Irini Studios
Irini Studios is located in Nidri. Guests have private parking lot and courtyard with a shared barbecue. Also, free WiFi is provided.
Irini Studios is located at about 300m from the sea (marina), about 400m from the center of Nidri and about 800m from the sandy city beach.
Accommodation offers studios and apartments which can accommodate 2 to 6 people.There are six accommodation units available for internet reservations.
In ground floor there are 2 bed room, 2 bed studio and 6 bed apartment. Six bed apartment (55m2) has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, four single beds, one large sofa and an extra bed (wooden-metal structure with standard mattress). The double studio has one double bed and the possibility of inserting an extra bed (metal construction with a mattress of almost standard dimensions). Two bed room has two single beds, street view and has no kitchen. Apartment and 2 bed studio have common veranda.
On the floor there are two quadruple studios and one 4 bed apartment. Studios have double and two single beds. Studio no 2 has separated kithchen. Studio no 4 has bedroom with double bed but door are accordion style. Apartment has one double bed in the bedroom and sofa for two in the living room.
All accommodation units have a kitchen (except 2 bed room), airconditioner, bathroom with shower curtain, TV, wireless internet, safe box, mosquito nets and a terrace, while the crib is available with a mandatory query when booking. Six bed apartment has a large fridge. Some of units have a stove with oven.
Cleaning is done every day, while bed linen and towels are replaced after 3-4 days, depending on the stay.
The owners live in the villa, so they’re at guests service during their entire stay, both at daytime and at night in emergency situations.
Irini Studios is an ideal choice for travelers who want to spend their vacation in a quiet location, near the center of Nidri. The nearest bakery and grocery store are at 200m.
You can find out more about Nidri in our Tourist guide to Lefkada.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Bojana03.03.2025 21:58:57
Poštovani, da li je ponuđeni apartman sa dve sobe slobodan i može da primi 6 osoba u periodu od 20.07-31.07?
Bojana03.03.2025 21:58:12
Poštovani, da li je ponuđeni apartman sa dve sobe slobodan i može da primi 6 osoba u periodu od 20.07-31.07?
Aleksandar21.07.2024 19:48:46
Da li imate slobodan smestaj dolazak bi bio 28,29 ili 30. 07 na 10 dana Za porodicu sa 1 detetom od 8 godina? I koja bi bila cena smestaja?
Aneta Koneska09.07.2024 12:17:05
Hello, Do you hae something free after the 16.08.2024 For 2adults and 2 children (18 and 14 years old) - 9-10 nights. and the price please. Best regards,
Milica Pavlović26.06.2024 17:44:36
Dobar dan. Interesuje me smestaj za mene i supruga 10 noci u periodu od 11.08 ili 12.08.2024. Koja bi bila ukupna cena? Hvala
katarina30.04.2024 11:21:34
Postovani, Da li je slobodan termin ovog smestaja u periodu od 01. 07 - 10.07
Nebojsha01.09.2023 14:46:54
Zelim da znam ovaj 2 bed studio od 35 eura dali ima dva povezana kreveta ili je to onaj sa dva drvena podeljena kreveta na slici?
Mira25.07.2023 21:36:05
Dobro veče, da li imate slobodan studio za dve osobe od 1. do 11. avgusta?
janja16.07.2023 22:30:42
Dobro veče, zanima me da li imate dva slobodna četvorokrevetna apartmana u periodu od 7-17 avgusta?
Janja16.07.2023 15:13:29
Dobar dan, da li imate 2 slobodna cetvorokrevetna apartmana/studija u terminu od 8-18 avgusta?
Mira21.06.2023 16:52:43
Da li je slobodan studio za 2 adl +2 dece u terminu od 02-16.07.2023.?
Zoran16.07.2019 11:03:44
Poštovani, Potreban nam je smeštaj na Lefkadi. Da li možete da ponudite nešto za porodicu od 3 odrasle osobe u periodu 17-27.07.2019? Studio/apartman treba da ima kupatilo, besplatan wi-fi i kuhinju. Poželjan parking, obzirom da idemo sopstvenim prevozom. Preferiramo zapadnu stranu, ali nije uslov. Pozdrav, Zoran
LAZIC MILAN13.06.2019 01:17:41
potreban veci apartman
Daca15.05.2019 11:46:44
respected, I am interested in the price bed appartment of 08-18.07 for two adults and a child of nine years greeting
Ivana14.05.2018 22:43:53
Postovani, interesuje me koja je cena duplexs i cena dvokrevetnog studija? Od 3. Do 14. Avgusta. Moze i neki drugi fatim, bitno je da je u avgustu. Hvala unapred
Marko14.08.2017 23:47:18
Jer je kompletno isti kao na slika Jer ima raspolozivih soba od sutra za narednih od 3 do 5 dan i po kojoj je ceni studio. Hvala
Tihana13.08.2017 21:34:40
Da limate slobodne apartmane za 4 odrasle osobe u periodu 14.8.?
Mirjana Ristic13.08.2017 21:29:58
Postovani, Zanima me da li ima slobodnih apartmana za dve odrasle osobe za period 18.8.-22.8.2017. !? Hvala . Pozdrav !
Mile12.08.2017 11:31:42
Da li je slobodan irini studio na lefkadi od 14.08do 24.08