Panaretos Rooms
In one particular area of the island, at Skala Prinos, where olive green meets the beautiful blue sea, there is located the accommodation Panaretos. It offers ten rooms with sea view so the guests can spend their holiday in piece and quiet.
Villa Panaretos is located in Skala Prinos, on the small sandy beach. The center of the village with shops is about 2km away.
The accommodation offers 10 room with separate balconies and sea view. Four units are on the high ground floor and six are on the first floor. They have about 20m2. Two rooms are triple with one double and one single bed. One is located on the high ground and one on the first floor. Other rooms are twin with two single beds. Two of them also have a small bed for a child up to 6 years old, while in some of the others one extra bed can be added.
All untis have bathroom with a shower and curtain, and a small fridge. The owners can give a hair dryer to the guests. All rooms have AC, TV and internet. Pets are not allowed. Mosquito nets exist only on the doors.
Cleaning and the change of sheets and towels are being done every usually three days.
The garden is spacious with a lot of shade. The guests can use a BBQ and the outdoor kitchen with hot plates and a microway. Also, there is a children’s playground, table with chairs and sun beds. The owners do not have umbrellas.
Parking space is provided for all the guests.
The accommodation is located at the end of the village. Drive along the beach and when you pass the hotel Ilio Mare continiue driving on the dusty road and you will get to the villa.
If you are looking for a peaceful holiday in the true sense of the word, than villa Panaretos is an ideal choice for you.
Watch the video from this accommodation on our Youtube channel
Take a look at a short video from this place and city beach on our YouTube channel.
Popescu Ionut04.02.2025 15:07:16
Buna ziua, am dorii o cazare pentru 7 nopți începând cu data de 1.07.2025, suntem 7 adulți și 6 copii( 1,6,7,8,10,11 ani).
Vladoiu mihaela20.01.2025 09:00:34
Bună ziua! Aș dori să rezerv trei camere ,două familii de câte două persoane și o familie cu un copil de 4 ani,în perioada 7 iunie-11 iunie.Ma puteți ajuta! Multumesc
Ivana Mijic04.09.2024 11:04:30
Postovanje, zanima me cena smestaja za dvoje odraslih i dvoje odraslih sa dvoje dece od 5 i 3 godine( dve sobe) u terminu 20.5.2025.-31.5.2025.. Hvala unapred.
Dragana03.09.2024 21:58:12
Pozdrav, zanima me cenovnik za jun 2025? Dvoje odraslih sa dvoje dece od 10 i 8 godina.
Ureche Elena Cristina05.08.2024 12:26:59
Buna ziua, dorim un sejur in Thassos, 2 adulti si 3 copii (14, 10, 6 ani) am dori ceva dupa data de 25.08.2024, pentru 10 zile daca ne puteti comunica ce disponibilitate aveti, se poate si 2 camere . Pret
Antonio23.07.2024 20:54:08
Please send me a price offer for the mentioned above period. thanks
Marija Rafailovska28.06.2024 17:49:20
I am interested in booking a studio for 2 adults and one 9 years old kid from 22-31 of August. We are flexible on dates. Thank you Marija
Biljana15.04.2024 10:15:40
Postovani, da li imate slobodan smjestaj za dvoje odraslih i tri djeteta (9, 6 i 3 godine) u periodu od 22.06 - 27.06 za 5 nocenja? Hvala
Danilo01.02.2024 20:22:14
Ivana01.02.2024 19:20:12
Postovani, zanima me cena smestaja 10 nocenja krajem juna za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece (10 i 11)?Apartman sa odvojenom spavacom sobom i da sadrzi kuhinju. Hvala
Росица Мънчева23.01.2024 17:55:16
Здравейте,може ли оферта за студио за 2 възрастни и 1дете на 13г. - 27.07.24-01.08.24
Doris Metzner28.08.2023 12:32:28
Wie schon mündlich vor ca 6 Wochen vereinbart, möchten wir heute die 2 Zimmer ( 8+9) vom 1.7.24 - 12.7.24 für uns und unsere 2 Enkel buchen. Wir hatten einen Sonderpreis von 50€ pro Zimmer vereinbart. Bitte bestätigen Sie uns die Buchung in Ihrem Haus 😃! Meine Telefon Nummer für WhatsApp: 0049 172 9471759 Vielen lieben Dank und wir freuen uns schon sehr.... Die Flüge haben wir gerade gebucht! Doris und Bernd Metzner
Magdalena02.08.2023 11:44:42
Irena01.08.2023 23:20:29
Postovani,jel imate slobodan smestaj za period od 8.08. do 18.08.(10 noci) za sve odrasle osobe I 2 dece (7 I 3)? Hvala unapred. Pozdrav
Valeriu Giusca23.08.2022 11:21:41
Hello , accomodation for two adult person between 03-09 .09 .22 ?
Carmen Ciuculescu16.08.2022 09:06:09
Hello, Please tell me what accommodation availability you have between 19-21.08.2022 and what is the price for a double room. Thank you in advance, Carmen
Svetlana 03.08.2022 14:52:31
Poštovani, Da li možda imate nešto slobodno za našu grupu od 8 (5 odraslih i 3 deteta) U periodu od 04.08-11.08 Hvala
Diana Cosma15.06.2022 21:00:33
Hello, do you have any accomodation for 2 adults and 1 child (7y) in August from 11 till 19? And what is the price? Thanks!
Sladjana Timotic04.06.2022 10:52:52
Koja je cena aoartmana za dvoje od 15.09.pozdrav.
Sanja03.02.2020 14:35:16
Postovani, Da li postoji mogucnst za upotrebu kuhinje, i da li u sobama ima kuhinja? Koja je cena za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 6 i 9 godina, Jul/ avgust. Hvala unapred
Tamara i Marko12.07.2019 09:35:10
Dobar dan, da li ima slobodan studio za period druga polovina avgusta, za dvoje plus malo dete ( dovoljan nam je dvokrevetni studio). Hvala unapred!
Sandra 12.01.2018 21:33:05
Poštovani, Da li u dvokrevetnoj sobi mogu da borave dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece ( 9 i 5 godina) ?
aleksandar25.08.2017 09:37:49
da li imate sobu za 2 osobe u tom periodu