How to order a Greek TAG device to an address in Serbia
The Greek EGNATIA PASS electronic toll payment device for Greek highways can be ordered completely free of charge from Serbia. The service is provided by “Egnatia Odos S.A.”, which sends the EGNATIA PASS device to an address in Serbia and covers the costs of shipping.
This device enables you to electronically pay toll fees when passing through toll plazas on all Greek highways, as well as the underwater tunnel to Lefkada and other tunnels and bridges in Greece that require a fee.
This means that you no longer have to pay tolls in cash or wait at toll plazas; instead, you can use the electronic lanes for passage. An additional convenience is that the device is identical to the Serbian one, so you can easily replace it with the Greek version. Furthermore, the EGNATIA PASS device is not widely used in Greece, so you can almost always pass through toll plazas without stopping.
When passing through toll plazas, the exact toll amount will be automatically deducted from your account. Indicators on the toll plaza signs will inform you whether you need to top up your account.
How to order the Greek EGNATIA PASS device:
If you speak Greek or English, you can easily and quickly order the EGNATIA PASS device over the phone at: +30 2310 470 100.
You can also place an order online, which is also simple. Visit the official company website here, choose English in the top right corner, and then click on the icon that says “New Customer Application”. It is not necessary to create an account.
A page will open where you need to enter your details in the fields (see the image above for guidance). Here, it is important to select “Private” in the first field if you are an individual, and in the “VAT” field, enter your passport or ID card number, and select “Foreign Tax Authority” as the Tax Authority.
On the next page, enter your address and contact information. It is important to enter your phone number without the plus sign in front of 381, and choose “Foreign Prefecture” as the Prefecture. On the following page, you have the option to enter any important information for the courier service, but this field is not mandatory.
On the next page, select the “Primary” option and below, under the designation for one vehicle, choose “Cat. 2” and enter your license plate number, and that’s it.
Soon, you will receive an email confirming that your request has been received, and they will inform you that there is an option to pay a certain tax that the Republic of Serbia may require, and you need to confirm your agreement with that (in practice, until now, there has been no tax that applicants have paid). When you confirm, you will receive a contract that needs to be signed, scanned, and sent, and within 7-10 days, the Greek EGNATIA PASS device should arrive at your home address. There is no customs fee, and they cover the shipping costs for our courier service.
When the EGNATIA PASS device arrives, it needs to be activated, which is done as follows:
When you receive the device, you will also receive a contract where you can find your Customer ID and Tax (VAT) Number. You open the website to register and enter these details from the contract, and below, simply tick the option that says “copy mail address”.
After that, you will receive an email to confirm your registration (“approve registration”). On the next page, select “Standard with admin privilege” in order to register your credit (or debit) card, and once again, approve it.
After that, you will receive another email where you need to confirm that you agree to the terms and click on the famous “I have read and accepted the terms…” and of course, click on Submit.
Then, you will be redirected to a page where you set your username and password for the website, and that’s it. You can now continue using the website with your username and password, set up your cards, choose the amount you want to deposit… The minimum initial amount that needs to be transferred is €15.
It may seem complicated when described in text, but it is actually very simple and quick. Just follow each step, and everything will be clear to you without our explanation. If it’s easier for you, you can do all of this on your desktop, but for easier use, updates, and monitoring of your card balance, it is best to install the application. Simply log in with the username and password you created during registration.
The application is called myEgnatiaPass and is available for Android and iOS devices.
It is possible to use the TAG device in several vehicles, it is only necessary to enter the registration number in the application for each vehicle.
The following is stated on the company’s official website:
“There is no limit to the number of vehicles. All you have to do is enter the registration numbers of the vehicles you have, during the registration process or whenever you want, and you will receive the corresponding number of electronic transponders – one for each vehicle.”
Llink to frequently asked questions on their site:
Unfortunately, we do not have step-by-step instructions for the procedure itself, because we did not have the opportunity to add another vehicle, so we do not have pictures for each step as in the text where it is ordered and activated.
If you have any questions regarding the process of adding another vehicle to your account, here are the contact details for their support service: You just have to provide the customer code (Your code that you received), so that your request can be resolved from the next working day.
We would like to mention that TAG is related to you, i.e. Your passport and license plates that you specified in the application (one or more) and that only you in that vehicle can use it.
Personal collection of Greek TAG at the toll booth
However, there is always some snag to prevent everything from being too easy and functioning perfectly. Since the season is in full swing, there is a possibility that the ordered TAG may be delayed, and if your departure time is approaching, you can cancel the request on the website and collect the TAG in person at one of the toll booths.
Namely, you can collect the TAG at the first toll booth after Evzoni, in the booth on the right side. You will need your passport and driver’s license. Collecting the TAG will take about 15-30 minutes.
Pay attention to the working hours of these TAG collection booths as they mostly operate until 17:00.
