To Portego Tis Anatolis Apartments
To Portego is located in Nea Peramos, close to the sandy beach. It offers apartments surrounded with a spacious green yard. Guests can also book this accommodation with breakfast (BB). Parking is provided.
Villa is 600m away from the center of Nea Peramos, at the very end of the city, in the second row from the sea, 50m from the beach.
This Portego Apartments is a complex built in 2008. It consists of three buildings located in a beautiful courtyard.
There are 12 apartments located on the ground floor or the first floor. In each of the three buildings (A, B, C) there are four apartments.
The apartments located on the ground floor have one double or two single beds in the bedroom and a fold out sofa for two smaller children in the living room.
The apartments on the upper floor also have one double bed in the bedroom and a fold out sofa for two smaller children in the other room.
All of the apartments have an equipped kitchen with hot plate and a small fridge. Frying is not allowed. In the bathroom, there’s a shower tub with curtain. A small balcony is accessed from the bedroom, while the big one with a table and chairs is by the entrance door or it’s accessible from the living room (apartments on the first floor). Guests can take and iron and hair dryer on the reception. All the apartments have internet, AC and TV. All the apartments are suitable for the families with two smaller children.
Cleaning, as well as replacement of bed linen and towels, is performed every three days.
The yard is very large, full of greenery, trees, olives, shade, flowers and green areas. In its front part, there’s a restaurant and a bar with a dining room where the breakfast is served, as well as a beautifully arranged area with sitting furniture in the shade where the breakfast is also served. There’s also a shower in the courtyard.
There is a private parking for all of the guests.
Going from the center of Nea Peramos towards the beach Amolofi at the end of the village you will see the villa To Portego from the right side of the main road.
If you’re looking for quality and modern accommodation, in a very quiet location next to the beach, To Portego Apartments is one of the best choices in Nea Peramos.
You can find out more about Nea Peramos in our Tourist guide to other regions.
silviya papazova17.02.2025 12:57:20
Hello, we are a group of friends(3-4 families with kids). We are interesting in the second half of august 2025, do you have anything available for that period?
Jovana 29.12.2024 20:10:44
Postovanje, zainteresovani smo za smestaj u Nea Peramosu, To Portego Tis Anatolis Apartments. U pitanju su dve porodice, jedna troclana (dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 6 godina) i jedna cetvoroclana (dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 3 i 5 godina). Da li imate slobodnih apartmana u periodu od 8. do 16. jula? Zanima nas i da li dorucak mozemo da uplatimo na licu mesta, a da sada rezervisemo samo smestaj?
Bojan Živković 19.07.2024 16:23:01
Da li imate slobodan apartman za 5 osoba ( 3 odrasle + 2 dece) u mestu Nea peramos na 10 noći od 25 ili 26 ili 27 jula?
Stance Radevska25.06.2024 19:38:19
Pozdrav, Jel moze slike za cetvorosobni apartman. Hvala
Snezana Mladenovic21.06.2024 14:36:48
Da li ima slobodnog smestaja za 7 noci 3 odrasle osobe period od 15.07 do 28.07.2024
Jelena Spasic06.06.2024 20:02:12
Hi, we neede two 3 or 4 bed studio for 2 families for 10 nights. Arrival can be on of july, or between and of august. Poydrav
gordana01.06.2024 01:13:24
Dobr dan, zainteresovani smo za smeštaj u studiju za dve osobe od 23.6. -6.7 (ili najmanje do 3.7.). Topli pozdrav
Lavinia29.05.2024 09:47:22
Hello! Do you have availability for the period 16.08-24.08.2024 for a studio for 2 adults and 2 kids - 5 and 9 years?
Margarita14.04.2024 14:01:35
Hello! We need offer for 2 apartments.For 2 familys.First family with 2 adults and child 17 y. Second family 3 adults and a child 13 y. In period from 25 july for 8 nights only apartments without meal. I am expecting your offer! Best wishes!
Dusan Sulic08.04.2024 13:37:41
I am inquiring about accommodation for five four-member families (2+2) in the period 26.06.-06.07. We need five apartments or equivalent. Do you have free capacity and what is the price? Please send offers. Best Regards
Aleksandra Cvetkovska02.04.2024 23:04:59
Molim vas za info dali imate slobodan smestaj za period 05.07-12.07.24 za 4 osoba (17,14) i odvojeno za 3 osoba (13) i po koju cenu. Hvala vam.
