Weather in preseason
One of the most common questions we are getting is related to weather in June and September. If we neglect the fact that it is impossible to give the right answer to the question because there are simply no rules when it comes to the climate, and especially in the last years, we will try to give you a description of the weather in June and September.
Traditionally, the first swimming is starting for Easter. Since every year is on the different days, this holiday with “official season-opening” starts in April or May.
In our opinion, by mid-May, swimming in the Aegean sea is generally not pleasant. But the English don’t think the same, they are tourists who enjoy the beach and swimming in Thassos in May, so this is the individual thing.
By the end of May, the weather is about to be warmer and Thassos is already a favorite destination even for families with small children. However, during this period the sun is still not strong, it is obligatory to wrap it in the towel after leaving the water, and a gentle breeze can disturb you.
June is already the right month for a great summer on Thassos. The average air temperature is about 26 degrees and the water temperature is about 23. During the night, the temperature drops to 17 degrees. It is important to know that in June you must bring with you warm clothes, sneakers and thin jackets for evening walks. You will generally not need air conditioning in accommodations.
The air is drier during the spring than during the winter.
It usually does not rain, but it should be noted that not all years are the same, and it has happened that the month of June is rainy, but rarely.
June has about 13 sunny days, so time on Thassos you can use for walks, hiking, touring mountain villages, monasteries and archeological sites, but also enjoy gardens with panoramic views.
Another advantage of June is the very clean beaches, but also clean crystal clear, its transparency and the most beautiful colors.
September is similar to June with many same characteristics, and the air temperature is slightly lower (24 during the day and 14 during the night). However, it is warmer in September than in June and the average temperature is about 24 degrees, so the water is very comfortable for swimming, scuba diving, as well as diving and exploring the sea depths. The wind is stronger in September than in June, but still, for the most part, it is not uncomfortable.
But if you want the cleanest sea, the beautiful color of the water, the most beautiful sunsets, fishing, romance, peace and quiet on the beach, reading your favorite books in the shade without noise, beautiful beaches and coves for yourself, then September is our strong recommendation.
To check out accommodation offers click HERE.
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Anna27.06.2010 12:38:23
Danas se upravo vratih sa Tasosa. Od danas sam cula da tamo krece bas lepo vreme. Nama je bilo malo sucmurasto....cas kisa, cas sunce. Sreca da kisa tamo brzo prodje, tj opet bude toplo. Najbolje je da idete do Potosa i taj juzniji deo ako ste smesteni u Limenasu, posto je dole dosta toplije. Veliki pozdrav za Nikanu. Mnogo nam je pomogao sajt. Kao da smo vec bili na Tasosu, bili smo skroz inforisani. Planiramo opet odlazak tamo... Nakon mnogo letovanja svuda po svetu, Tasos je ostavio najjaci utisak. Toplo ga preporucujem svima. :-)
Nikana23.06.2010 12:32:11
Vi ste vec krenuli, ali za one koji nisu. Hotel IO ima dobru lokaciju jer je u centru, sto moze biti i lose jer je buka. Inace to je od najgorih smestaja u Potosu! Sobe male, higijena slaba, vruce kao u pecnici...
Eva19.06.2010 15:02:31
Svaka ti cast za ovaj sajt, mi u julu idemo prvi put na Thassos. Svaki dan pogledam ovaj sajt i dobila sam mnogo korisne informacije. I hvala ti za popuste koje si nam sredila. Hvala
anad19.06.2010 08:44:26
Mi krećemo u ponedeljak put Potosa. Idemo preko Megic holidey agencije u vilu IO nigde nisam našla ništa o njoj, a sada je i manje bitno. Ono što mi je bitnije je kako da ostvarimo ove popuste tvoje samo pokažem odštampanu stranu u restoranu, recimo? I da li je topla voda? I naravno, sve pohvale za tvoj rad na ovom sajtu. Pomoglo mi je da uživam i iz Beograda dok ne stignemo u utorak tamo. Pozdrav
Nikana25.05.2010 23:56:29
Hvala puno!!!! i lep provod...skoknite do mene:-)
Nikana25.05.2010 23:55:45
Sofi, vreme je preko dana super, ali uvece zahladni, tako da treba obavezno imati nesto sa dugim rukavima, mozda i neku tanju jaknu i patike.
Saanja24.05.2010 17:27:19
Pozdrav Nikana! Ja sam zadnji put letovala u Grckoj 1997 god, znam, znam... bilo je davno i to u oktobru, i bilo je fenomenalno! Zato se nadam da ce jun biti lep, jer moj muz prvi put izlazi iz zemlje(ps. ako bude lose necu ga ubediti i sledece godine ;-) ) a mi putujemo 2 juna. Odlucili smo se za Tasos jer putujemo svojim kolima, pa Tasos nekako dodje naj blizi, ali mislim da nismo pogresili. Ovoga puta smo odlucili da to bude Pefkari/hotel Ka Pa Hi preko Jolly-ja. S obzirom da nemas nikakav opis tog hotela mogu ti pomoci utiscima kada se budemo vratili. Za sada ti se zahvaljujem na svim informacijama koje pruzas. Najbolja si!
Sofi24.05.2010 13:58:38
Hvala na informacijama! I mene najviše brine kakvo će biti vreme. Ako Bog da, krećemo na Tasos 31. maja. Značilo bi mi da narednih dana napišeš kako se razvija vreme, da znam kakve stvari da nosim (ionako će biti previše prtljaga). Hvala! :-)