Prices of sunbeds and umbrellas in 2022 on Thassos and Sithonia
The holiday season is coming slowly, and our team is on the scene gathering information about the prices of sun beds, parasols, drinks, food and daily updates via Instagram stories, which we keep in high-lights and you can always easily view them and see what the situation is from beach to beach and place to place. We know that many of you follow our blog and information on the site, which is why we are now reporting you on everything we have learned, travelling through Sithonia and Tassos.
We’re not going to talk individually about each beach, but make a general impression and mention some of the ones we visited.
Most of the beaches we have visited are such that sun loungers and umbrellas can be obtained for consumption, and in some beach bars it is limited to a certain amount. Many beaches also have a area where you can set up your own sun loungers and towels, and only a small number of beaches do not allow you to do so, and very few charge for entry.
Frappé prices range from 2.5 to 5€, fizzy drinks from 2 to 3.5, while freshly squeezed juices from €5 and beer from €3 to €5.
The larger beaches, which have multiple bars, generally have at least one option that you can get a sun lounger and umbrella if you pay for a drink. Ask for the options before you sit down in that bar, and we write to you about the conditions and prices on some beaches.
Karidi Beach is free to put your sun loungers and umbrellas here, and there’s also a canteen and a restaurant with quite decent food and drink prices.
Lagonisi Beach - entry €5 per person now in the off-season\, while in the season it will depend on the row of sun loungers you sit in (the first and second rows will be €15\, while for the third and fourth row prices will be €10\, and everything else stays as it is now 5€). If you like this beach\, when you get to the entrance\, the right road leads to a part of the beach where you can freely place your umbrella and towel.
Klimataria is also a beach where you can rent a set for a drink. When we were, only two restaurants worked, and in one they told us that the situation in July and August would be such that in addition to ordering drinks, the set would be paid €5.
Tigania Beach is one of your favourites and all of you who like to go there will be delighted to learn that all you need to do is order drinks or food and you can sit on sun loungers all day.
Sikia is a beautiful sandy beach in the same place. It’s quite long and you can set your things up almost the whole length. There are only a few cafés on the beach where you can get a sun lounger and umbrella for your order.
Lagomandra Beach is a beautiful beach where there is a lot of natural shade and places where you can put your sun loungers or towels, and there is also a section in front of the hotel where umbrellas and sun loungers are paid 10€.
Please note that in some places, if you sit in a café or restaurant, it is not permitted or recommended consumption of food or beverages that are not ordered there. If you still want to eat or drink something you brought, it’s best to do it outside the hammock so that someone doesn’t accidentally cause you a problem or alert you.
See our detailed guide to Sithonia
La Scala is one of the more popular beaches and by most it is best decorated on the island. Entry to it is not paid for and sun loungers and umbrellas are free of charge with consumption, but there is a limit on some sets. The cheapest variant is two sun loungers and a small table where you have to have a minimum of two drinks, and the price of a frappé here is 5€, juices too, so we can say that the minimum you have to spend here is 10€. If you’re on sets for more people, 4-5, there are two variations where you have to spend 100 and even €150.
Psili Amos is a very popular beach and here there are options where you pay for sun beds and umbrellas and you don’t have any drinks or food, and you have the option to consume. The price of these options where you pay for sun beds and umbrellas is 8€ for two sun loungers and an umbrella, and where there are free sun loungers for consumption you must spend a minimum of €10.
Notos is one of the more popular beaches if you’re on your holidays in Potos, it’s very beautiful, with beautiful sea color. There’s a little space on it for your umbrella and towel, but if you decide to be on sun loungers the price per set is €5 plus drinks, if you want it. The price of coffee here is 3€, and so are the juices.
The city beach in Potos and Limenaria has many bars and most offer the option of free sun loungers and umbrellas with one drink.
Metalia is an interesting beach for anyone who likes scuba diving and exploration, because it leads through the rocks to another cove. There’s plenty of room here to set up your hammock or towel and umbrella, but if you want to sit on sun loungers there’s a bar where you pay for the set €6 and it doesn’t include a drink.
Pefkari Beach is also great for all diving enthusiasts. The water here is extremely clean and beautiful, and on this beach there are sun loungers in all the bars for consumption, and the prices of frappé is from 2.5 to 3€. Food prices on Pefkari are a little higher than, say, Potos.
Glifoneri beach, it’s great for children, because it has natural shade, sand, it’s been shallow for a long time. On this beach we didn’t see umbrellas, maybe because of it’s natural shade, and the price of one sun lounger is €2.
On Porto Vati Beach, you need to order food and drinks worth €30 for one set of two liars and umbrellas.
Marble Beach seems to be the most famous and popular beach on Thasos. Here, the price of one sun lounger is 12.5€ per person and only one drink or coffee or juice is included in the price.
Paradise beach price one sun lounger is 4€, it costs as much as renting an umbrella and if you rent a set (2 sun loungers and umbrellas) the price is €10 and none of the drinks and food included in the price.
Aliki Beach is very small, but it is beautiful and should be visited for at least one day, more because of its surroundings than because of the beach itself. On this beach most locals give a set for consumption, but it is necessary to be early, to be able to get parking as well as sun beds.
Golden beach is a few kilometers long and there are many bars and restaurants where you have sun loungers on the beach. Many give them free for consumption, at least one or two drinks per set, whether you have coffee, juice, beer, while in some you need to pay for them and there is no drink included. We’ve been through a few and in just one we’ve come across the information that the price of a set is €5 plus a drink you have to buy.
