Astoria Hotel
Astoria Hotel is located in the first row from the sandy beach and offers apartments and studios. Public parking, barbecue and free internet are available to guests, with the possibility to additionally pay for breakfast. The accommodation is located in the port of Keramoti, so guests can visit Thassos island as well.
The hotel was renovated in 2006 and it’s divided by the street and pine forest (about 180m) from the beach. They offer seven apartments and seven studios, set in three buildings, on the ground (a few steps above the ground level) and the first floor.
The studios (30m2) have two single beds and a folding sofa bed for two small children. The kitchen is fully equipped, with a small fridge and a hot plates. The bathroom has a shower cabin. Four studios are located on the ground floor, and three are on the first floor.
The apartments (45m2) have two single beds in the bedroom and two single beds in the living room. The kitchen is equipped, with a small fridge and a hot plate, and the bathroom has a shower cabin.
All terraces have a view of the yard or street, and some are semi-fenced. If necessary, the owner can provide a microwave, extra bed and a baby cot.
Accommodation units have mosquito nets, hairdryer, TV, A/C and access to WiFi internet. Cleaning and replacing of bed linen is provided twice a week, while towels are replaced every second day.
The yard is small and nicely arranged, with an outdoor barbecue in the back yard.
There’s enough parking space across the street.
If you’re not looking for luxury accommodation, but a house on the coast, in the first row to a popular sandy beach, Astoria Hotel can be a good choice for you.
You can find out more about Keramoti in our Tourist guide to Kavala.
Ivana Podgorac06.02.2025 00:30:35
Od 14-21.6.2025, dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (6 i 4 god.). Molimo za cenu smestaja
Ivanka03.01.2025 12:39:55
Bracni par,50 i 56,perod od 05.09 do 17.09,na prvom spratu,cena
Marko09.07.2023 23:01:16
Smeštaj nije ispunio naša očekivanja 8 dana 7 noćenja je 400 evra u julu. Jedina prednost je ta što je smeštaj preko puta plaže. Plaza je odlična. Ali ovde je reč o smeštaju. U opisu piše da ima gotovo sve. Ali, nema jastuke nema carsaf, kuhinja je u raspadu. Smeštaj je pun bubasvaba. Ormarići smrde. Komarnik pada ne možete da zatvore vrata od terase. Mesto za roštilj nema u opisu piše da ima. Pribor za jelo nema. Kreveti su sve samo ne kreveti. Federi i žice su svuda. Plaža je udobnija za spavanje ili auto. Mislim da ovaj smestaj treba isključiti iz vaše ponude. Takođe, parking je u šumi javni parking bez osvetljenja. Druga prednost je blizina Tasosa. Ostalo 0 Iz našeg iskustva Sitonija je zakon, više nikada nećemo od nje odustati. Pozdrav.
Bojana18.05.2023 15:37:17
Postovani interesuje me termin 17 jun 10 noci 2 odraslih i 2 male dece od 2 i 3 godine dal ima nesto slobodno?
Biljana17.04.2023 13:52:43
Dobar dan, da li je slobodan apartman za 5 osoba, od 3.07-13.07. I koja je cena.Mogu li slike apartmana?
Jelena Potić28.03.2023 09:20:17
U ponudi Astoria Hotel u Kavali, upitom za 3 odrasle osobe dostupan je 4 bed studio, dok upitom za 4 odrasle osobe piše nema dostupnih studija. U čemu je razlika? Hvala unapred
Milica13.03.2023 23:19:23
Da li ima mesta od 10 noci?Treba nam 3 app.