Nenad20.08.2023 14:20:42
Accommodation studio for 3 adults and one child for period 25 to 28 August. Please send offers. Best Regards
emilija buraliev08.08.2023 14:45:56
Zdravo, treba mi smeshtaj za 4 odrasle i tri deca (9,10,12) za sedam dana u periodu od 15.08 do 28.08
Vanja Doncheva 27.07.2023 14:35:06
one room for 7 days
Marina Starcevic Cviko23.07.2023 18:27:49
Poštovani/e, Da li imate slobodna dva apartmana u To Portego Tis Anatolis Apartments 16-23.8. (7 noćenja) za 4 odraslih i 3 dece? Hvala
Melina22.07.2023 12:48:57
Da li imate slobodan apartman za 2 odrasle osobe i dete 15 godina, 13/08-23/08?
Vesna Atanackovic10.06.2023 22:22:47
Pozdrav zanima me smestaj za 2 osobe Termin 14.7 do 28.7 i cena
Tanja Srimac24.05.2023 17:59:05
Da li imate slobodan apartman za 2 odraslih i 3 dece od 15.07. (Ili koji dan pre ili kasnije)-10 noci? Hvala unapred
Jelena05.05.2023 22:06:29
Da li ima slobodnog smestaja za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 8 godina od 21.07 do 31.07? Hvala
Aleksandra04.05.2023 21:06:30
Zdravo daki ima raspolozliv smestaj za 2 dece (16,13) i 2 odrasli u periodu od 24.06-01.07.23
Jelena10.03.2023 21:21:02
Poštovani, Da li u navedenom periodu ima slobodnih studia ili apartmana i koja je cena? Hvala
Kristina Bradasevic07.01.2023 15:00:23
Da li je slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i dete od 9 god. od 25.07 za 10 noći? Može i neki dan kasnije
Dejan02.08.2022 06:33:48
Za period od .8.8- do 18.8 dve odrasle osobe ,i dva deteta? Poz.
Milkica01.08.2022 18:37:45
Da li je dostupno od 15 avgusta za 4 odrasle osobe 10 dana da li imaju odvojenu spavacu sobu
Ivana29.01.2020 14:01:20
Postovani, molim vas za cenu apartmana sa 1 francuskim lezajem i jednim single lezajem (uz uracunat dorucak) za dvoje odraslih i dete od dve godine u periodu 24.08-03.09.2020. godine!Da li je parking besplatan za goste hotela? hvala, Ivana
Zorica28.01.2020 22:38:15
Molim Vas ponudu u Nea Peramosu apartman za 4 osoba (dvoje dece od 9 godina) i mali pas Bison za Drugu polovinu Juna,10 dana
Penka Velyova12.08.2019 14:22:11
Please advise whether we can book 2 apartments for respectively 2 adults and 2 children (7 and 11 years old) and a separate one for 2 adults and 1 child (10 years old) for the period 22.08.2019 - 28.08.2019
Jasmina24.07.2019 14:23:38
Postovani, da li imate smestajnu jedinicu za 2 odraslih i 3 manje dece (6,4 i 1 god).
Iliana16.07.2019 10:25:41
0890551064....Obadete se
Ivana 23.06.2019 18:21:34
Zdravo. Jedno pitanje u vezi sofe - dvosed na razvlačenje... Deca su 13 i 10 god. Starije dete visoko 172 cm da li ce dvosed biti dovoljan ili je mali?
Sandra19.06.2019 12:25:42
Da li je slonodan apartman na prvom spratu od 25.8. Do 4.9.
Sandra19.06.2019 12:11:18
Da li imate slobodan apartman na prvom spratu od 25.8. Do 4.9. Dvoje odraslih sa malim detetom od dve godine
Danijela14.06.2019 14:41:21
Da li ima slobodan apartman,za 4 osobe u periodu od 25.7.-2.8.2019. I koja je cena?
