A fast train from Thessaloniki to Athens is a great opportunity to visit Athens. This train will start running on May 15 on the line Athens - Thessaloniki. This line will be a great choice for tourists who want to come from Thessaloniki to tour Athens and vice versa. The journey will take 3 hours and 36 minutes, and the train will stop in Larissa.
The price of a ticket from Athens to Thessaloniki will cost 55 euros (for the first class, with a 20% discount on return), and a ticket for the next class will cost 45 euros (also with a 20% discount on return).
The journey between the capital of Greece and Thessaloniki used to take 6 hours, and now the newly introduced line has almost halved the trip, by 2 hours and 24 minutes. You will be able to travel on this route for a similar amount as airlines, but you will have the opportunity to see Greek landscapes during the trip, while the flight lasts 50 minutes and saves time. The airline Aegean has flights in the season on offer from 55 euros without luggage.