Anna's Studios
If you are looking for a vacation few steps away from the beach in a spacious and well-maintained yard, Anna’s Studios could be a great choice for you. The accommodation was built 300m from the entrance to the village Vourvourou, in a large yard, where there are two barbecues, several summer houses, volleyball courts, basketball, table tennis.
The beach is 250m away, the supermarket is 200 meters away, and restaurants are 2km away from the house.
The studios are located on the first and second floor and the maximum number of persons is two adults and two children.
Accommodation consists of two buildings (facility A and facility B). In building A, there are 8 four-bed studios (22m2), while there are 16 studies in Building B. All studios have a double bed and a bunk beds.
Each studio has a WiFi, TV, air conditioning, mosquito nets, a bathroom with a hairdryer and a edged shower area with a curtain, a fully equipped kitchen with a toaster, a coffee machine and a separate balconies with a garden view.
Changing of towels and bed linen is done every third day.
Private parking is provided for all guests. If necessary, the owner can also provide a baby cot.
Two deckchairs and one umbrella are provided for each studio.
If you are going to Vourvourou from the direction of Nikiti, you should drive the main street and when you enter in Vourvourou after 300m you will see on the right side Anna’s Studios accommodation.
This accommodation is an excellent choice for families with children, due to the spacious yard where you can let the children run safely, as well as for several families who want to have vacations together, due to the great space and opportunities for hanging out.
You can find out more about Vourvourou in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Bojana02.03.2025 13:27:33
Da li imate slobodno u periodu od 28.07.-07.08.
Ivana Boskovic10.06.2024 22:04:59
Please, Do you have two rooms for 2 adults and four children in august (8,9,10 august) for eight to ten nights? I expecting your answer. Greeting
Milica05.06.2024 22:54:32
Poštovani 18 june 9 nights ? 2 adults and 2 children ?
Petar Mrvic 26.05.2024 23:42:11
Poštovani, Koja bi cena bila za 12 noćenja za 2 odraslih i 2 dece (6 i 2 godine)? Da li postoji mogućnost odabira polupansiona ili noćenja sa doručkom? Da li u blizini smeštaja i plaže postoje restorani i kafići? Hvala unapred, Srdačan pozdrav
ANGELINA TOPALOVIĆ09.05.2024 13:44:52
Pozdrav, da li imate slobodan termin u drugoj polovini juna ili eventualno jul? Dvoje odraslih i troje djece 2, 9 i 11 godina. Lp
Svetlana20.03.2024 20:14:23
Postovani da li ima slobodan apartman za 3 odraslih i 2 dece od 4 i 5 godina?od 2.9-12.9.2024?
Maja Guduric16.02.2024 20:33:13
Molim Vas za raspolozive termine za ovu sezonu jul-avgust 2024. za 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 12 i 10 godina.
Todorova06.02.2024 17:54:30
Do you have available studio for the period 26.07-31.07? Thank you
MILENA MIHAJLOVIC23.01.2024 12:33:45
Bojana Petrovic19.01.2024 11:10:54
Po[tovani, Da li ima slobodnih apartmana u peridu od 21.06.2024 do 05.07.2024 , Pozdrav
Nick03.07.2023 10:19:54
Hello! Any rooms available?
Tatjana Spirova26.06.2023 15:28:10
Studio za 3 odrasle osobe za 5 nocevanja po mogucnost na prizemlje od 15 juli
nemanja10.06.2023 16:41:31
Raspolozivost smestaja Anna's Studios, studio u prizemlju, od 29 Avgusta. 10 nocenja za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece. Hvala
vesna06.06.2023 10:32:35
Dal imate slibodna tri apartmana za tri porodice za 30.07-06.08: 1)2 odraslih, 2 dece (5god, 8god,) 2) 2 odraslih, 2 dece (11god, 13god, ) 3) 2 odraslih, 2 dece (11god i 13 god)
Branka Reljic03.05.2023 13:20:18
Da li imate slobodna dva apartmana za dve porodice (dvoje odraslih plus dvoje dece 2 i 4 godine) u periodu od 20.8.-30.8.2023?
Ana Andric16.04.2023 19:59:13
Da li imate slobodan apartman Hvala
Minja01.04.2023 23:29:33
Dal imate slibodna tri apartmana za tri porodice za kraj juna/početak jula (datum fleksibilan): 1)2 odraslih, 3 dece (5god, 3god,1) 2) 2 odraslih, 3 dece (4god, 2god, 4 meseca) 3) 3 odraslih, 1 dete (6god)
ненад шурлан30.03.2023 21:38:34
da imate apartman za ovaj period
Sanja Mijailovic14.02.2023 12:09:34
Zanima me apartman za 2. odr i 2.dece 9 i 12 godina u periodu od 1.jula do 11.jula da li ima slobodno?
Dragan Stojadinovic10.02.2023 21:28:42
Letovali bi u 4 Bed Studio, B u periodu od 01.07.2023-10.07.2023 Ja ,supruga i dvoje dece 11 i 3 god. Da li ima slobodan studio i molim Vas za kontak tel ili e-mail,kako bi rezervisali studio, Hvala
Pedja31.01.2023 12:25:07
Da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu od 20.06-30.06, 4 Bed Studio?
