San Lazzaro Apartments
San Lazzaro Apartments is the accommodation on the hill above Nidri, with a fantastic view of the neighbouring islands and bay. It’s 300m from the sea, offers studios and apartments for 2-6 persons and the amenities include internet, private parking and a snack bar.
The nearest bakery and grocery store are at 250m and the center is about 500m away.
There are 11 double studios (23m2), four quadruple apartments (50m2) and a maisonette (90m2) for a maximum of six adults, with two bathrooms and two air-conditioners. If needed, one auxiliary bed (metal construction with a standard mattress) can be added in studios and apartments for the third i.e. fifth person.
Accommodation units are air-conditioned, have a TV, mosquito nets, bathroom with a shower and hairdryer, a fully equipped kitchen (two hot plates, fridge with a freezer and aspirator), a terrace with fantastic sea view and a safety deposit box. They are modernly furnished, with new furniture and home appliances. Cleaning is provided on a daily basis, while bed linen and towels are replaced every second day.
Facilities include a reception (open during the day), two private parking lots (within the yard i.e. 100m away), wireless internet in all rooms and at the reception, shared barbecue and a small snack bar where breakfast is served.
Pets up to 4kg are allowed, with a mandatory booking request.
San Lazzaro Apartments is an ideal choice for travellers who like a sea view, excellent accommodation and service, and do not mind the distance from the beach and the center.
You can find out more about Nidri in our Tourist guide to Lefkada.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Bojana03.03.2025 22:17:39
Poštovana, Da li je slobodna mazoneta u periodu od 20.07-31.07 za 6 osoba?
Snezana05.02.2024 21:21:00
Dobro veče. Interesuje me da li imate slobodan smeštaj i koja je cena, dvoje odraslih, dvoje dece, od 05.07-15.07?
Sandra Draghici08.08.2022 00:04:28
Good evening, we would be interested if you have free period 19.08-26.08. We are 6 adults and 4 children. And a price, please. Thank you very much
nenad kresoja25.02.2022 15:48:18
Poštovani , Potreban nam je smeštaj od 15.do25.07.2022. . Za mene , suprugu i tri ćerke 15,14,9 . Unapred hvala !!!
Anita17.02.2020 19:09:29
Hello, do you have free studio from 25.08 -03.09 for two grownups and two children age 2, and 5.
Aleksandar21.08.2019 18:09:47
Jel ima smestaj za 4osobe odrasle od 23.8 do 28.8
Milan09.08.2019 18:24:05
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodan studio za dve osobe sa pogledom na more od 02.09. -12.09., cena i da li je problem ako povedemo malu kucu?
Tatiana04.07.2019 10:35:46
Hello! We are looking for accommodation between 20 july and 03 august for 3 adults and 2 children. There are 14 night. If you have somethin available, please tell me your conditions. Thank you! Best regards, Tatiana
marija28.06.2019 23:16:56
Postovani,zanima me da li imate slobodnih apartmana u terminu od 14.08.2019. za cetvoroclanu porodicu sa dvoje dece od 9 godina i 12godina.Hvala
Ksenija08.05.2019 22:52:26
Do you have app with separate bedrom, sea view, 10.7.-17.7? And price. Thank you.
Zoltan Kondas27.04.2019 20:34:52
Dear Owner! We are looking for 2 apartments for 2 familes with 1-1 child (14, 16 years old) in 1 house. We would like to arrive on 10 August and leave on 22 August. Do you have free apartments in this time? Please send some photos your appartements! We are waiting your answer! Kovács family
Naama20.07.2018 13:21:01
Hi We are will be in lafkada in tomorrow for family vacation. We are 2 adults and one baby(allmost 2 years). I want to know if you availabla between 21-25 july, and what the prices. Thank you very much
Vladimir27.06.2018 13:48:12
Postovani, da li imate slobodni studio sa pogledom na more za 2 osobe od 16.7 do 28.7.2018 (broj nocenja mozemo korigovati u odnosu na raspolozivost)? Hvala unapred. Pozdrav, Vladimir
Anna10.06.2018 07:58:05
Hello, we are going to Nidri from 21 th of June to 2 th of July? Do you have free apartments on these dates? Can we have price 34 euro per night with breakfast, because we're just two- me and my daughter 7 years old? Thanks for answer)
Sanja07.05.2018 19:58:56
Postovani, da li ima 1 studio za 2 osobe od 15 juna, na 15 dana, sa pogledom na more i po kojij ceni...i koji je na slici
Dusan Matic06.05.2018 19:53:32
Kolika je cena za cetvorokrevetni apartman ili studio? I da li se placa po osobi ili dnevna cena apartmana? Potreban nam je termin izmedju 8 jula do 23 jula.