Marko13.06.2019 20:41:10
Postovani,zanima me 10 nocenja za porodicu sa dvoe dece(2 I 10 god.),u periodu od 1-20.8(10 nocenja u tom periodu) u aparrmanu,I kolika bi doplata bila za dorucak,I dorucak I veceru.Hvala
Zdravko Nikolic11.06.2019 23:40:03
Da li je slobodan cetvorokrevetni ili trokrevetni apartman od 15-22 jula u Portego apartmanima? Hvala
Monica Tureac13.05.2019 09:45:15
Hello! We are looking for an accommodation for the period 23.08.2019 - 29.08.2019 . We need 3 apartments. We are 3 families - 5 people ( adults) and 1 dog, and would like to know your prices. Can you make us an offer? About an answer, we would be very happy. Best wishes, Monica.
Jelisaveta17.03.2019 18:03:01
Postovani, cetvoroclanoj porodici (dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 7 i 12 godina), potreban je smestaj za period od 16. do 29. jula. Hvala unapred.
Denitza02.08.2018 19:19:44
Do you have a studio available for September 2-10? We are two adults and one child (3 years old). Thanks!
Aleksandra Kolchagova11.07.2018 08:45:31
I'm interested in being able to accommodate 2 people, 1 studio for the period 16/07/18 to 20/07/18, 5 nights. If so, would you please send me booking and price instructions. Thank you in advance.
Milos Petronijevic04.07.2018 23:17:14
Hallo.Please send me an offer for appartment for 2adult+3children (16,15 and 12years old), 4 or 5 beds. Check in 25 – 29.07-2018, check out after 12-14 nights/. Thank you very much. MILOS
Ljubiša13.04.2018 15:14:56
Poštovani, da li se dvorište može slobodno koristiti ili je namenjneo samo za korisnike restorana? Da li postoji mogućnost korišćenja roštilja?
MARIJA02.03.2018 22:21:06
Interesuje me raspolozivost I cena smestaja od 23.avgusta za dvoje dece (5,12) I dvoje odraslih? Da li postoji sef na recepciji?
Milica Nedeljković12.02.2018 23:54:14
Postovani, da li u prizemlju ima četvorokrevetnih apartmana i da li je moguće da se u isti smesti petočlana porodica sa decom od 6 i 4 godine i bebom? Da li imaju krevece za bebe?
Kristina12.08.2017 15:14:43
Hello, how much is for room for 3 adults per night, please?
Tatjana07.08.2017 13:50:44
Postovani, Da li imate cetvorokrevetni apartman za 2 odraslih i 2 deteta,u periodu 13.8.- 20.8.2017. Tatjana Marjanovic
Eli06.08.2017 09:32:41
Potreban je smestaj u peeiodu 07.08- 12.08.2017 za 5 nocenja, 2 odraslih i jedno dete sa 13 godina. Hvala.
Mirjana05.08.2017 14:05:49
Interesuje nas 2 dvokrevetna/trokrevetna apartmana/studia za 2 porodice. Period 20.08.-28.08.2017. datum nije fixan
Vladimir Ivezic20.07.2017 19:45:59
we arw interested for apartman vith four beds.We are familly with two boys 15 i 11 years old.We would like to be in your apartman during the period fom 26/07/2017 to 03.08.2017.
Radić16.07.2017 10:42:18
Do you have some accommodation for five persons? 2adults 3kids 10,12,16? For period 25.07-01.08 or later. If you do what is the price. Thank you.
Dusan18.06.2017 20:29:37
Can you send me discription of 4-bad family room for 4 adult persons (how big is, how many rooms and how much is for 10 nights).
Sasa04.06.2017 22:54:48
Interesuje me jedan trokrevetni i jedan cetvorokevetni studio u periodu od 01/082017-11/08/2017
achille31.05.2017 16:15:27
hello, we are four adults and we need two rooms from 19 to 23 august, do you have availability? thanks and regards, achille
Ana Đurić29.05.2017 21:57:32
da li imate slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i troje dece (deca 6,3,1 godina) od 15-25 avgusta ili 20 - 30 jula 2017. i koja je cena? pozdrav
MARIJA02.03.2017 19:11:04
Hello, we are looking for an accommodation for august(21.08. - 31.08.) and would like to know your prices . We are two people and two children(4 and 10 years) Can you make us an offer? About an answer , we would be very happy . Best wishes Maria
Ergün Dogan06.01.2017 18:07:56
Hello,we are looking for a fourbed-room.We are 2 adults and 2 girls (13 +10 ). We would like to order from 18.07.-27.07. Could you make us a best-price-offer for nine nights as soon as possible? Best regarding Ergün Dogan
Sylvia Malik09.10.2016 09:35:44
Hello, we are looking for an accommodation for June 2017 (11.06. - 17.06.) and would like to know their prices . We are two people. Can you make us an offer? About an answer , we would be very happy . Best wishes S. Malik
Dragana04.08.2016 16:44:32
Slobodno mesto za 3 noci od 16 Avgusta. Hvala puno . moze i drugi smestaj sem ovaj.
