Rena House
Rena House is located in Vourvourou, close to the beach. Surrounded by very spacious courtyard with natural shade, playground for children, courts for different sports, it is an ideal accommodation for families with children and groups of friends.
The house is located 300m from the beach and 550m from the market and a tavern.
It offers four quadruple and three quintuple apartments. The apartments are located on the ground floor, have their own porch with table and chairs and a yard view.
Quadruple apartments consist of a living room with a kitchen and a sofa, as well as a separate bedroom with a double bed (narrower than usual double bed) and a single bed. Maximum capacity of these apartments is four persons, but an extra bed can be added with an extra charge, for fifth person.
Quintuple apartments consist of a living room with a kitchen and a sofa, and two separate bedrooms with one double bed (narrower than usual double bed) and two single beds. Maximum capacity of these apartments is five persons, but an extra bed can be added with an extra charge, for sixth person.
Each apartment has an equipped kitchen with a small stove with three hot plates and oven or regular big electric stove, a refrigerator and necessary dishes, bathroom with an edged shower area and a curtain, air conditioner, internet, TV, mosquito nets and hairdryer. Replacement of towels and bed linen, as well as cleaning, is performed after three days. Guests can use the washing machine free of charge. Pets are allowed upon request.
The yard is fenced and spacious, with a lot of natural shade, children’s playground, barbecue, tables and chairs, umbrellas and deck chairs, volleyball, football and basketball courts, as well as covered parking.
You will reach the accommodation by driving the main street in Vourvourou about 1.7km. You will then turn inzo the first small street to the right as soon as you pass the Filippos accommodation. After 50m you will see the Rena accommodation.
Rena House can be a good choice for not demanding guests, looking to spend their vacation in a quiet place, in the immediate vicinity of the beach.
You can find out more about Vourvourou in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
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Sara08.03.2025 13:38:16
Dear Team, I hope this message finds you well. I would like to inquire about the availability and pricing for a quadruple room at your hotel for the period from August 20th to August 30th. Could you please provide me with details on the room rates, any special offers, and the amenities included? Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to your reply. Best regards, Sara
Goran Surtov21.02.2025 11:17:30
Poštovani, Da li imate u vili Rena House, mesto Vurvuru za period od 14.06.2025.g. na 8 noći slobodnog mesta u apartmanu 2 Bedroom Apartment (5+1) za jednu porodicu ; u pitanju je 3 odraslih i dvoje djece od 7 i 5 godina. Također nam je potrebn u istom, navedenom terminu apartman 4 Bed Apartment (4+1) za drugu porodicu ; u pitanju su 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 5 i 3 godine i ako može malo da nam opišete detaljnije raspored krevete i prostorija za 2 Bedroom Apartment (5+1) i 4 Bed Apartment (4+1).
Milena09.02.2025 18:57:26
Postovani,da li imate slobodne termine za dve cetvoroclane porodice i jednu troclanu u prvoj polovini avgusta.Sva deca su uzrasta do 12 god.Moze i opcija da dve porodice budu zajedno u apartmanu a jedna odvojena.Naravno i koja je cena za 9 noci.Hvala unapred.
Maja08.01.2025 20:52:08
Poštovani, Da li ima slobodnih apartmana za 4 odrasle osobe i 3 dece (7, 10 i 14god.) u periodu od 13. do 23. jula? Hvala
Marta 19.11.2024 18:34:28
Postovani, dali ima slobodni termin od 4 agusta do 11 avgusta za 4 odraslih i 3 dece i koliko bi nas kostao smestaj?hvala
Nina17.06.2024 19:47:20
Poštovani, Gledam četvorokrevtni apartman sa dodatkom pomoćnog ležaja pa me interesuje šta je pomoćni ležaj i da li se rasklapa, u koju prostoriju se instalira? I da li se kauč u dnevnoj sobi/kuhinji rasklapa pa da mogu da stanu dve osobe?
Dejan Djokovic09.05.2024 00:06:35
Hello. Do you have free accommodation in the period from 07.07.-17.07. (10 nights) for 4 adults and 1 child (15 years)? If you have can you send me some pictures of this accommodation? My mobile is +381652006314 (viber or whatsupp).
Milena20.03.2024 22:38:21
Poštovani, potrebna su nam 2 četvorokrevetna apartmana u periodu od 26.6. do 6.7.2024. Da li imate slobodno u tom periodu? Datum je fleksibilan za koji dan.
Bogdan17.03.2024 11:22:22
Postovani, iznajmili bismo 2 apartmana - 4 roditelja i 3 dece, na 9-10 dana u periodu od 16. do 30. avgusta. Da li mozda imate slobodan prostor u tom terminu?
Jovan Lemić07.02.2024 17:36:42
Postovani, da li imate dva petokrevetna apartmana u periodu od 14 jula-26 jula (12 noćenja)? Da li postoje petokrevetnih apartmana? Pozdrav
Fam18.01.2024 21:56:54
Hallo, ist das 60 m2 Apartment vom 20.7-4.8 / 21.7-4.8 Oder vielleicht vom 21.7-11.8 frei ?
