Asteria Studios
Asteria Studios is renovated accommodation in Potos, with very nice decorated garden, swimming pool, good restaurant and modern studios. It is in quiet location where you will for sure enjoy your holiday.
Accommodation is 800 meters from the central crossroads, near the road leading to Teologos. The town beach is located about 900 meters away.
All units were renovated for season 2018.
Asteria offers 10 studios is total - they can be for 2, 3 and 4 persons and they are situated in two buildings. In first building, 4 studios are on the ground floor and 4 are on the first floor. Two more studios are in the other building, next to the pool, on the ground floor.
Studios in the ground floor have one double (smaller than standard) and two single beds. Two studios are on the back side of the house and they have garden access while the frontal studios have street view.
Studios on the upper floor have mountain, sea and street view. Two studios are with double bed (smaller than standard) and two single beds. The other two have the same double bed and one single bed.
All studios have around 25m2. They have a bathroom, kitchen, A/C, TV, mosquito nets and balconies or space for sitting.
Kitchens are fitted correctly. There is a small stove with 2 burners, hood and mid-size fridge with small ice chamber. All the necessary utensils are provided.
WiFi (wireless) internet is available.
Towels and linen are changed every 3 days. Cleaning the studio during the shift is guests’ responsibility (there are accessories in each room), since no cleaning lady is always engaged.
The yard is extremely spacious, very well decorated, with lots of greenery. It is paved, there are tables and benches under the canopy, built barbecue, fountain, slide and swings for children, a shower and toilet. Swimming pool is nice, with sunbeds and umbrellas for the guests.
There is a large parking area in the shade across the house.
When coming from the direction of Limenaria you reach the central junction in Potos, turn left toward Teologos and after 800m of driving you will see villa Asteria on the right side of the street.
Villa Asteria is an excellent choice if you want to be relocated from the city and the biggest crowds, with a very large beautiful yard.
You can find out more about Potos in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Take a look at a video of the beaches near this accommmodation on our YouTube channel.
Miljan27.02.2025 16:31:27
Postovanje, zanima me cena za dva studija, ukupno 4 odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od 2god. 7 noci od 30 juna. Hvala
Dragan15.08.2024 18:55:47
Da li imate slobodan termin od 26.08 do 02.09
Tamara08.08.2024 11:25:09
Poštovani da li ima slobodan 1/4 ap u prizemlju za period od 21-30.8? Unapred hvala
Maja Stefanovska28.07.2024 11:03:53
Dali imate slobodni smestaj
Dubravka27.07.2024 15:10:21
Do you have Free studio or apartmana for 3 persons available grom August 13,2024 to August 23,2024?
Miodrag18.06.2024 22:24:16
Zdravo, da li imate slobodan apartman u trazenom periodu i kolika je cena za 7 nocenja?Hvala
Milos13.06.2024 12:01:48
Postovana, Da li ima slobodnog smestaja u periodu od 16.07. do 26.07. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (11 i 8)?
Bojan 11.06.2024 00:05:35
Zdravo. Me interesira koja e cenata za dvajca vozrasni i dve deca od 5 godini za BB i HB za period od 20.08 - 30.08 ?
andjela07.06.2024 18:28:52
Postovani, u periodu od 30.08 do 11.09 su u ponudi dva apartmana 3 bed i 4bed studio. Potrebna mi je dodatna informacija, da li su aparmani u prizemlju ili na spratu. Hvala unapred,
Milan19.03.2024 14:20:59
Poštovani, da li ima slobodnih 2 četvorokrevetna studija i to: Prvi u terminu od 10.07. do 20.07.2024. godine i Drugi u terminu od 15.07.2024. do 20.07.2024. godine.
Anja11.03.2024 22:00:55
Potreban apartman za 3 porodice sa po 4 osobe znaci 6 odraslih i 6 dece 10noci od 1,2,3,4 ili 5 avgusta
Anja10.03.2024 22:42:08
Treba nam smestaj za 3 porodice sa po 4 osobe znaci 6 odraslih i deca 3,7,8,9,10,15 moze od 1,2,3,4 ili 5 avgusta 10noci
Boris22.02.2024 21:03:31
Postovani da li imate slobodno za 2 osobe u periodu od 24.6. do 4.7. ? Hvala!
Snezana05.07.2022 21:10:55
Postovani, vidim da u tabelama ne postoji cena za polupansion, a stoji da ga smestaj pruza. Koliko bi iznosila cena polupansiona za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece (10 i 7 godina), druga polovina avgusta (recimo od 19/20.8- 29/30.8)? Hvala
Biljana Petrovic19.05.2022 12:34:11
Cena za polupansion i za nocenje sa doruckom za dvoje odraslih i dete od cetiri godine, od 24.7-05.07.
