit 2 bed studio. Do you have availability for these 3x units 2 bed studio? Are there any additional charges applied to the final cost per stay (except the government tax). Thanks!
Željko Kovačević06.05.2024 19:45:54
Postovani, Zainteresovani smo za trokrevetni studio u periodu od 05-15.avgusta. Kako se vrsi placanje, mora li se izvrsiti uplata na devizni racun ili se novac moze doneti u vasu kancelariju u Beogradu? Takodje, sta znaci semi-based (3 bed studio)? Hvala unapred na odgovorima. Pozdrav, Zeljko
Ivan12.01.2024 00:44:56
Zanima nas cena?
Sanela Babic07.08.2023 11:41:14
Imate li Slobodan apartman 2 odrasle osobe +dete13godina za period od 21,22.08.2023 10 nocenja
Natasa Mihajlovic05.08.2023 16:45:05
Dears, we are family with one kid (11yeaes) and dog, german shepard, well behavied. Do you have accomodation in period 10.08. for 10 days Ths Natasa
Ivona 16.07.2023 11:51:14
Dobar dan da li imate slobodan apartman za 2 odrasle osobe,devojcica 3 godine I beba 10 meseci?
Goran04.07.2023 09:36:35
Dobar dan dali imate slobidnih soba u terminu od 15.08do 25.08.za dve osobe i koja je cena.Hvala
Eli28.05.2023 23:19:12
Hello, do you have free apartament for the dates 27.06 until 7.07.2023 it's about a couple and 2 children age 9. Thank you
Marko24.05.2023 20:20:54
Pozdrav, Da li ima slobodan termin od 30.07.-07.08. za dvoje odraslih i jedno dijete od cetiri godine?
Lazar24.05.2023 17:02:29
Postovani, da li imate Slobodan smestaj za mladi par, interesuje nas soba sa bracnim krevetom, terasom I kuhinjom u period od 10.07-19.07. Hvala unapred
lazar 24.05.2023 16:58:12
Pozdrav, zanima me da li imate slobodan studio za mlad par od 10-19 jula i ako imate molim vas da mi posaljete ponudu, hvala lepo
Ljubinko21.08.2022 22:21:09
Cena za 9 nocenja.Bracni par je u pitanju.
Jelena Nikolic01.08.2022 16:02:04
Accommodation availibility Dear sirs, greetings from my family from Serbia. We would like to know if you have availability for me, my two daughters (9 and 5) and my parents. Me and the kids need 1 double bed or two single beds, since the small one sleeps with me. For my parents also 1 double or two single beds. We can stay in 1 apartment, it is not a problem for us, or in two if available and on our budget. Preferably one apartment, if available two bedrooms would be ideal. We are planning our vacation from 17.-27. August. And if available please provide us with a price. Thank you.
ivana01.08.2022 12:04:03
Hello. Do you have apartment for 4 adults and 1 childe, period 22.8-3.9. Period is flexible few days.
Aleksandra10.07.2022 17:12:55
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 4 i 6 godina u periodu od 30.7. do 13.8. ili minimum 10 noći u tom periodu?
Tamara08.07.2022 08:21:12
Da li ima slobodno od 25.7 deset noci, ili neki dan kasnije. Dvoje odraslih,3 dece(16,12,0)
Dunja05.07.2022 18:56:41
Pozdrav, Da li imate slobodan dvokrevetni studio za period od 13.8. - 22.8.2022.?
Milan01.07.2022 00:23:21
Hello, We want to rent your studio. We are falimily with one chlid 9 year old. Do you have free studio on frst or second flor 20-27.07.2022? Thank for you answer. Milan