biljana nedic22.06.2016 18:14:09
dobar dan interesuje me da li ima mesta uzmedju 15 i 20.7 na 10noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece 13 i 11god i koja je cena hvala
Suncica06.05.2016 00:17:09
Molim vas ispod slika pise 2bed studio a kasnije u opisu pise 3 ktevetni studio . u svakom slucaju zanima me u periodu od 20.06 10 nocenja za 1 odrasla osoba i dete 7 godina i koja je cena .hvala najlepse
Zoran27.02.2016 17:49:34
Poštovani, interesuje me raspoloživost i cena smeštaja početkom avgusta 2016 . trokrevetni apartman (dve odrasle osobe i dva deteta 7 i 3 god.).
Srdjan_s07.08.2015 20:10:39
Da li je slobodan cetvorokrevetni u periodu od 10-24.8?
Svetlana Dimitrova01.07.2015 07:12:47
Do you have available rooms for 2 adults and 2 children for 26-29 July (or closer dates)??
Nevena01.07.2015 09:57:00
Postovani, odgovor smo Vam poslali na mail. Pozdrav
bato11.06.2015 10:55:52
postovana da li u ovom objektu imaju dva cetvorokrevetna apartmana slobodna u periodu 06. 07. 15. do 12 .7. 15. pozdrav
Nataša ( 11:06:49
Postovani, morate nam reci za kolikoi tacno odraslih i dece vas interesuje, jer vlasnici imaju samo jedan klasican cetvorokrevetni apartman, ostali su manji i uglavnom pri,aju troje ljudi ili porodice sa dvoje male dece. Javite nam. POZDRAV
ivana4201.06.2015 13:45:49
Da li ima slibodnog mesta od 16.07 do 26.o7 apartman za 3 isobe?
Iva ( 15:26:34
Postovani, ima mesta samo do 20.7. Da li ima sanse da dodjete malo ranije ili su vam datumi fiksni? Pozdrav
Milica09.08.2014 18:14:31
Postovani ima mesta od 26-31/8 samo je jos to ostalo slobodno. Ako zelite da rezervisete ili da proverimo jos nesto sto vam se svidja javite nam.Pozdrav
Anoniman09.08.2014 17:56:29
Postovani zanimame smetaj za dve osobe u Nea Peramosu u periodu od 24.08 ujutru do 29.08 . zanimame cena smestaja . Hvala
Nikana21.07.2014 13:21:09
If you like some of these villas we will check availability for you. Also, you can send an email to us Mira Mare Hotel, Nea Peramos, Kavala, Grčka: Nickolaos Villa, Palio, Kavala, Grčka: Balias Studios, Nea Peramos, Kavala, Grčka: Dimosthenis Apartments, Nea Peramos, Kavala, Grčka: Romantika Villa, Palio, Kavala, Grčka: Elena Apartments, Nea Iraklitsa, Kavala, Grčka: Katerina Studios, Nea Iraklitsa, Kavala, Grčka: Mediterrane Villa, Nea Iraklitsa, Kavala, Grčka:
Maya Angelova21.07.2014 11:49:29
Hello, We are looking for a house, 2 apartments or 2 studios in the area of Nea Peramos, Nea Iraklitsa or Palio. We are looking for a place which is near the beach and our budged is up to 70 eur per night per family.
