Markos Apartments
Markos Apartments is located in the second row from the beach, not far from the center of Nea Potidea. There are 10 comfortable and clean apartments with a capacity of up to four people. Quiet location and close proximity to all amenities make this accommodation ideal for a nice family vacation.
Markos Apartments is built in 2004.
The beach is sandy and wide and only two minute on foot (less than 100m) away. The center is located 200m away. The nearest market is 50m away.
Five apartments are located on the first floor and five are on the second floor. Apartments (38m2) consist of a bedroom with a double bed and a living room with corner sofa, kitchen and dining room. Both rooms have exit onto a comfortable terrace. The kitchen is fully equipped, has a large fridge with freezer, stove and necessary dishes. The bathroom has a shower with a curtain. Apartments are very neat, clean, spacious and functional.
At your disposal there’s a signal for wireless internet, TV, air conditioning, and the crib is available upon request.
Replacement of sheets and towels is done every three days, while guests themselves take care of the hygiene of the apartments.
They have no private parking, but you can park for free along the street above the house.
If you want a high quality and comfortable accommodation, benefits provided by Markos Apartments will make your stay more than comfortable and enjoyable.
You can find out more about Nea Potidea in our Tourist guide to Kassandra.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Javor21.02.2025 19:33:53
Interesuje me 3 apartmana za 3 četvoroclane porodice sa decom 6 odraslih i 6 deceod 5 do 12 godina..u periodu od 27.06 do 04.07
Maria27.07.2024 18:29:20
Dear Sir/Madam, we are interested in apartment accommodation in the specified time period, with a separate bedroom and a view of the sea. If you have the described accommodation available, please let me know the price of the accommodation. Thank you, best regards!
Marjan19.07.2024 18:33:53
Imate li slobodan ovaj smeštaj od 30.avgusta za dvoje odraslih i 3 deteta (9,6 i jedna i po godina)?
Jelena17.05.2024 10:09:06
Molim vas za cenu smeštaja za 4 osobe u periodu 13.07-23.07.2024?
Marija08.05.2024 16:05:05
Cena za dvoje posle 21 jula neki dan na 6,7 noci ako imate
Mirko07.02.2024 19:04:59
Dali ima slobodan studio za dvoje u ovom terminu i koja je cena
Milan07.09.2023 21:39:28
Za Markos apartman imam sve pohvale i jednu zamerku. Nema wifi internet, pa ne bi bilo lose da izbrisete to iz vase ponude. Pomislice ljudi da dajete lazne informacije. Wifi koji oni nude je neupotrebljiv. To je adsl koji smo mi u Srbiji koristili 2000. godine.
Tatjana09.08.2023 20:22:04
Potreban trokrevetni apartman za period 06.09 do 11.09.
Sladjana31.07.2023 00:24:02
Da li imate nešto slobodno 03.08 do 12.08 četvoročlana porodica je u pitanju i naravno koja je cena?
Ivana28.06.2023 20:18:13
Zdravo, Dali ima slobodan apartman za 2 odrasle i dva deteta od 6ti, 7mi ili 8mi avgust . I koja je cena od noc. Hvala unapred
Andrijana17.03.2023 18:38:28
Poštovani potreban smestaj za 2 petoclane porodice, apartmani sa odvojenom spavacom sobom. Deca prve porodice 10,9 i 5 god i deca druge porodice 10,8 i 1 godina, period kraj avgusta početkom septembra. Hvala
Dragan10.08.2022 19:27:22
Tata, mama i cerka 14 godina. Period od 13.08. do 21. 08. Da li imate slobodan apartman?
Jelena8230.06.2022 17:41:53
Od 12 fo 22 7bih rezervisala hvala.
Ksenija14.02.2020 23:47:31
Molim cenu za najam apartmana sa odvojenom sp.sobom za 2 adl i 2 chd,u periodu 01.07. Hvala.
Mirjana23.06.2019 21:48:46
Do you have available aparment for 7/8/9 nights in this period from 24th august - 09th september? Thanks
Hristina24.05.2019 19:11:15
Dali ima slobodan Aparman za 4 osobe period 28.06 do 01.07?
Vera02.05.2019 16:54:28
Dali imate dva apartmana slobodna u periodu od 28.06-06.07.
predrag01.04.2019 16:33:31
Da li je apartman za cetiri odrasle osobe slobodan za navedeni period
Marija27.11.2018 10:02:33
I wonder how much it costs for the period from 28.06.2019 until 13.07.2019 for two elderly people and two children (3 and 5 years old). Which side must this villa.Unaored thanks
Verica07.07.2018 15:02:40
Hello! Do you have an apartement availbale from 21.7.or 22.7 for 10 nights? We are family,2adults and 2 children
Marija17.04.2018 09:07:31
Hello, do you have an apartment available from 21.06-29.06? We are family, 2 adults + 2 children (age 2 and 6).
Tsvetelina Stefanova06.03.2018 21:36:14
What is the price per night from 30.06.2018 to 10.07.2018.
Igor26.02.2018 19:10:56
4 bed apartmant 4 days 18-22.07
Aleksandar23.11.2017 12:48:54
Da li ima slobodan apartman za 4 osobe od 09.07-19.07?
Svetlana28.08.2017 22:51:42
Postovani,da li imate slobodan apartman za 2 odrasle osobe i dvoje dece (3 i 1 godina) u periodu 02.09.-10.09.2017.? Unapred zahvalna, Svetlana
Sara25.08.2017 14:27:53
Dali ima slobodni mesta za 4 osobi od 26.08-28.08 ?
Milica08.08.2017 19:12:39
da li je moguce ubaciti jos jedan lezaj u smestaj? imamo troje odrasle dece pa nam nisu dovoljna 2 lezaja unapred zahvalna
Irena08.08.2017 07:49:50
Pozdrav, interesuje me da li je cetvorokrevetni apartman slobodan od 18.08. do 25.08. ?
marta15.07.2017 18:35:37
Good day. I am interested in whether you have a free four-bed apartment with two separate rooms in the period from 30.07 to 10.08 (11 nights) Accommodation is required for 2 adults and 2 children aged 16 and 18. I am interested in what would be the most favorable price for that period and whether we are making a discount with regard to the length of stay. Thanks in advance. Greetings from Subotica-Serbia
Biljana11.07.2017 13:26:27
Поштовани да ли имате смештај за : - пар (беба 1 година) - пар (деца 13, 07 година) - две одрасле особе Потребно нам је за период од 16. јула до 20. јула, ако имате повољну понуду за нас. Поздрав, хвалa
Cristian Oltei29.05.2017 12:55:42
We are interested an accommodation offer for the period 31.08.2017 - 04.09.2017. We are 4 families, as follows: - 2 families consisting of 2 adults and 2 children; - 2 families consisting of 2 adults and 1 child. We are looking forward to your offer. Best regards,
Jovana Vanja Ancevska10.05.2017 12:40:34
Dear Mr. Markos, I am interested in staying in your villa/apartment in the time period of 24-31.07.17, along with another person and 3 year-old child. Are there any rooms available and what is the price? Sincerely, Jovana
Irena13.03.2017 21:44:28
Direktan broj od mobitel vlasnika,molim vas.
Jana13.03.2017 20:58:24
Can two people get an apartment or it has to be four people