Rizos George's Studios
Rizos George’s Studios is located in the heart of Potos, just a minute from the beach, so the location is great. It offers three studios for 4-5 persons and an apartment for a maximum of seven people. Cleanliness is at a high level.
The beach is located 130m from the accommodation. The nearest supermarket is at 30m, and the nearest taverns and restaurants are about a hundred meters away.
Rizos studios and Rizos George’s studios are located in the same house and are owned by a brother and sister. Rizos Giorge’s studios is located on the second floor. It offers one 7 bed apartment and three studios for families or group of people (up to 5 persons).
The 7 bed apartment (about 35m2) consists of two physically separate rooms, a bedroom with a large balcony overlooking the promenade and a living room with an equipped kitchen with a large refrigerator and oven. Another smaller refrigerator is located in the bedroom where are also two double beds, while in the living room there is one more double bed, one single bed and a sofa bed for two. The terrace extends along with the entire apartment with direct access from the bedroom and living room.
There are three studios, one of them overlooks the main promenade, in front of the house, while the other two overlook the interior of the yard and a small garden that the owners have arranged for their needs and among other things, there is a barbecue. allowed to guests. Two studios (number 1 and number 2) that look from the back have separate terraces but do not have a separate wall between.
Studios no 2 and 3 are 4 bed (about 25m2) and contain two double beds. Studio no 1 can accommodate up to 5 people because it was one single bed except two double beds.
The bathrooms are renovated and new everywhere, and the kitchens are well equipped. The equipment of the studio is the same as in the apartment, except that there is a large refrigerator only in the apartment. Studios number 1 and number 2 have two hotpplates in the kitchen, while apartment number 4 and studio number 3 have a stove and hotplate.
All accommodation units have TV, A/C, balcony, modern and new bathroom, internet signal and kitchen.
The yard is small, with seating area.
The accommodation has a private parking lot which is not located within the villa but is some 200m away.
Coming from Limenaria direction, just before the central crossroad and the amusement park, turn into the street that goes off to the right from the highway. Rizos George’s Studios is just on the right side.
Accommodation is a great choice for anyone who wants a close distance from the beach, as well as having the all facilities of the place.
You can find out more about Potos in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Take a look at a video of the beaches near this accommmodation on our YouTube channel.
Tamara Gilić24.02.2025 10:26:27
Postovani, da li imate bilo koji termin u drugoj polovini jula, pocetkom avgusta? Hvala
Jovana Davidovic18.02.2025 16:23:35
Postovanje, da li imate slobodan smestaj za 4 osobe u periodu od 22-jula 10 nocenja
Niketic Jelena17.02.2025 12:35:30
Dobar dan. Zanima me smestaj za porodicu sa troje dece 17,13 i 8 god u periodu od 07-17 jula? Moze i kasnije samo mi napisite kad i koja je cena. Hvala.
Igor13.02.2025 18:00:40
Cena za apartman sa dve odvojene spavaće sobe
Danijel11.02.2025 18:32:58
Kada ima slobodan termin u apartmanu za 5osoba
Daniela11.02.2025 15:20:33
Cena smestaja od 01.07 do 10.07 2 dece 2 odraslih?
Aleksandar Marković12.06.2024 15:16:13
Dobar dan! Kolika bi bila cena smeštaja za jednu tročlanu porodicu od 15. do 25. jula? Hvala!
Dragana Barac Nikolic14.01.2024 14:27:56
Hello We are interested for the 7 bed apartment in the time lot of 12.08.2024 until 25.08.2024.. Can you advise is the price from the cite of 1020 euro is valid or are there going to be additional costs? Thank you for your quick reply
Petar01.08.2023 12:53:26
Da li imate nesto slobodno u ovom terminu, dolazi u ozbir i koji dan pre i koji dan kasnije?
Mile 5801.08.2023 11:23:55
Da li image apartman za dvoje odraslih I dva mala détecta od 10 do 20 Augusta Pozdrav Mile koleski
Marija29.07.2023 18:08:23
Dali ima slobodno od 04/08 do 10/08 Za 2 familii 4 vozrasni i 4 deca Decata se na vozrast od 7,8,10,11 godini.pozz
Anita Dinic30.05.2023 10:41:16
Postovani, da li imate slobodna 2 studija za 2 porodice u drugoj polovinu avgusta? Hvala
Ljiljana29.05.2023 21:50:51
Postovanje ima li mozda cetvorokrevetni apartman u periodu od 25.7.2023 do 04.08.2023
Božidar Petrović15.05.2023 15:17:06
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodan smeštaj od 15.07. -25.07? U pitanju su 4 odrasle osobe i 1 dete (13 godina).Cena?
Ivana Ivancevic30.04.2023 18:36:01
Poštovani, molim vas za informaciju da li imate slobodan 4 bed apartment u periodu od 02.08. do 19.08. u pitanju su dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od 15 i 12 godina. Hvala unapred.
Milena 17.03.2023 17:04:42
Postovani Da li su dozvoljeni kucni ljubimci ?
Sasa26.02.2023 15:11:06
Da li je slobodan apartman za 7 osoba u periodu od 24.07 do 05.08?
Bojana29.01.2023 19:24:11
Zdravo.. Zanima me da li je slobodan sedmokrevetni apartman od 19.6. do 29.6..?
Ana15.01.2023 19:21:22
Postovanje, Da li je slobodan sedmokrevetni aprartman ili petokrevetni studio u periodu od 20.06. do 30.06.2023? Hvala unapred
Αλεξανδρα 13.08.2022 09:45:15
Εχουμε σημερα check in στις 14:00 υπαρχει περίπτωση να μπορεσουμε να αφήσουμε καπου τις βαλίτσες μας;
Dragana Stojiljković 10.07.2022 14:28:20
Sve pohvale! Gazdarica preljubazna, uslužna, apartman opremljen ful, zaista bez zamerki. Preporuka ogromna, nećete se pokajati nikako ako budete bili njihovi gosti.
Marko09.07.2022 17:57:56
Zdravo, da li je dostupan četvorokrevetni studio u periodu od 23.07. do 30.07.?
Marija20.05.2022 17:36:38
Da li ima slobodan smestaj 2 odrasla i 1 dete od 2.7-12.7.? Da nije u prizemlju. Hvala. Pozdrav, Marija
Aleksandra Petković17.05.2022 10:00:06
Da li je slobodan apartman za 2 odraslih i 1dete (6godina) od 1.07. do 15.07.?
Miljana Mitic01.05.2022 15:26:09
Da li je slobodan termin od 01.08,do 11.08.'22.Cetvorokrevetni studio za 2 deteta od 11 i 7 god. I za dvoje odraslih.Unapred hvala.