Astris Beach near the Marley bar where we didn’t like anything special in previous years now we really liked it. There’s no crowds on it, it’s a nice entrance to the water. as well as the color of the water, unlike many beaches it goes deep fast, and here, like on most of the places you can get free sets of sun loungers and umbrellas with consumption. The price for frappé on this beach is 3.5€.
Check out our detailed guide to Thasos.
Before you sit in a café or restaurant on the beach, it is best to check the conditions that apply in the same way.
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Svadjač po plažama05.08.2023 11:55:08
2023. je situacija na Tasosu još gora. Ležaljke su nagurane do linije vode i kada nadodje plima ležaljke su u vodi. Cene su od 10€ to 50€. Svaki dan su nas za nešto opominjali na svakoj od desetak plaža na kojima smo bili. Te ne sme da se prave zamkovi u pesku, te ne sme ležaljka da se pomera da ne bude u vodi, te ne sme tako puno ljudi da stoji oko ležaljke (došli prijatelji da popričaju sa nama, nisu ni seli na ležaljke, ali ovi hoće da izmame još koji evro i iznajme još koju ležaljku), te ne smemo da jedemo grickalice koje nisu kupljene na plaži, strašno. Svaki dan smo morali da se svadjamo sa nekim oko nečega, toliko da sam pročitao grčki ustav i zakone vezano za prirodna bogatstva koji kaže - da su sve plaže javno dobro, - da niko nema pravo da zabrani ulaz na plažu (tebe gledam Makrijamos), - da ne sme više od 50% plaže da bude pokriveno ležaljkama (što svaka plaža krši, pogotovu Aliki, jer nema ni 4m² slobodne plaže), - da ležaljke ne smeju biti bliže od 5m od linije vode (što opet svaka plaža krši), - da muzika ne sme da bude glasnija od 50db (ovo moram priznati da većina plaža poštuje ali opet dosta njih i ne). Većina samih Grka ni ne zna ove zakone, i misle da ako hotel dobije dozvolu da koristi plažu, misle da je plaža njihova, a zaboravljaju da dozvola važi samo dok je u skladu sa gore navedenim stavkama iz zakona. Dosadilo mi je da se svadjam. Sada samo kažem, zovite policiju.
Dejan09.08.2022 07:32:25
Ovu temu definitivno morate ažurirati jer delite pogrešne informacije o cenama. Evo na primer La Scala... Na njoj je najminimalnija konzumacija po ležaljci 15€, dakle za dvoje ste u obavezi da potrošite minimum 30€ i to su oni setovi skroz pozadi, najudaljeniji od vode. Za ležaljke bliže vodi cena minimalne konzumacije je 30€ po ležaljci, dakle za dvoje (dve ležaljke i suncobran), morate da potrošite minimum 60€. Ono što dodatno izaziva nezadovoljstvo je činjenica da im je meni jako oskudan, pa gotovo da nemate na čega da potrošite tih 60€. Od hrane imaju tost, klub sendvič, burger i možda još ponešto, a od poslastica/dezerta sladoled, voćni jogurt i sveže voće, bukvalno samo te 3 stvari. Kada na to dodate činjenicu da im WiFi ne radi, bez obzira gde pokušali da uhvatite signal, čak i kada je na plaži 20 ljudi, ne možete da se ne zapitate vredi ili dati 60€ i za čega. Izbor pića jeste veliki, ali evo, ja lično ne idem na plažu da se alkoholišem ili nalivam sokovima do iznemiglisti. Što je najgore od svega, ne vidim opravdanost u ovako drastičnom povećanju cena jer ništa novo nije urađeno još od 2018. godine kada sam prvi put bio na Tasosu i na La Scali, a isto važi i za prošlu godinu. Apsolutno ništa novo. Jeste sve globalno poskupelo, ali ne greju oni plažu na gas ili naftu. To koliko su oni podigli cene i rešili da nadoknade možda dve slabije godine zbog korone je baš preterano i bezobrazno. Nekad su bili u cenovnom rangu sa ostalim plažama, malo skuplji, ali prihvatljivo, ovo nema smisla. Nažalost, na Tasosu su ove godine mnogi podigli cene i uveli obaveznu konzumaciju od minimum 10€ ili više, po ležaljci, ne po setu, tako da vas sada set od dve ležaljke i suncobran uglavnom košta oko 20€ ili više. Nije problem ni u tih 20€ ili 50€ koje morate potrošiti, ali kada imate na šta da ih potrošite. Naravno, nisu svi podigli cene u nebesa, još uvek imate normalnih i korektnih ugostitelja. Evo npr. nama jako draga plaža je Psili Amos, gde su ležaljke zaista besplatne uz minimalnu konzumaciju od 10€ po setu (za dve ležaljke i suncobran) što je više nego korektno. Grci k'o grci ili k'o mi srbi, daj da se malo ili nimalo ne uloži, a da se mnogo zaradi. Odnos cena i kvaliteta im nije baš na zavidnom nivou, čast pojedincima. Ja u Grčkoj letujem zadnjih 15 godina i doći ću i sledeće godine, nije to ništa sporno, ovde se osećam kao i u Srbiji, ali morali bi malo da podignu i nivo usluge, a ne samo cene.