Here are the toll booths where you can personally collect the TAG:
- Evzoni toll booth immediately after the Evzoni border crossing - from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
- Promachonas toll booth after the border crossing - from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
- Malgara - from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 20:00, Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00
- Thermi central office - from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00
- Thessaloniki toll booth on the way to Igoumenitsa - Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00 and Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00
- Analipsi toll booth towards Igoumenitsa - from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00
- Pamvotida - from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
- Alexandroupoli exit 41 - from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
Ordering the TAG during your stay in Greece
If you do not collect the card in person at the toll booth, there is another option, which is to order it during your vacation and have it on your return to Serbia. Cards in Greece arrive slightly faster, within 3-4 days. More about that, we wrote in the article Tag for travel through Greece and North Macedonia.
You can enter your accommodation address as the delivery address, and a Greek phone number if you have a Greek card or your Serbian number on which you have Viber, and in that case, the courier will contact you via Viber. Of course, if all this is complicated for you, ask the owners if you can enter their phone number. All options work fine :)
Greek couriers call before delivering the shipment to verify your whereabouts at that moment, so there is an option for them to deliver the shipment to a different address. This means that you don’t have to be at the address you provided when the courier makes the delivery. If you are ordering the TAG during your stay in Greece, there is no need to print, sign, scan, and send the contract by email. The courier will provide you with a contract that you sign on the spot, and the courier will return them to the company Egnatia Pass.
Have a safe trip and enjoy your drive to Greece.
For instructions on how to purchase, activate, and use the Serbian and Macedonian TAG, as well as the Open Balkan service, click HERE.
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Dragan30.01.2025 10:39:24
Poštovani, poručio sam grčki tag a u polje registarske oznake sam stavio slova i brojeve bez crtice. Da li je to dobro ili treba crtica između brojeva i slova?
Igor09.01.2025 17:46:20
Poštovani, Kako da izvršim promenu podataka o vozilu i registarskim oznakama u TAG obzirom da sam promenio vozilo?
Aleksandar Neskovic03.12.2024 10:13:32
Oko toga za Egnatia odos , poslao sam zahtev preko email i dobio od njih neki upitnik oko mogućeg plaćanja carine , da li ste i Vi dobijali i da li je neko platio carinu a pisano je da je besplatno , hvala
Jovan29.08.2024 15:20:19
ako neko ne zna gde da najde tax number to je VAT Number nalazi se na pdf-u koji ste popunjavali kada ste slali zahtev za uredjaj (onaj pdf dokument gde se potpisuje svaka od 4 strane) kopira se ceo broj sa sve RS prefiksom, znaci tax number ili VAT number bi bio npr: RS 012345678
Darko11.08.2024 19:59:19
Kako mogu da izmenim/obrišem, dodao sam pogrešnu tablicu
Milan09.08.2024 08:21:51
Narucio sam dva taga za dva moja vozila,dali mogu sada da ih stavim na jedan akaunt da ne bi uplacivao pare posebno za svako vozilo???
Miki08.08.2024 23:02:13
Kako se vrši uplata na TAG EgnatiaPass? Hvala
Natasha08.08.2024 18:06:23
Registriirali smo se ali smo stavili mobile pass a trebalo je standard i sada nemozemo da ubacimo novac. Kako da promenimo iz mobile pass u standard?
Vojislav31.07.2024 23:26:22
Popunio sve kao iz uputstva i samo mi je dosao meil da je moja prijava prihvaćena, bez dela za dodatne troškove, a nije stigao povratni meil sa ugovorom. Šta raditi dalje?
Darko31.07.2024 22:35:19
Poručio tag, pratio upustva, njihov odgovor i ugovor dobio posle 2 nedelje, odma posle toga tag stigao za 5 dana. Sve besplatno, nijedan trošak nisam imao, doneo aks - isto besplatno.
Che29.07.2024 12:06:42
Da li je moguce promeniti broj telefona unesen prilikom podnosenja zahteva, ili dodati nesto u komentar za dostavu?
bazuka21.07.2024 12:54:47
@Dragana, Customer ID se nalazi u naslovu(zaglavlju) dokumenta (pdf) koji ste dobili od njih putem emaila da potpisete Sto se tice Vat broja, takodje obratite paznju da, u mom slucaju je tako bilo, napisete isto kako su oni napisali u dokumentu, kao sto sam napomenuo kod mene je bio RS vatbroj, znaci izmedju RS i vat broja postoji prazno polje, tako da obavezno tako popunite prilikom registracije na njihovom sajtu i sve bi trebalo da prodje glatko... Pozdrav
Lazar17.07.2024 13:10:10
Da li pri unosenju tablice treba crtica? Na primer da li se unosi BG222-OP ili treba BG222OP?