Mirjana Lapcevic24.01.2023 09:53:55
Poštovani, zanima me šta ima slobodno kraj juna početak jula 7-10 noćenja, 2 x apartman za 2 odraslih i 2 dece i 1 apartman za 2 odraslih i 1 dete. Deca su uzrasta 9-11 godina.
Sanja Zivic07.01.2023 16:53:09
Molim Vas za slobodne termine u drugoj polovini jula za 7-10 dana za tri porodice tj jedan 4krevetni i dva 3krevetna studija
Ivana11.07.2022 17:55:18
Molim vas za raspolozivost dva studia od 27.08. do 10.09. Prvi studio porodica sa dvoje dece 2 i 4god. Druga porodica sa jednim detetom od 2 godine. Hvala i pozdrav
Ivan16.06.2022 16:26:07
Zainteresovan sam za studio za 2 odraslih i dvoje dece za period od 20. do 30 jula. Da li imate na raspolaganju i koja je cena za taj period zajedno sa boravišnom taksom?
milan nikolic12.06.2022 17:35:17
2 porodice 2 smestaja 5 odrasle osobe 3 dece(6,7,8 god)
Mariya04.05.2022 16:09:40
Hi, do you have apartment with sea view for 18-25 July - 7 nights. We are 4 adults and one child 2 years old. Thank you!
Cupic01.08.2021 15:36:09
Da li ima slobodno od 05-13.08 za dve odrasle osobe i dete 5 god ?
Janko Srnić24.02.2020 12:45:54
Poštovani, Zanima me najam studija od sredine avgusta na primer od 18.08.2020. godine 10 dana. Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (7 i 10 godina). Molim informaciju i o ceni.
Dusan09.11.2019 13:00:15
Zanima me ako sad rezervisemo sstudio..kako ide placanje..da li mora odma..ili moze na rate do polaska .i da li mozemo da biramo studio u prizemlju pogled prema dvoristu tj delimicno prema moru
Grozde14.05.2019 18:40:35
Hello. Can you tell me if there is a free apartment for 2adults ( husband and wife) and 1 year old child for 7 nights 10.08- 17.08.2019? Looking forward for your answer. Have a nice day
Kristina Miljkovic06.04.2019 10:52:23
Postovani, zanima me cena smesraja u ovim apartmanima polovinom Jula? Muz I zena I dve bebe od 12meseci tada ce imati..hvala na odgovoru
Nonka12.06.2018 16:46:37
Hello, I'm interested in a studio or apartment for 3 guests for 6 nights: 16.07-22.07.2018. Are you free for this period? How much does it cost for 1 night? Is there a terrace and equipped kitchen? How can I pay? Have a nice day! Nonka
Snezana18.04.2018 21:54:02
Postovani, zelela sam da pitam koliko se krecu cene apartmana u periodu od 5.avgusta i da li imate slobodna dva cetverokrevetna apartmana u tom terminu ? Hvala najlepse. Pozdrav, Snezana
Cosmin Petra13.03.2018 21:02:56
Dear Ms. / Mr., Please send us a quotation for 4 persons - 2 pers.( wife and husband) plus 2 mothers, between 25 May - 02 June. We are very interested to stay one week at Annas Studios. For us, it is very fine if the arriving / departure days are + / - 2 days. Looking forward for your answer at Thank you very much for your attention. Cosmin PETRA
Jel ima neki popust 16.06.2017 14:45:15
Jel ima neki popust za 21 prenocenja? 0d 08.07.-29.02017, dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (5+7)
Vladimir04.02.2017 18:24:00
Da li ima slobodnih soba od 18.06 do 28.06.17 za 2 odrasle osobe i dvoje dece i cena? Pozz
Jovana 20.07.2016 13:21:44
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan studio ili app od 21.08. na 10 noći, za porodicu 2 adl+ 1chd (4)+1inf. Polazak može biti i koji dan kasnije. I koja bi bila cena. Hvala Vam unapred. Lp, Jovana
Srdjan Njezic19.07.2015 19:48:21
Dear All, I need one studio/apartment for my family (4 persons; my wife, I and two children of 14 and 9 years). We need accommodation with kitchen and terrace for 9 night 10 days. (1st day 3rd August till last day 12 August). Can you offer us accommodation in your house in this period? I can move arrivals 1 day before and 2 days after. Thank you in advance. Srdjan Njezic, Krusevac, Serbia
Tatjana Djurkovic19.06.2015 12:04:32
Da li je u ovom objektu Slobodan apartman za porodicu sa dvoje male dece u period od 6 do 18. jula ili blizu tog perioda? Hvala
Jelena11.07.2014 00:46:04
Do you have a free three-bed or four-bed or studio-apartment in the period 17.08.-27.08.2014.? What is the price of this accommodation?
Giacomo Frassineti29.06.2014 16:00:33
Hello! I would like to know if you have a free studio for 2 people from the 13 of July to the 27 (we have the plane that day) and how much do you charge for it. We are a young people, students, that would like to visit the Halkidiki. Looking forward to hear from you. Best regards Giacomo Frassineti