Leonidas Apartments
Leonidas Apartments is located in Nea Peramos, in the first row to the sea and offers studios and apartments with a beautiful view. Near the accommodation there is a large public parking where guests can park their cars.
The villa is located above the shop and cafe-bakery Fragokota, in the Nikis street alongside the beach. The city center is about 300m away.
The accommodation was built in 1983 and renovated in 2016. It has four apartments and one studio. On the first floor there are three apartments (about 38m2) and studio (18m2), while on the second floor is only the apartment number 5 (about 45m2).
4 Bed Apartment, Sea View (No.1) has a sea view and is located on the front side of the building. In the bedroom, there is one double bed, while in the living room is a folding sofa bed for two people.
4 Bed Apartment (No.2) has a view of the surrounding area and is located on the back side of the house. There are two connected single beds in the bedroom, while in the living room there is a folding sofa bed for two people.
2 Bed Studio, Sea View (No.3) is located on the front side of the building. It has a sea view and one double bed.
5 Bed Apartment, 2nd Floor (No.5) is the only one located on the second floor and has a spacious veranda overlooking the sea. There are two connected single beds in the bedroom, while in the living room there is one folding sofa bed for two people and one sofa for one person. Only this apartment has a barbecue which guests of this unit can use. Because it is located on the top floor it has lower sealing. The owner is planing to renovate this unit for the season 2020.
Kitchens in all units are equipped and have a small fridge, stove top, kettle and a coffee maker. In the bathroom units No. 2 and 3 have a shower cabin, while in the other apartments there is a shower with a curtain. There is no possibility of adding an extra bed, only baby cots. Smaller pets are allowed on request upon booking. All units have wireless internet, air conditioning, TV and mosquito nets.
Towels and bed linen are replacing usually every five days, depending on the period of staying. Guests by themselves are taking care of the hygiene in the accommodation units.
The parking places are available in the streets around the villa or at a public free parking near the beach, with a capacity of about 120 vehicles.
If Nea Peramos is your destination for vacation, Leonidas Apartments can be a good choice, because of the sandy beach distance.
You can find out more about Nea Peramos in our Tourist guide to other regions.
Brankica Milanovic02.12.2024 13:57:44
Poštovani,da li su ovo važeće cene?Proverite sa vlasnikom,pa mi javite,da znam da li mogu da rezervišem,bez menjanja cene naknadno.Srdačan pozdrav,Brankica
Snezana Mladenovic21.06.2024 14:10:25
Da li ima slobodnog smestaja za 3 odrasle osobe od 16.07. 7 noci. Ili neki drugi datum 7 noci.
Snezana03.06.2024 12:09:02
Poštovani, interesuje me cena smestaj od 22-29 jula 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta (8god, i 5god.) Pozdrav.
Danijel15.05.2024 17:06:45
Dobar dan Zanima me koja bi cena bila za 2 odrasle osobe i za dva deteta,6 god i 1 god,u periodu od 3 jula do 9jula?
Marina24.03.2024 11:52:49
Dear Sir/Madam, when are you free for 10 nights in July/August? 2 adults and 2 children, 6 and 9 years old. Thank you
Jelena28.02.2024 18:47:39
Interesuju me dimenzije kreveta u studiju No3
Dubravka09.08.2023 22:33:22
Do you have free apartment for one night for two people and child 4 years old? 14th of August
Maja 05.08.2023 19:00:24
Zdravo…dali ima raspoloživih soba u ovom smeštaju za period od 20-27 avgust( moze manje više dan gore-dole) za 4 vozrasnih osoba..pozz Maja
Sanja28.07.2023 08:01:48
Veliki apartman na drugom spratu od dolazak od 13 do 16 Avgusta na deset noci
Boban25.07.2023 01:10:29
Dali imate slobodan smestaj od 28.07 do 04.08.2023 za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta jedno 6god drugi 18god.Pozdrav.
Ana Stefanović10.06.2023 10:48:07
We are interested for 1/4 app 26.06.-06.07. per 10 night.