Slobodan12.07.2024 13:06:28
Povodom poruke No QR Transponder was found" na mobilnoj aplikaciji,dobio sam odgovor od Customers Care EgnatiaPass Hello, We would like to inform you that your subscription account is activated and your transponder is in operation. The message that shows you "No QR transponder found" refers to the barcode that you can create if you wish through the MyEgnatiaPass mobile application in order to go to a lane with a conductor, show the barcode to the employee and make the crossing by charging your subscription account. It is essentially an intangible transponder with which you can serve only in a lane with a conductor and only at the tolls of Egnatia Odos. I would also like to inform you that separate discounts are provided for the QR code and there is no offset. In case you wish to create this barcode, please select the field "Account", "Transponders/e-cards" and then the symbol "+" indicating the license plate number. We remain at your disposal. cisto ako je nekome potrebno pojasnjenje
Marko10.07.2024 10:51:42
Poštovani: Narucio sam Grčki tag stigao je zavrsio registraciju, izgleda nisam svaki korak lepo ispratio, imam problem kako da uplatim novac nisam nigde ubacio karticu?
Ivan09.07.2024 17:38:29
Postovani, Imam isti problem kao Željko Afrić. Na početnoj strani mobilne aplikacije ispod iznosa kredita piše mi " No QR Transponder was found". U gornjem desnom uglu apliakcije je QR code ikonica precrtana. U delu aplikacije Account / Transponders/ e-catd piše mi da je Transponder type e-pass i njegov serijski broj aktivan. Na koji QR se misli. Pozdrav.
Dragana09.07.2024 16:55:34
Tag je stigao nedelju dana od naručivanja, ali imam problem kod registracije,. Svaki put kad ukucam ID i tax broj izbaci da su nevažeći. Ugovor nije stigao poštom sa tagom, jedino onaj što je stigao mejlom
nemanja08.07.2024 07:55:36
Zdravo, kao i ostali, popunio sam zahtev na stranici po upustvu ali nisam dobio na mail nista o taksama a ni ugovor. Ako moze pomoc ili da podelite neka iskustva sta raditi dalje kako bi zaista dobili tag uredjaj. Hvala vam!! Nemanja
Željko Afrić04.07.2024 20:11:50
Poštovani, ispoštovao sam vaša uputstva i uspešno aktivirao aplikaciju za My egnatiaPass. Na početnoj strani na aplikaciji pored iznosa kredita piše mi " No QR Transponder was found" . U delu aplikacije Account / Transponders/ e-catd piše mi da je Transponder type e-pass i njegov serijski broj aktivan. Ne znam na koji QR misle. Pozdrav.
Miroslav02.07.2024 17:30:22
Postovani, popunio sam po Vasem uputstvu i stigao mi je mail da je prijava prihvacena, ali nakon toga nisam dobio nikakav ugovor za potpisivanje Sta dalje?
Marija P01.07.2024 13:24:41
Nisam čekirala opcije da ne želim da primam informacioni materijal poštom i meliom. Da li je to neki problem i šta raditi dalje?
Marija01.07.2024 13:14:25
1.Popunila sve kao iz uputstva i samo mi je dosao meil da je moja prijava prihvaćena, bez dela za dodatne troškove, a nije stigao povratni meil sa ugovorom. Šta raditi dalje? 2. Da li grčki tag važi za Severnu Makedoniju i Srbiju?
Robert24.06.2024 20:55:57
Iskreno,uspeo sam sve završiti u roku od 2 nedelje...pratite samo uputsva korak po korak i to je to...
Milorad20.06.2024 12:39:41
Pozdrav.Dali će moći da se koristi grčki tag i u Srbiji?
Milorad20.06.2024 12:29:04
Poštovani,dali će grčki tag moći da se koristi i u Srbiji,i šta treba uraditi da bi mogao da se koristi?
Dusan15.06.2024 16:11:33
Prilikom registracije na sajtu trazi mi neki Tax number ,gde da nadjem to ? Trazio sam u onom ugovoru ali nema nista slicno tome.
Miki13.06.2024 17:17:37
Stigao tag ali nema ugovora,samo predracun.ID mi je potreban,sta raditi?
Vladan05.06.2024 18:35:18
Popunio sve kako ste napisali i u roku od 7 dana je stigao i tag. Imam problem prilikom registracije jer nemam tax number. Sa tagom mi nije stigao ugovor kako je kod vas napisano. Hvala
Siniša Šijačić05.06.2024 16:25:11
Da li grčki tag važi za severnu makedoniju?
Goran04.06.2024 18:03:22
Poštovani. Registrovao sam sve po proceduri kako ste naveli. Dobio sam na e-mail samo odgovor da sam registrovan. Nisam dobio nikakvo obavestenje za plaćanje takse.Ali nisam dobio od njih na e-mail primerak ugovora koji treba da im potpisem skeniram i vratim. Poslao sam im urgenciju na mejl ali nema odgovora vec 3 dan. Šta raditi? Hvala unapred. Pozdrav.