Alex Timaru13.07.2018 19:07:56
Hello Do you have something available for period 24 -31 of July? We are 2 adults and 2 children, 14 and 12 years old. And what will be the price? Thank you Alex Timaru
vesna prodanovic27.05.2018 00:36:49
da li ima slobodnih cetvorokrevetnih apartmana u 7 mesecu
Marina Graovac26.05.2018 17:23:22
Da li ima mesta za petočlanu porodicu ( dvoje odraslih i troje dece 7,9,11) u periodu od 9.7.-19.7.2018.? Koja bi bila cena za HB (doručak,večera)?
dali01.04.2018 16:38:23
od 23.7. do 30.7 HB 2 odraslih i 2 dece 12 i 14 godina. i jos 2 odraslih HB . ima li mesta
Vesna Rosic13.02.2017 21:40:15
Da li ima slobodnih kapaciteta za ovaj smestaj 4 Bed Studio HB 990 € za 9 noći
Violeta Ristovska25.06.2016 23:33:11
familija 2 vozrasni i 2deca cena za termin 07.07-20.07
stevan miletic06.06.2016 21:26:54
Interesuje me da li imate slobodan studio za dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete za period od 03.09 do 13.09. I da li mozete da mi kazete nesto vise o sluzenju dorucka i vecere da li je na bazi svedsko stola ili nesto drugacije. Unapres hvala
nemanja pruginic30.01.2016 08:53:38
dali ste dobili nove crne za ovu vilu.
nemanja pruginic29.01.2016 13:13:19
nemanja pruginic29.01.2016 12:50:03
dali imate ovde slobodna dva studija za period od 20 06 do 2 07
Vladimir30.07.2015 21:40:21
Da li ima nešto slobodno u periodu 09.08.2015 do 19.08.2015??
Jellena21.07.2015 08:23:32
Da li ima slobodan termin u periodu od 16.08. do 26.08., cetvoroclana porodica, koja bi bila cena
Nevena21.07.2015 13:15:22
Postovani, odgovor smo Vam poslali na mail. Pozdrav
Milena Popovic26.06.2015 20:36:57
Dobro veče,da li ovde ima slobodan termin za 31.juli-10.avgust ili približan dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece
Ivana27.06.2015 09:39:35
Postovani, Prvi slobodan termin u ovom smestaju je od 16/08-26/08. Da li Vam odgovara ovaj termin ili zelite da jos nesto proverimo za Vas? Pozdrav
Danijela Nenadic01.06.2015 07:44:38
Please let me know of the availability of the studio for 2 people in the period of 25th of August to 4th of September and please let me know of the availability. Thank you, Danijela
Nataša ( 08:03:44
Postovani, mozemo se dopisivati i na srpskom. U vasem terminu je slobodan dvokrevetni studio. Cena je 55 eura po danu. Ako odgovara, mozete odmah popuniti upit za rezervaciju. Pozdrav
Danijela Nenadic31.05.2015 17:24:24
Molim Vas da me obavestite o raspolozivosti i ceni u periodu od 27. avgusta do 08. septembra. Srdacno, Danijela
Nataša ( 17:38:17
Postovani, poslali smo vam odgovor na mail. Pozdrav
Milica13.07.2014 11:35:17
Postovani, nema mesta u ovom smestaju u vasem terminu, jedino slobodno u avgustu je 19/08 na 6 nocenja. Da li mozemo jos nesto da proverimo za vas? Pozdrav
Anoniman13.07.2014 01:48:25
koliko je ovaj smeštaj udaljen od lotosa-zbog naše orjentacije?ima li u njemu mesta za 04.-15.08(2+2),javi nam što pre,hvala!
Nataša ( 16:57:54
Dear Meri, unfortunately, the villa is fully booked from 20/6 until 25/7. Maybe we can find something similar for you? Just tell us until what price? Regards
Meri Spasovska Giceva29.05.2014 16:45:37
Hallo dear Georgia We are calling from Skopje. We are Zvonko and Mary with two children David and Matej from last year. We wont to come also this year from 21.06-30.06 in the same studio (it was on the 1 floor on the west side with the view to the sea) Can you tell us the price and arethere any free studios. Best regards and hope to see you again Mary
Nataša ( 21:44:46
Dear Iulian, there are free 4 bed studios for each family from 2/9-7/9. Would you like to reserve? If yes, please fill the request form in this link: Asteria Studios, Potos: or send us you names so we can fill the forms instead of you. The price per day in this period is 65 euros per day. Best regards
Herman Iulian22.05.2014 20:37:44
hi we are 2 families of 4 persons each family 3 adults and a child and the other family 3 adults and one child; I would like to know how it would cost us to your accommodation for the period indicated 02 sept-07 sept 2014; Thank you and I answered Julian herman
Nataša ( 10:43:00
Postovani, ima mesta u ovom smestaju, tako da mozete popuniti upit za rezervaciju pozdrav
Marijana20.07.2013 01:41:12
postovana, zanima me da li imate neki smestaj od 28.08.? Trazimo studio, da ima kuhinjicu, za dvoje. Cak i ovaj smestaj nije los. Hvala unapred Marijana
Nikana06.06.2013 08:45:00
Postovana, pogledajte sledece River Studios, Potos: Laskarina Studios, Potos: mozes li mi napisati kakav smestaj ti treba i do koje cene pa bih ti bolje predloge poslala Nikos Studios, Limenaria:
Anonymous05.06.2013 15:50:30
Postovanje, zanima me cena ovog smestaja za period druga polovina avgusta? Oko 15-20.og avgusta da pocinje smena? Takodje bih vas zamolila, ukoliko nije problem da mi date jos par predloga nekih povoljnijih smestaja za taj period. Treba nam dvokrevetna soba sa kuhinjicom. Hvala vam veliko unapred.