Suze02.06.2023 11:56:15
Dali ima slobodno od 22 do 30 juli za 2 vozrasni iv1 dete 6god i cena sliki od soba i plaza
Tanja Srimac24.05.2023 17:51:05
Da li imate slobodan apartman za 2 odraslih i 3 dece od 15.07.-10 noci? Hvala unaprec
Milena26.04.2023 23:06:36
Dobar dan Zanima me da li imate slobodan apartman od 15.7 /10 noci za dvoje odraslih i troje dece 13 i 11god i 6 meseci Milena
Miljana 198622.07.2022 12:26:37
Zdravo,interesuje me da li imate privatan smestaj za period od 24-25.07 za narednih 5 dana za dvoje odraslih i dva deteta od 14 i 11 godina. U Nea Peramosu.Odgovarao bi nam vise Apartman sa dve odvojene sobe.Hvala
Sazdo Jordanov 18.07.2022 14:54:58
Dali mogu da rezervisem 4Bed APP, No.1, za navedeni termin 24.07.-01. ili 02.08.2022 g. Nije mi dalo da updating avant Ali ako mi potvrdite rezervaciju mi dolazimo sigurno na 24.07. Nedelja I platicemo odmah po dolasku celi iznos za 8 ili 9 nocenja. Haha unapred I pozdrav.
Dragana Gavrilovic16.07.2022 20:17:14
Zdravo, potreban mi je apartman/studio za 2 odraslih i dete (16 godina) u periodu od 03.08-13.08 Pozdrav
Marina Stanisic03.07.2022 17:57:03
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodne apartmane za period 22.07.-30.07. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece? Hvala
Snezana29.06.2022 18:00:48
Da li imate slobodan četvorokrevetni apartman u ovoj vili u periodu od 13.08.do 23.08.2022.godine i cena za taj period boravka?
Olivera Andjelic24.06.2022 18:00:27
Dear, do you have 2 free apartments or studios, for two families ,one family is two adults +one child (12 years) and the other family is two adults+one child (16 years) , from 2022.7.15 till 2022.7.28. 13 nights. Thanks in advance.Best regards
Katarina05.07.2020 00:05:34
Dear, do you have a free apartment for 5 people (maybe four-bed) 2 adults and 3 children. 11.8 and 4 years with sea view? 7 nights from 13.07 to 20.07
Sasa01.07.2020 19:08:01
Dobar dan Treba mi dvokrevetni apartman sa terasom i pogledom na more Period od 07.07. do 11.07. Koja bi bila cena ? Ne zelim da placam unapred rezervaciju jer zbog stanja na granici lako moze da se desi da ne mogu da dodjem. Samo informacija da li imate mesta Hvala
Tanja13.06.2020 21:39:47
Postovani da li je petokrevetni app renoviran i cena za 7 noci od 08.07. do 15.07 hvala
Hristina10.06.2020 23:42:11
zdravo zanima me koja je cena za Apartman sa pogledom na more 3 odrasle osobe i dete od 2 godine za termin 21.6 do 30.6.
Slađana 08.06.2020 17:18:14
Poštovana Nikana,interesuje me 2bed studio za Septembar sea viewN o 3,koliko bi izašao za period od 12.09-22.09.
dejan29.05.2020 21:37:10
Postovani...zanima me termin od 20/7/2020-30/7/2020 za dve odrasle osobe jedno dete 3g.i dete od 9g.koja bi bila cena ?
Dragana08.03.2020 14:37:15
Postovani, interesuje me cena i raspolozivost apratmana su potkrovlju sa velikom terasom, za 2 odrasla i 2 deteta, od 03.08.2020 do 09.08. 2020, kao i fotografije tog apartmana. Hvala!