Alex28.05.2024 00:50:13
Popunio sve kao iz uputstva i samo mi je doslo da je moja prijava stigla, bez da su mi poslali ugovor evo vec treci dan nista novo se nije desilo, nakog tog mejla potvrde. Pa me zanima jel takva procedura ili je trebalo odmah sutradan da dobijem poslat ugovor na potpis? Posto vidim da mnogi pisu da su za par dana dobili i tag.
Ivana Jugovic26.05.2024 19:32:26
Popunila sve kako ste napisali i u roku od 10ak dana je stigao i tag. Imam problem prilikom registracije jer nemam tax number. Sa tagom mi nije stigao ugovor kako je kod vas napisano. Hvala
Davor13.05.2024 20:20:40
Postovani zanima me kako se puni tag grcki dali ide putem kartice mbanking ili ima neko mesto i mora u evrima..hvala
Ivica11.05.2024 17:38:04
Dali moze da se isporuci u Makedonija tag?
Ivana10.04.2024 08:41:19
Suprug vozi sluzbeni auto, moje pitanje je da li ja( takodje posedujem vozačku) ,kao putnik u tom vozilu mogu da budem vlasnik toga TAG-a i da ga vezem za moju karticu, putujemo u Grčku u junu.Na autu je već postavjen TAG za Srbiju, vezan za firminu karticu.
Ana 06.04.2024 14:39:25
Ako grcki tag uzimam licno na benzinskoj stanicu u Grckoj,da li se placa.Hvala
Marko Ilic05.04.2024 22:06:05
Samo da javim da ovaj pricip radi. Registraciju za TAG uređaj obacio 26. marta, sutradan dobijam papirologiju da popunim, papirologiju potpisanu vraćam 29.marta jer nisam mogao ranije, 1.aprila potvrđuju da su sve primili i da šalju TAG na navedenu adresu. 3.aprila zove brza posta tipa Fedex ili tako nešto, kaže druže imam paket iz Grčke za tebe, da li si kući? Ništa nisam plaćano. Tako da, prenosim samo svoje iskustvo, možda će nekome koristiti. A bio sam skeptičan, po pitanju ovog naručivanja.
Miljan01.04.2024 11:32:10
Tag stigao za dva dana i uspesno izvrsena registracija. Samo treba pratiti instrukcije sa sajta. Sad samo na put da se krene!!!
Dejan23.03.2024 10:40:19
Pozdrav, stigao tag ali kod registracije mi píše "nevažeći detalji naloga za pretplatu" i ne mogu da se registrujem.
Ja19.03.2024 19:40:26
Postovani, Kada stigne tag da li je neophodno ostaviti racun kreditne kartice i da li se tag moze napuniti novcem na naplatnoj rampi ukoliko se ne poseduje kreditna kartica?
Srđan17.03.2024 09:27:49
U slučaju promene registarske oznake,da li se može izvršiti naknadna promena na TAG uređaju.
Ilija14.03.2024 13:55:57
Da li je moguća promena reg. broja u slučaju kupovine drugog automobila?
darko12.03.2024 14:39:34
Poštovani hvala poručio sam rag po vašim upitima...E sad mene zanima sledece.Ako.menja. auto kako prekonfigurisati tag na druge tablice auta?
Mileta03.03.2024 20:50:42
Dobio sam tag. Nemogu da se registrujem zbog toga što nemogu da unesem Tax Number koji nemam jel sam poreski obaveznik Srbije a ne Grčke . Molim za pomoć.
Zoran03.03.2024 02:32:18
Pozdrav, da li može grčki tag da se koristi u Severnoj Makedoniji?
Kristina28.02.2024 09:00:10
Dobar dan. Da li je nekome bila naplacena carina za tag i koliko ako jeste? Hvala unapred
Nenad19.02.2024 07:57:47
Zašto ne radi link za tag i kako da naručim ako Vam je link koji nudite neispravan.
Tamaš01.11.2023 21:21:50
Stigao TAG u roku od 6 dana. Bez problema i kod registracije i kod uplate.
Corbie14.08.2023 23:35:55
U Avgustu za mojega odmora od deset dana tag nije stigao nego su ne tek deveti dan pozvali da potvrde adresu i da me registruju pa tek onda da dostave tag za tri dana. Dostava je otkazana a tag sam u povratku preuzeo na autoputu.
Bane23.07.2023 22:53:07
Поштовани, Да ли постоји ограничење у коришћењу таг уређаја ако бих променио ускоро возило? Ово ми је битно због броја регистрационе таблице јер се неће поклапати са возилом и таг уређајем. Хвала на одговору
Marko21.07.2023 22:32:34
Poštovani, da li mogu poručiti grčki tag u Sloveniji?