Thomai Studio
**Thomai Studio is located in the family resort Psakudia. It is clean, comfortable and well-maintained accommodation unit, equipped functionally and furnished with taste. Good location, beautifully landscaped private lawn with sea view in front of the property, as well as very friendly owners - are just some of the benefits that guests of this accommodation enjoy. **
Studio is located less than 200m away from the beautiful sandy beach, and the city center with whole its tourist offer (shops, tavernas, beach bars) are also in the immediate vicinity - within short walking distance.
Thomai Studio can accommodate up to four adults, and it is semi-based (7 steps below street level), but all windows and balcony doors are standard size - so the accommodation unit is bright. It has a double bed in a section of the room separated with curtain, as well as a sofa bed with an extra drawer bed under it. The kitchen is fully equipped with a stove, a large refrigerator with freezer, all the necessary dishes and utensils. The bathroom has a shower tray with a curtain. Internet access, TV and air conditioning are available, as well as the clean bed linen and towels.
In front of the studio entrance there is a dining set under the big sun umbrella at the back of the property, as well as a covered porch on the front side - also equipped with a sitting set and a laundry drying rack.
Barbecue and outdoor shower can be used. There is enough parking space in front and behind the accommodation.
If you continue forward (about 1km) from the first entrance to Psakudia, you will find this accommodation on the left side in about 200m after passing the Cronwell Resort.
Thomai Studio is recommended for guests who want neat and decent accommodation, close to the beach and all amenities of the resort.
You can find out more about Psakoudia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Zoran Perišić16.02.2025 09:50:35
Poštovani, interesuje me Psahudija, Thomai studio u periodu 07.07. - 16.07.2025 za 2 osobe.
Ivan Pal24.01.2025 09:17:52
Koja je cena za leto 2025, period od 01.08.2025 do 10.08.2025. Dvoje odraslih, dvoje dece (6 god, 11 god.)?
Dusica16.04.2024 23:19:44
Dobro vece da li imate slobodan smestaj u petiodu od 12.8 do 18.8 za 4 osobe dvoje dece po 23.god i dve odrasle i cena
Jelena28.12.2023 17:20:14
Dobar dan. Kada ce biti azurirana cena za ovaj smeštaj? Zainteresovani smo za njega. Hvala
Ivana04.02.2023 10:09:12
Dobar dan. Da li imate ponudu za Stavros i Asprovaltu pocetkom avgusta za 2 dece i 2 odraslih? Hvala
Igor Koen31.01.2023 11:48:38
Postovani, Da li postoji mognost da iznajmimo ovaj apartman za navedeni period? Hvala unapred Igor
Dragana Petrović 29.01.2023 13:58:52
Poštovanje, zanima me da li je plaža ispred Thomai studia za kupanje, tj.da li je to uopšte plaža. Da li je ovaj studio slobodan od 08.08. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece za 10 noći. Koja bi cena bila? Hvala
eleytheria tzatza10.07.2022 18:39:46
Καλησπέρα σας , 23/7 - 2/8 διαθεσιμότητα για 2 τρίκλινα , το ενα στο ισόγειο , υπάρχει ?Αν ναι ποιό το κόστος ?Ευχαριστώ .
Ljiljana Milovic27.07.2021 10:26:35
Postovana, imate li slobodan smestaj od 4.8.-14.8. i koja je cena? Bracni par sa decom od 6 i 8 godina.....Hvala. Pozdrav
Darko Sekulic04.03.2020 20:54:22
Recpected, i need an apartment for two adults and two older children 16, 18. between the end of July or the beginning of August for ten nights (depending on your dates)
Sinisa Budrak16.02.2020 16:33:52
Smestaj za 4 osobe od 4-11.8, ili 5-12,6-13,7-14,8-15.
Jelena24.08.2019 12:31:59
Поштовани, да ли је сместај слободан од 3.9? Две одрасле особе и дете од 3 године. Да ли се може изннајмити на 7 ноћи?
Ljiljana Milovic16.08.2019 23:05:09
Postovani, interesuje nas studio za bracni par sa decom od 4 i 6 godina i jos jedan za bracni par.....imate li slobodno od 5.9.-15.9. i koja je cena? Gde su studiji kom spratu? hvala. Pozdrav
Ana 13.08.2019 23:00:02
Pozdrav! Da li imate slobodan termin 18.08- 28.08 za 2 odraslih i 2 dece ( 7god i 1,5god) i koja je cena?
Jelena Krstic12.08.2019 17:07:38
Dobar dan.Koliko bi kostao smestaj kod vas 2 odraslih i deca 6 i 10g u periodu 22-31.8? Hvala
Marko02.08.2019 23:42:16
Interesuje me dal ima od prvog septembra slobodnog smestaja . Pozdrav
Marija10.07.2019 10:44:41
Poštovani, Interesuje me da li imate smeštajni kapacitet za dvoje odraslih i troje dece uzrasta 11, 10 i 4 godine u periodu od 20/21.jula do 30. jula.. Hvala unapred
Dragana22.06.2019 06:14:58
Poštovani da li imate slobodan termin u periodu od 10.08 do 19.08 za dvoje odraslih i dete od 3 god i koja je cena smestaja
Luiza17.05.2019 08:09:56
Hello!!! We are a family( 2 adults and 2 children: 4 and 1 year) and we will love to stay on you. Could you please tell me if you have a free room in the period 13.07-04.08.2019 for 9-10 days accommodation and the price per night. Kind regards, Luiza