Ich bins18.01.2024 12:24:13
Hello, its free 21.7-4.8 for 5 People ?
Nikolina16.07.2023 10:35:44
Hello, we are looking for accomodation for 4 adults, from 20. to 28.8. Could you tell me if you have something available in that period. Thank you in advance.
Teresa30.06.2023 07:10:41
Good morning, I am looking for accommodation for 5 people (2 adults and 3 children), 4 beds are enough. Stayed on August 7, about 10 nights. Please let me know if there is anything available and what is the price per night
Ivana Osvald04.05.2023 15:38:27
Pozdrav zanima me da li je smestaj slobodan u periodu od 01.07.-15.07 za tri odrasle osobe i dvoje dece? Hvala
Nikoleta Dusevic12.04.2023 00:59:52
Dear Sir/Madam, Do you have an apartment available 19/20.06 -29/30.06 for 3 adults and 3 children for the date I mentioned, I am open to other date suggestions as well. Thanks in advance
Tijana06.07.2022 08:11:41
Hello, Do you have something available for 3 adults and 2 kids (3, 4 years old) from 15/8/2022 until 21/8/2022 ? Doesn't matter how far is the beach or center. We just need 2 separate bedrooms, because of kids.
Olivera23.04.2022 17:56:20
Dobar dan,da li ima slobodno od 24 juna do 06 jula za 4 odrasle osobe i jedno dete od dve godine,sa dve spavace sobe?
Vladimir27.02.2022 14:00:24
Interesuje me 2 bedroom apartman od 60m2 za period od 10.08. do 24.08., dakle 14 nocenja. Da li je dostupan i cena? Hvala.
Danijela 04.08.2021 12:02:16
Hi, Do you have an available app in the period 10.08-20.08 (dates are not fix +-3 days) for 2 adults and 2 children ( 8 and 13 years)
Zorica25.07.2021 12:22:10
Hello, do you have 1/4 app available for 10 nights between 29.7.2021.and 15.8.2021.?
Damjan20.02.2020 18:58:49
Hello, We are interested in 5 bed apartment, we would like to stay from 30th July to 20th August (21 night). There are four adults and one child (16 years). Are pets allowed and are these dates available? Family Mucibabic
Goran03.01.2019 12:38:39
poštovani, postoje li 3 duplexa u RENA HOUSE za 10-12 odraslih za period 23.07-07.08. dakle na 15 dana.Pozdrav.
Ljiljana21.02.2018 23:26:31
Zanima nas boravak u apartman za 4 osobe koja je Cena, da li ovo sto je na upitu ili nesto drugacije , za period od 5 avgusta 10 dana. Imamo troje dece 10, 8, I 3 godine, najmladje moze da imaa bebi krevetac
Snezana07.02.2018 22:57:51
Da li je slobodan apartman od 28.7. do 10.8. Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece. S postovanjem
Milica Zivanovic 01.07.2017 21:23:51
Postovani, Interesuje nas apartman, 10 noci u periodu od 22.07. do 12.08.,dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece. Interesuje nas i slican smestaj na sitoniji. Molim vas Posaljite nam ponudu. Unapred hvala, Milica Zivanovic
Lazar Šošević12.04.2017 23:57:06
Poštovani, da li imate slobodnu dvokrevetnu sobu na raspolaganju u periodu od 22. 06. 2017. do 02. 07.2017. I koliko bi to koštalo ? Srdačan pozdrav!
Mirjana17.08.2016 17:36:22
Da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu od 1.9. do 11.9. za cetvoroclanu porodicu. Interesuje me da spavaca soba bude odvojena od dnevne. Koja cena bi bila?
Todor23.04.2016 16:01:29
Postovani, Veoma nam se svidela vasa kuca, dosli bismo ja moja supruga i dvoje dece od 11 i 12 godina, ostali bismo od 25.06. do 07.07. HVALA, PORODICA GAJIC
nikola27.03.2016 12:56:03
Dali imate slobodan apartman za cetvoroclanu porodicu u periodu od 10.07 do 15.08 na 15 noci i koja je cena
nikola perovic27.03.2016 12:47:46
Dear Do you have the apartments for the a family of four in the period from 15 July to 15 August for the 15 nights and what's the price
Vladimir02.02.2016 22:59:12
Poštovani, mi smo dve četvoročlane porodice i zanima nas najam dva vaša apartmana za četiri osobe u periodu od 11.7.2016 do 21.7.2016 uz pitanje, da li se radi o dvosobnom apartmanu ili su sva četiri kreveta u jednoj prostoriji? Koja bi cena bila u pitanju po porodici i uslovi plaćanja? Hvala i pozdrav iz Subotice
Natasa Pantic31.01.2016 22:13:59
Da li mozete proveriti da li ima mesta u periodu 24.07.-06.08.2016. ya cetverokrevetni apartman (3 odraskih+1 dete), hvala. Pozdrav
Tamara30.01.2016 18:50:04
Poštovani da li ima 2 slobodna četvorokrevetna apartmana u periodu od 11. 07. do 21. 07. 2016. god. za dve četvoročlane porodice?