Ivana Radovic05.05.2018 18:18:03
Postovani, imate li na raspolaganju studio za tri osobe( dvoje odraslih i dete od 8 godina) u periodu od 15.08.2018? Koja bi bila cena?
Danijela30.04.2018 15:26:07
Poštovani, Interesuje me da li ima raspoloživi apartman u smeštaju San Lazzaro u Nidriju, u periodu od 31.07.2018. do 08.08.2018. za dve osobe sa bračnim ležajem? Hvala.
zoran19.08.2017 15:10:46
imate li studio za dve osobe na spratu sa pogledom na more od drugog septembra bez dorucka
Vukica14.08.2017 12:49:48
Postovani,imate si slobodan apartman za dbije odrasle osobe u terminu od 29.08 do 08.09? Hvala.
ivana09.08.2017 16:18:22
do you have available apartments for family of 5, 2 adults, 3 children, (11.12 years) starting from august 19 th. How much is it
Bojan04.08.2017 00:42:28
Cetvoroclana porodica (klinci 6 i 3 godine), od 14. ili 15. avgusta do 25.8.?
Savic Milena 02.08.2017 17:52:08
slobodan termin od 09.08. do 17.08.?
Jelena Djurdjevic 30.07.2017 21:06:06
Dobro vece. Zanimaju me slobodni termini za avgust mesec I cena apartmana za dve odrasle osobe I dvoje dece od 6-4 godina. Hvala
Mas SI24.07.2017 11:10:01
Postovani, da li imate kojim slucajem slobodan studio za dvoje odraslih u periodu od 30.8 do 7.9?
Ivana21.07.2017 19:55:19
Zanima me dali ima slobodan termin od 12 avgusta,za dvoje. I interesuje me cena?
Aleksandar19.07.2017 21:17:05
Da li ima slobodan smestaj za 5-oricu odraslih, u periodu od 25 ili 26 jula, 10 nocenja?
ruzica19.07.2017 13:49:07
da li postoji mogucnost najma apartmana za 2 odraslih i dvoje dece bez dorucka i koja bi cena bila za period 13-23.8. Hvala unapred
Svetlana19.07.2017 10:43:56
Avgust od 8-10 avgusta 2+1 dete (7god) 10 dana cena? Hvala u napred,pozdrav!
Angelq14.07.2017 22:00:26
Postovani, Interesuje me dali ima slobodni apartman za 4 odrasle osobe ( ili 2 dvokrevetni studio) za period od 25.07-04.08 (10 nokja) i koja bi bila cena? Hvala unapred
Radmila Ribarić06.07.2017 23:47:22
da li imate sledeće slobodne termine i po kojoj ceni za mene, supruga i dete(15god) od 18.07 do 28.07 i od 01.-03.08 do 11.-13.08. Pozz.
Milan05.07.2017 21:49:55
Da li imate slobodno dva puta po dva apartana od 28.07 do 07.08 ? Pozz
Kokai22.05.2017 22:32:07
Hi, we would visit you if is it possible. We are three person. My little doughter, she is 11, my wife and me. We have free from 17th july till 3th august. So we need ten days in this period. Please tell me do you have free room for us. And if it's ok, than how much is it for a day? Thak you, best regards from Serbia Kokai Jozef
Andrijana16.05.2017 23:51:27
Poštovani, da li imate nešto slobodno za dve osobe, u periodu od 21-30.06? Pozdrav!
Valentina V isnjevski Pavela03.04.2017 21:58:20
Interesuje me cena za cetvorokrevetni apartman (dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece) u perjodu od 21.07. do 31.07. 2017. s postovanjem, Valentina
Jelena 28.03.2017 23:24:22
Ponuda za 2bed studio, period 25.06. - 07.07.2017. ? Hvala
Ivica 27.01.2017 22:15:12
Poštovani, Interesuje me koliko bi koštao period 01.07 11.07. za porodicu sa 2 dece od 12 godina. Hvala