Greece entry requirements
You are ready for your long-awaited vacation, and at work you just heard a story from your colleagues about a neighbor who returned from vacation a few days ago, where instead of the planned 10 days, he only spent one. He was turned back at the border due to the expiration date of his passport. Is that possible?
You are going home worried and opening your passport to check the expiration date.
Is it true that for a ten-day vacation, your passport must be valid for three more months after your return date to Serbia? Yes, and here is what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia says about it:
“As of 19.07.2013, the condition for the entry of citizens of the Republic of Serbia into any EU member state is that they possess a travel document issued within the last ten years and that it must be valid for at least three months after the planned date of leaving the EU member state. Passengers who do not meet these criteria will be turned back at the border.
Greece is a member of the Schengen Agreement, which means that holders of Serbian biometric passports do not need a visa to stay for up to 90 days within a period of six months. The visa-free regime does not apply to holders of travel documents issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia - Coordination Directorate. If traveling for other reasons with the intention of staying in Greece for more than 90 days, it is necessary to obtain a special visa before the trip to start the process of obtaining a residence permit (e.g. student, family reunion, etc.).
Passengers are advised to check upon entry into Greece whether the Greek border authorities have stamped their entry in the passport (so as not to have problems when leaving Greece).”
Another quick reminder, the validity period of children’s passports is shorter compared to adult passports, so based on the experience of our guests, it is not uncommon for parents to “forget” and realize at the last moment that their children’s passports will expire soon or have already expired.
According to the current law on travel documents, passports are issued to persons under three years of age with a validity period of three years, to persons aged three to 14 years with a validity period of five years. For children over 14 years of age, passports are issued with a validity period of 10 years.
In conclusion, if you do not want to risk your long-awaited vacation ending before it even begins, make sure to check your passports on time.
We wish you a pleasant vacation!
source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
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Miloš Munitlak 11.07.2024 10:55:00
Da li je iko vraćen sa Grčke granice ako je detetu od 8 godina važeći pasoš još mesec dana što je trenutno moj slučaj
Dzon20.06.2024 02:31:32
Planiram letovanje od 29.7.24 a pasos istice 21.12.24g. Da li moze da se udje u Grcku sa takvim pasosem?
Aleksandar18.05.2024 23:09:35
Poštovana Nikana, i mi da se pridružimo moru pitanja u vezi pasoša. Idemo u Grčku krajem juna, a detetu ističe pasoš sredinom novembra? Da li je to ok? Da li je pasoš validan? Ono što ja znam je da mora biti važeći 6 meseci nakon ulaska u stranu zemlju, pa me je ovo sada zbunilo. Unapred hvala na odgovoru
Tamara18.05.2024 10:16:03
Poštovani Imam pitanje u vezi sa pasošem,dete ima trenutno 13 godina i produžen mu je pasoš u maju ove godine ...Planiramo put na more za Grčku 23.06.2024. da li to predstavlja problem?
Suzana 28.06.2023 22:23:05
Cerka planira put sa momkom i njegovom porodicom na more u Grčku.Da li joj je potrebna saglasnos roditelja sobzirom da puni 18 godina za dva meseca?
Suzana 28.06.2023 22:08:46
Cerka planira put sa momkom i njegovim roditeljima u grčku 21.7 2023 a ona 4 .oktobra puni 18 godina ,da li je potrebna saglasnos roditelja za prelazak preko granice?
Milica23.06.2023 08:54:34
Poštovani, Putujem u Grčku od 07.07-16.07.2023. Pasoš mi ističe 26.11.2023. Da li može predstavljati problem na granici?
Cedomir Stankovic04.06.2023 19:58:43
Putujem u Grcku 30.06 2023 a pasos mi istice 05.11 2023 Da li je u redu?
Biljana31.05.2023 12:50:21
Mene interesuje dali je potrebno zdravstveno osiguranje za gradjane EU?Inace putujemo kao It gradjanin sa lk Hvala
Nelcike30.05.2023 01:48:59
Poštovani, Suprug i ja imamo uredno važeće pasoše. Ćerki (3 godine) ističe pasoš sredinom avgusta ove godine, a mi putujemo 14.juna. To znači da ima mesec i po dana od datuma povratka do isteka. Da li mogu da prave problem obzirom da je malo dete u pitanju?
Dragan Nikolić01.02.2023 06:15:28
Tek treba da izvadimo pasoš ja,supruga i ćerkica koja ima 13 godina.Planiramo letovanje u Grčkoj ove 2023. godine.Novi pasoši ne bi trebalo da imamo briga oko ulaska u Grčku.
Marija12.08.2022 13:51:51
Poštovani, Putujemo za Grčku preko Bugarske sutra, deci ističu pasoši 22.10.2022. i to smo tek sad videli da moraju biti važeći pri povratku još tri meseca. Skoro mesec dana se ne uklapamo, da li će nam praviti problem na granicama? Pozdrav!
DRAGAN JEVTIĆ09.06.2022 12:09:20
ZA GRČKU IDEM 16.08.2022 DO 24.08.2022. A PASOŠ MI VAŽI DO 21.01.2023, DA LI JE PASOŠ VALIDAN. HVALA.
Marko30.05.2022 22:18:48
Postovani, Putujemo u Grcku 23.06.2022 i vracamo se 04.07.2022.Maloletnom detetu (3godine) pasos vazi do 18.10.2022!Sto znaci da po povratku u zemlju vazi jos 104 dana!Da li je u redu putovati sa takvim pasosem?Hvala