Ploumisti Studios
Just a few steps away from one of the most beautiful beaches in Sithonia - Kalamitsi, you will find the accommodation Ploumisti. It represents an ideal choice for those who wish to be close to the beach, especially for families with children.
The accommodation shares the same building with Maro House. The beach is about 40m away, as well as the taverna, and the mini market is about 50m away.
There are four quadruple studios available, two on the first and two on the second floor, and one new triple studio on the first floor.
All quadruple studios are equipped in the same way. Each one has a double bed and bunk beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony. The kitchen is equipped with necessary utensils, a stove with two burners, and a refrigerator with a freezer compartment. The bathroom has a shower cabin with a curtain. The spacious balcony has a table and chairs, and they all face the neighboring property.
The triple studio is completely renovated. It is furnished with a double bed and a sofa. The kitchen has an induction hob and a refrigerator with a freezer compartment. The bathroom is modernly equipped, and the shower is built in, giving the impression of a shower cabin. The balcony has a table and chairs, and offers a direct view of the sea.
All studios are air-conditioned and have a TV, internet, and mosquito nets. Bed linen and towels are changed, and cleaning is done every three days. There is no yard, but there is a private parking available 250m away from the accommodation.
Turn off the main road at the first sign for Kalamitsi and descend to the street next to the beach. After you reach the beach, turn left and drive for about 200m until you reach Dimitris Gyros, behind which the accommodation is located.
If you are looking for accommodation in a peaceful location, close to a beautiful sandy beach, then this accommodation is the right choice for you.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Kristina 24.02.2025 13:24:40
Zdravo, Dali imate sloboden smeshtaj za 3 vozrasni i edno dete od 8 godini , za periodot 19 juli do 28 juli za 9 noki Fala vi Pozdrav
Andrijana19.06.2024 19:06:21
Postivani , da li u ovom smestaju mozemo da se smestimo sa troje dece(11,7 i 1 god? Zanima nas ovaj termin od 23.6 do 30.6. Hvala!
Marija03.06.2024 18:17:20
Hello, I would like to ask you if there is available studio for two adults with one kid 3 years old for period 22-27.7 ? Regards!
Dušan 05.05.2024 18:35:15
Da li je slobodan neki od apartmana sa 4 ili vise kreveta u Kalamiciju u periodu od 17.07.2024. do 31.07.2024. ?
MILEVA VULIĆ07.02.2024 15:32:56
Dobar dan zanima me da li imate slobodno posle 10.08.24. 12 noći?Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 10 i 3 god. Molim za cenu? I za cenu novog studija.Pozdrav!
ana31.01.2024 10:29:18
meni treba trokrevetna soba vo novih apartmana
aleksandra31.01.2024 07:41:23
volela bi da rezervisem ali u novi aprtmena sa pogled prema more
Ružica Šijačić21.01.2024 19:51:17
Dear Sir or Madam, I am contacting you with a recommendation for accommodation. We are interested in the availability and price for two or at most three adults (depending on whether our daughter will go to the sea with us or not😀) in the period from 07.07-17.07.2024 (ten nights).
Ivana Ilijev14.01.2024 15:11:52
Dobar dan, zamolila bih vas za informaciju o smestaju Polumisti studios Kalamici. Naime nas je tri porodice, dvoje odraslih sa jednim detetom od 11godina. Da li imate na raspolaganju taj studio u periodu 22.7-1.8.2024. Znaci tri studia bih rezervisali ako postoji mogucnost.Hvala unapred.
Nevena Brankovic27.08.2023 14:02:44
Pozdrav! Da li ima slobodna soba od 17.09 do 24.09 (7 noci)? Dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od tri godine. Ako nema u ovoj vili, molim vas za neku preporuku za smestaj u Kalamiciju. Hvala
Natalija10.08.2023 16:04:22
Da li ima slobodno krajem avgusta za 4 odrasle i 3 dece. ( 2 od 1 god i decak 5 god)? 11 nocenja. Hvalaaaaaaa
Jadranka03.08.2023 07:45:27
Zdravo, Dali ima slobodan apartment za 2 vozrasni i dete od 3 godini za period od 26.08.2023 do 02.09.2023? Pozdrav
Jovana01.08.2023 15:41:14
Postovani . Da li je slobodan cetvorokrevetni Ap 8-13.08
Daniela Krstic 11.06.2023 11:52:56
Da li ima slobodan cetvorokrevetni (manji) studio u periodu 26-26 jul?
Mina04.06.2023 21:42:22
Poštovani, Zainteresovana sam za Novi 4 krevetni studio. Vidim da ima jedan francuski lezaj, ali ne mogu da shvatim gde su jos dva lezaja na slikama koje ste podelili. Hvala na odgovoru.
Tamara Stevandic18.05.2023 00:24:08
Postovanje, da li ima u septembru slobodnih termina recimo 7noci? Unaprijed hvala
Violeta Velimirovic17.05.2023 16:55:35
Postovani, zanimaju me slobodni termini bilo kad u julu ili pocetkom avgusta. 4 odraslih i dve bebe(12 i 9 meseci)
Danijela Đorđev17.05.2023 16:42:56
Poštovani, Da li ima slobodnih termina u julu i avgustu za letovanje dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece (13 i 9 godina)? Zanima nas boravak od 10 noćenja. Pozdrav!
Miroslav 10.05.2023 14:43:42
Postovani, Interesuje me smestaj za 2 odrasle osobe i dete 3 godine od 28.08. do 03.09. Hvala
Katerina01.04.2023 09:18:10
Postovani, Molim Vas za info. Slobodno u periodu 15.07-01 08.2023, za 7 nocenja. 2 odrasli i 2 djece ( 6 i 9 godina)? Koja je cena smestaja? Hvala Vam puno.