Vigla House
Vigla House is one of the rare accommodations in Sykia which has a swimming pool. It is surrounded by very spacious, fenced courtyard, with toys for children and private parking. It is on the peaceful location and it is one of the modest accommodations which we reccommend to undemanding tourists.
From the beach Sykia it is 700m away and from the market around 900m. At the same distance are few taverns, while in the bays on the left and on the right side os Sykia are few more wonderful beaches with taverns.
The building consists of eight studios for two, three, or four people located on the first floor.
There are a total of three double studios (No. 1, 6, and 7), four triple studios (No. 2, 4, 5, and 8), and one quadruple studio (No. 3). In the double studios, there is one double bed, in the triple studios, there is one double bed and one single bed, while in the quadruple studio, there is one double bed, one single bed, and a pull-out bed. The kitchens in the double and triple studios are modestly equipped, with a stove with two burners and a small refrigerator with a freezer compartment, while the kitchen in the quadruple studio is equipped with a stove with two burners and a large refrigerator with a freezer. In studios No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, there are only tiles and a shower in the bathrooms, while in studios No. 5, 6, 7, and 8, there are shower cabins. Each studio has its own terrace overlooking the courtyard.
In the big, fenced courtyard is a swimming pool with sunbeds and umbrellas. On guests’ disposal is barbecue. One part of the courtyard is used as parking.
In order to reach Vigla House, you have to take the dirt road from the main street next to the beach Sykia. After you turn towards the beach Sykia, continue straight until you reach the beach. Then continue straight (actually left) until you see the tavern Theano on the left. Continue straight and turn in the second street left. When you come across the crossroad, turn right and you will see the house.
If you are not demanding when it comes to quality of accommodation, but it is important for you to have a spacious courtyard, toys for children adn the swimming pool, then this is the right place for you.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Ivana03.03.2025 18:48:34
Postovani Zanima nas smestaj u vili Vigla House za 13.jul do 23.jula - 10noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece 4 i 7godina. Molim za cenu? Hvala Ivana
Stiven19.08.2019 23:40:01
Postovani, zanima me imate li slobodan smestaj za period od 03.09. do 09.09. za 5 osoba, dva bracna para i jedan samac?
Boris09.08.2019 18:18:31
Слободан смештај период 23-24.08- 04-05.08 за четворочлану породицу
valter27.06.2019 19:35:41
do you have free apartment for 2adults and 2children(16 and 14years) between 29.7. and 5.8. ? we can change the date if it is not free
Predrag27.04.2019 21:05:55
Dostupnost studia u periodu od 1.07 do 11.07. 2019 za dve porodice... troclana 2+1 i cetvoroclanu porodicu 2+2
Daniel Florin Dura22.08.2018 18:26:10
Hello! We are a family of 4 persons, 2 adults and 2 kids , of 11 years old each.We are looking for a holiday of 7,8,9 or 10 nights starting with 24,25,26 or 29.30 of august .Tell me please the price per night if you have any studios free or apartament . Thank you ! My mail is : my phone is : 040 722483748
Sasa09.08.2018 10:36:38
Poštovani, Intereuje me da li je slobodno od 13.8-23.8 i po kojoj ceni. Hvala
Ivan24.07.2018 22:54:43
Pozdrav, imate li slobodan smestaj za 2 odrasla i 1 dete za period od 30.07. do 10.08 ili dan dva ranije/kasnije?
Olja18.07.2018 17:41:24
Imate li cetvorokevetni apartman za 10. ili 12. avgust 10 nocenja?
Мина27.06.2018 19:27:37
Поштовани, да ли имате слободну собу за две одрасле особе у периоду од 15.07. - 29.07? Хвала
marija rajkovic27.06.2018 18:12:05
postovani,da li imate 2 sobe 4 vorokrevetne,od 15,jula?
marija rajkovic27.06.2018 18:08:00
postovani <da li imate slobodne 2 sobe ,4 krevetne od 20.jula?
Milan26.06.2018 16:59:35
Hello...We saw that you have 2 bed studio BB..We are family with one child and we want to ask you is there any possibility to get extra bed for 10 years old boy? Thank you
Vlada17.06.2018 13:02:12
Postovani, da li je slobodan petokrevetni app da check in bude od 15.7.-3.8.?
Slobodan28.05.2018 21:54:24
Postovanje, Interesuje me da li imate dva apartmana, ili studija za dve cetveroclane porodice, po mogucnosti da budu jedan pored drugog? Srdacan pozdrav, Slobodan
Marta Zunino07.03.2018 14:50:59
Good morning, we are two couples of adults and a small polite dog, we have already been in Sikia camping guests and this year we would like to stay at your beautiful home. We would like to know the prices for two separate apartments in July. Thank you