Ελπίδα 27.02.2023 18:57:16
Για σας κυρία Εφη και κύριος Θεόδωρος. Μεγάλα χαιρετίσματα απο τη Σνεζανα και τον Δζονι. Ημασταν σε σας περίπου 30 χρόνια πριν με 2 πεδία. Μας άρεσε παρά πολύ , σας θυμόμαστε πάντα. Ευχαριστούμε πολύ❤️❤️
Maja12.07.2022 00:07:40
Dobro vece, imamo interes za 30.7 do 8.8 za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta od 1god i 10god, Javite nam se na email. Hvala i pozdrav
Elizabeth Horvath31.07.2021 19:44:32
2021 júliusban 2 hetet töltöttünk az Astoriában. Csak pozitívan tudok nyilatkozni. Az apartman tiszta, kényelmes, csak ajánlani tudom. Légkondi, WiFi van. Dakis és édesanyja üzemelteti, rugalmasak, mindenre találnak megoldást. A paralia strand közel van 200m.A strandon hullámok is vannak,a víz meleg, homokos fogyasztás ellenében ágyak napernyő használható. Mi autóval kb 1 km-re lévő szintén homokos strandra jártunk. Nem szeretem a nagy hullámokat. Sok étterem van a közelben elsősorban tengeri eledelek vannak. Nem volt tömeg, nagyon kellemes nyaralás volt . Kozmo nevű közértben inden kapható. Menjen mindenki Dakisékhoz!,!!!
Bojan15.02.2020 22:47:56
Pozdrav, da li ima slobodna soba za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (5 i 2 godine)? U periodu od 28.06.2020 do 09.07.2020? Poželjno da soba bude na spratu.
Bojan15.02.2020 22:45:35
Pozdrav, Da li ima slobodna soba za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (5 i 2 godine)?
Hans-Jürgen17.10.2019 20:56:08
Der Hotelmanager Dakis und sein Vater Theo sind liebenswürdige und stets hilfsbereite Gastgeber. Wie fühlen uns hier immer sehr gut versorgt und wer mag, bekommt auch ein tolles Frühstück. Die Lage ist toll und die Stimmung auch. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder!
Vukasin06.08.2019 11:44:00
Dear, We need info regarding availability and price for period 10.08 till 17.08.2019 (seven nights). We are two adults with three children, four year old (all three have four year). Thanks in advance
Maja23.07.2019 11:48:31
Ima li slobodno od 29.07 do 05.08 za dve vozrasni i dve deca ( 1 i 3 godini)?
Biljana Crnic11.07.2019 09:37:30
Zdravo! Zanima me smestaj za 5 /2 odrasla i 3 dece/ period 5,8. do 15,8, mada ne mora biti bas u dan fiksirano. Kolika je cena? Hvala
Ana Savic29.06.2018 09:02:58
Hello, I am interested in an apartment for 3 adults and two small children, 2 and 4 years, from 13.08-23.08? which would be a price? thanks
Marija Ramic18.06.2018 12:12:25
Dear sir or madam, we would like to know do you have available accommodation for two in period from 1st of August until 14th of August. Also pleas be so kind to inform us do you have wi-fi, parking and kitchen amenities. Along with this please give us price for requested period. Thank you in advance. My best regards, Marija
jasmina01.08.2017 19:44:56
da li ima slobodan duplex apartman za 3 odrasle osobe i jedno dete u periodu na primer od 8.08. do 14.08. i koja je cena za 10 nocenja? Hvala
Dragana10.07.2017 16:14:54
Da li imate slibodno od 1 avgusta do 15 2 0drasle osibe i deca u zasebnoj sobi sa doruckom ?
veselko17.04.2017 21:25:02
dali ima slobodan studio za dve osobe u periodu od 13.08 do 23.08 interesuje me dali na plazi imaju suncobrani i lezaljke organizovani ili moram da nosim svoje
Jelena26.07.2016 08:00:36
Postovani, Zanima me da li postoji slobodan app sa odvojenom spavacom sobom za 3 odrasle oaobe i jedno dete u periodu kraj avgusta pocetak septemra u regionu Kavale i cena. Pozdrav
elena burchiu03.08.2015 19:06:18
Hello, I would like to know if I can make a reservation for a studio (2 adults) during 27.08.2015-30.08.2015. I would like to know the price and how to pay for the booking. Thank you, Elena Burchiu
Nataša ( 18:01:49
Dear, the price for an apartment is 90 euros per day for this period. If you wish to reserve it, let us know. Best regards
Anonymous24.06.2014 09:37:29
Hi you there,I would like the price for apartment for 5 persons,for the middle of september,for example 11-14september,thank you!