Have you ever heard of the white olive? It is rare, almost hidden from the eyes of many, yet it carries a story that spans centuries. In the Mediterranean, where olives are most commonly associated with golden oil and dark fruits, there is one special variety - the white olive. Its fruits, unusually light, carry symbolism of purity and spirituality, and for centuries they have had a special place in church rituals.

What is the white olive actually?

The white olive, known by the scientific name Leucocarpa (or Leucolea), got its name from the Greek words “leuko” (λευκό) - white and “elea” (ἐλαία) - olive. Unlike common olives, whose fruits darken as they ripen, this rare variety retains a light color, almost as if it never loses its purity. Perhaps that is why it has had a special place in religious rituals and symbolism for centuries.

Where does it grow and how does it survive?

Although a true rarity, the white olive has managed to survive in certain parts of the Mediterranean. It is most abundant in southern Italy, especially in Calabria, but it can also be found in Greece - on the Peloponnese and some islands. It is resistant and adaptable, tolerating high temperatures and harsh conditions, but it does not like prolonged frost. Perhaps it is in this resilience that its longevity and mystery lie.

Symbolism and historical use

Olives have always had a special place in culture and spirituality, but the white olive is more than just an ordinary tree. Its oil was used in churches for sacred anointing, and in the past it even had a ceremonial role during the coronation of kings. In Magna Graecia - the region where the ancient Greeks founded colonies in southern Italy - the white olive has been a symbol of the connection between nature, tradition, and spirituality for centuries.

Today, although little known to the general public, the white olive remains the keeper of an old, almost forgotten story. Perhaps you will one day catch sight of it, hidden among the olive groves of Calabria or the Greek islands. And if you recognize it, know that you are facing a part of history, a symbol of purity, and a true rarity of the Mediterranean.

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