Branko14.02.2020 01:11:00
Please we need 3 studios for 3 families, first families is 2 adult 2 kids, second families 2 adult 2 kids, and one families 2 adult 1 kids, for period 10-20.08.2020. Please if you have free room let me know Thanks a lot
Stojanović Vesna11.02.2020 09:56:56
Interesuje nas studio br. 3 sa pogledon na more za dvoje u periodu od 03. do 14. 08. 2020. Kako da rezervišemo, ako je studio slobodan? Pozdrav
Boris09.02.2020 09:47:13
Postovani zanima Nas apartman na drugom spratu za dvoje odraslih I troje dece of 16,15,15 godina.Da li je slobodan u periodu od 27.07-06.08.i koja bi bila cena.Voleli bi smo da vidimo I smile bad tog apartmana,hvala unapred
Dragana03.02.2020 16:44:32
Poštovani, zanima me 4 Bed Apartment (No.2), na kom je spratu i imate li slike, jer iz ovih slika ne mogu da znam koji je apartman u pitanju. Hvala
Sanja02.02.2020 11:56:55
Molim Vas za raspolozivost i cenu za termin od 5.7.-15.7. Dvoje odraslih i deca 12 i 9 godina.Hvala, Sanja
dusko miric30.01.2020 12:25:28
da li imate slobodan cetvorokrevetni apartman pocetkom jula za 10 nocenja
Mirjana Lapčević27.01.2020 10:35:13
Hello, I need 3 apartments for 4 people (6 adults and 6 children) do you have available? Thanks Mirjana Lapčević
Natalija22.01.2020 22:27:47
Dobar dan. Interesuje me da li je upotreba klima uredjaja u Leonidas apartmanima uracunata u cenu? Takodje me zanima rok za uplatu depozita od trenutka rezervacije.
Dragana 16.01.2020 12:30:11
Cena? 4krevetni apartman 1.sprat pogled na more Termin 12/07/20-22/07/20 Dvoje odraslih I dete 3god I dete 11god
Renata 11.01.2020 15:44:48
Dobar dan. Interesuje me apartman od 2020.06.28 do 2020.07.12 dvoje odraslih i 2 dete ( 4 god i 6 god) ako moze pogled na more prvi sprat Hvalw
Biljana Crnic11.07.2019 09:55:48
Cena za 5?2 odrasla 3 dece/ period 6.8. 17,8, mada ne mora u dan biti fiksno, Hvala
natalija08.07.2019 16:44:41
period od 24.07./03.08.2019.god. dvoje odraslih i dete 3 godine , zanimala bi me cena studija i raspoloživost i u Leonidas Apartments. Dobro bi bilo da mi napišete predloge za smešta u Nea Peramosu za otprilike ovaj period po ceni do maksimalno 550 E.
Sasa22.02.2019 20:55:30
Interesuju me ponude smestaja u Nea Peramosu? Vec ste mi poslali ali sam greskom obrisao poruku. Hvala unapred.
Sasa Djuric11.02.2019 23:41:22
Pozdrav,interesujeme cena za trokrevetni studio.Supruga,ja i deca od 6 i 8 godina. Period boravka bi bio u sezoni. Od 1-6 avgusta,10 dana
Maja Stojakovic31.01.2019 22:07:43
Cena za termin 29.06 do 09.07? 4- krevetni apartman..osvojena soba...ima li parking?
Aleksandra Kolchagova11.07.2018 08:47:37
I'm interested in being able to accommodate 2 people, 1 studio for the period 16/07/18 to 20/07/18, 5 nights. If so, would you please send me booking and price instructions. Thank you in advance.
Sladjana27.06.2018 16:12:23
Zainteresovana sam za rezervaciju Leonidas Apartments u periodu od 30.087-09.08. Videla sam da je slobodan ovaj termin za 2 Bed Studio, Sea View (No.3. Unela sam broj odraslih-2 i 1 dete. Recite mi da li u ovom studiu ima mogucnosti za smestaj i jednog deteta od 14 godina? Ako postoji, odmah cu rezervisati. Pozdrav!
Yakov06.04.2018 08:02:26
Good morning Good morning Pls give me more info about this appartment 4 adults from 2/07-10/07/18 whats total price for second floor app (2 bed rooms)
Romascan Magda04.03.2018 00:03:06
Hello, we are 4 adults and 4 children : 1 family with 2 children (1 year old +7years old) - 1 family with 2 children (14 years- 9 years old) We are interested for accommodation for 10 nights from 23.07.- 02.08.2018 Thank you.
Misa27.02.2018 18:23:48
Postovani da li imate slobodan cervorokrevetni apartman u peridu od 13.8-23.8.2018 Hvala Pozdrav