Milica21.07.2014 10:34:42
Respected in this accommodation there is only one apartment free from 27/08 :(. THere is no availability in September for all of you. DId you like something else also that we can check in our page? Or maybe we can suggest something just tell me till witch price you like it and can it be somewhere else in Greece or only Nea Peramos? Regards
Maya Angelova21.07.2014 09:59:06
Hello, I would like to check with you the availability of the two Villas or apartments in complex To Portego, during the period from 25.08 to 01.09 (7 nights) for 2 families - for 4 adults with 4 children (one baby on 2 months, two kids on 2 years and one on 8 years).
Milica01.07.2014 09:01:41
Respected there is only one apartment free in this accommodation an it is from 23/07-07/08. We will check also Aiolos and we will let you know. Best regards
Mirjana Dimitrievska01.07.2014 02:20:49
Hello! We are 2 families and we want to spent our holiday in yours apartments from 29.07 till 11.08 (13 nights). Because of that we need 2 apartments. 1st family Dimitrievski – 2 adl and 2 chl (14y. and 9y.) 2nd family Popov – 2adl and 2 chl (14y. and 10y.). Please can you tell us about availability and prices. Best regards from Mirjana Dimitrievska.
Nataša ( 10:11:37
Postovani, gazdarica je mislila da uzmete dva apartmana- sto bi pretpostavljam bilo skupo za vas- po cenama sa sajta. Da li zelite da nesto drugo preporucimo ili proverimo? Pozdrav
Anonymous15.06.2014 18:58:00
Sta nam Vi preporucujete i koja je cena? ;)
Milica12.06.2014 17:49:22
Postovani, u ovom smestaju nema toliko velikih apartmana za sve vas. ALi mogli biste da uzmete jedan 3 bed studio i jedan 2 bed studio ali tek od 23/08 ako vam to odgovara? Ako ne, mozemo da proverimo nesto drugo za vas iz nase ponude, ili da preporucimo nesto drugo? POzdrav
Anonymous12.06.2014 14:14:54
Interseuje me period od 18.08.2014.godine za 3 odrasle i dva deteta od 7i 11 god.da li imate slobodnih apartmana i koja je cena ?duzina boravka 12-13 dana.u TO PORTEGO
Milica30.05.2014 09:10:20
Postovani, za sada ima mesta u ovom terminu, cene mozete videti na ovom sajtu Ako vam to odgovara mozete popuniti upit za rezervaciju. Srdacan pozdrav
Dragana Jovic29.05.2014 21:53:51
Nasa porodica dvoje odraslih i deca 16 i 14god, koji smestaj preporucujete period 15.07 do 30.07 naravno i cena
Milica17.03.2014 10:02:16
Postovani, u tom periodu postoji jedan apartman sa spavacom sobom za dvoje i dnevnom sobom u kojoj se nalazi sofa na razvlacenje. Kosta 60e za noc. Ukoliko vam to odgovara, javite da rezerervisemo. Pozdrav
Anoniman17.03.2014 09:33:41
Poštovani, Interesuje me smeštaj za 3 odrasle osobe i bebu od 11 meseci...da li imate slobodnih termina od otprilike 7.juna, 15 dana? Unapred hvala
Milica16.03.2014 11:49:50
Postovani, u To Potegu ne postoje 4bed apartmani, ali mozete uzete dva dvokrevetna apartmana, ima slobodnih mesta u vasem terminu. Ukoliko su to 4 odrasle osobe, mozete tako, a ukoliko su dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece, recite nam samo starost dece, pa da probamo da iskombinujemo nesto. Pozdrav
Anoniman16.03.2014 11:37:10
Postovana, Rezervisao bih apartman za 4 osobe u apartmanima To Portego iskljucivo na prvom spratu, po mogucnosti u prvoj zgradi ka plazi u preiodu od 07.07. do 21.07.2014. god. Da li su ti apartmani slobodni u navedenom periodu? Hvala unapred.
Nataša ( 20:00:26
Postovani, To Portego je malo bolji i skuplji smestaj i cena u julu je 65 eura po danu za cetvorokrevetni apartman. Da li vam to odgovara? Ukoliko ne, mozemo nesto drugo preporuciti. Pozdrav
Jelena Branković27.02.2014 19:42:47
Poštovana, Pri povratku sa Tasosa želeli bismo da svratimo u Nea Peramos ili neko drugo mesto u blizini Kavale. Interesuje nas cena za četvorokrevetni apartman, za pet dana, od 11-16.07. Hvala unapred!