Short course of the Greek language
It must have occurred to you to come to Greece for holidays and to encounter a salesman that doesn’t speak English. Fortunately for the past few years, this is an increasingly rare case. Nevertheless, here are the most basic Greek words that might be of use to you on vacation.
**Basic terms:
**- no - ohi
- yes - ne
- please - parakalo
- thanks - efharisto
- I do not understand - den katalaveno
- I do not know - den xero
- Excuse me - signomi
- today - simera
- tomorrow - avrio
- now - tora
- left - aristera
- right - dexia
**- hello - yasou (if it is addressed to single person)
- hello - yasas (if it is addressed to an older person or a group of people)
- Good morning - kalimera
- Good afternoon and good evening - kalispera
- Good night - kalinihta
- How are you - ti kanis (if it is addressed to single person)
- How are you - ti kanete (if it is addressed to an older person or a group of people)
**- police - astinomia
- doctor - yatros
- hospital - nosokomio
- Pharmacy - farmakio
- medicine - farmako
- post office - tahidromio
- telephone - tilefono
**- Bakery - fournos
- fresh - fresko
- bread - psomi
- milk - gala
- sparkling water - soda
- bookstore - vivliopolio
- bank - trapeza
- money - lefta
- size - megetos
- big - megalo
- small - mikro
- cheap - ftino
- expensive - akrivo
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Vesna03.06.2023 08:58:13
Ja prevodim pomoću Gugla a upisujemo pomoću notes aplikacije,tako mi lakše
Jelenabata24.01.2014 15:11:19
[attachment=1287]25.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1288]26.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1289]27.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1290]28.jpg[/attachment] To bi bilo to... nadamo se da će koristiti... a sad - ponavljajte za mnom :)
Jelenabata24.01.2014 15:07:41
[attachment=1279]17.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1280]18.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1281]19.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1282]20.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1283]21.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1284]22.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1285]23.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1286]24.jpg[/attachment]
Jelenabata24.01.2014 15:04:41
[attachment=1271]09.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1272]10.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1273]11.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1274]12.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1275]13.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1276]14.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1277]15.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1278]16.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1278]16.jpg[/attachment]
Jelenabata24.01.2014 15:01:33
Obećano - ispunjavam: [attachment=1263]01.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1264]02.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1265]03.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1266]04.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1267]05.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1268]06.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1269]07.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1270]08.jpg[/attachment]
Nikana23.01.2014 12:11:32
Moze, mi smo tu. Evo korisne informacije koju je podelila Iva sa nama. Helenski fond za kulturu TEČAJEVI GRČKOG JEZIKA Upis na tečajeve grčkog jezika počinje 3. i traje do 21. februara. Cena četvoromesečnog tečaja je 9.000 dinara. Radno vreme: ponedeljak-utorak-sreda 11.00-16.00 četvrtak-petak 11.00-19.00
Jelenabata23.01.2014 11:56:15
može... "slikaću" pa postavljam
Pefkari23.01.2014 11:03:55
Hajge da aktiviramo ovu temu! :) Lepo i korisno u isto vreme!
Jelenabata24.12.2012 12:54:06
Kurs Grčkog iz "Novosti" sa izgovorom i link ka brošuri "Grčki na svakom mestu"
Nikana22.12.2012 17:53:58
Izgovara se eleolado. kada slova "a" i "i" stoje zajedno izgovaraju se kao "e". Mogli bismo da napravimo mali kurs grckog jezika na forumu :-) Kod njih nije bilo Vuka pa ne citaju kao sto pise :-) Ja znam da citam, ali ne pisem dobro :(
Mirarbi22.12.2012 17:39:01
Ako je verovati Google prevodiocu, maslinovo ulje se na grčkom piše ovako: "ελαιόλαδο", a izgovara: "eliolado".
Jelena15.07.2011 06:06:00
Kako se kaze maslinovo ulje?