Emergency services in Greece - phone numbers and contact details
Save this page and the emergency phone numbers you can contact in case they are needed while on vacation in Greece.
The unique European free emergency number: 112 (free SMS is also available).
Emergency services in Greece:
Police: +30 100
Emergency service (EKAB): +30 166
Firefighters: +30 199
Tourist police: +30 171 (works as part of the Greek police - ELAS)
Coast Guard: +30 108
Roadside assistance: +30 21 0606 8808
Traffic information: +30 21 0606 8938 (ELPA information center)
Border crossings in Greece:
Evzoni, police: +30 2343051111, customs: +30 2343051200, e-mail: tel.evzonon@aade.gr
Nikis, police: +30 2385045557, customs: +30 2385045563,
Dojrani, police: +30 2341097572, customs: +30 2341097100,
Promakhonas, police: +30 2323041222, customs: +30 2323041232
Information about ferries, airports and intercity traffic in Greece
Information for travelers in Greece:
Intercity bus traffic (KTEL):
Attikis (u Atini): www.ktelattikis.gr
Makedonias (u Solunu): www.ktelmacedonia.gr
Chalkidikis (u Solunu ka Halkidikiju): https://ktel-chalkidikis.gr/en/index.html
Rail traffic:
Atina: https://www.aia.gr/traveler/
Solun: https://www.skg-airport.gr/el/flight-list
Krf: https://www.cfu-airport.gr/el/flight-list
Krit: https://www.chq-airport.gr/el/
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Monte01.03.2025 22:21:41
сертификат на массаж в москве
Leroy25.02.2025 08:11:46
сертификат на массаж женщине москва
Tyson24.02.2025 15:27:36
массаж парам
Federico23.02.2025 10:04:39
сертификат на массаж женщине
Ernestina17.01.2025 17:11:46
средняя стоимость услуг адвоката в москве по гражданским делам
Beth04.01.2025 11:49:08
1хбет как играть на бонусный счет
Zegleanu 25.06.2024 09:48:32
Am o problemă cu hotelul Triton Malia din Creta. Ar trebui să fie de 3 stele și condițiile sunt groaznice. Probabil nu are nici o autorizație. Am venit prin agenția Vacantadirecta care nu vrea sa ne ajute nicicum. Cum as putea să procedez pt o reclamație?
Александаr10.09.2023 10:56:53
Respected, I am in Corfu. I have an allergy, I don't know what it is from. Where can I go for a check-up and how much does the check-up cost? I'm from Serbia and I don't have travel health insurance.
Safeer Ahmad19.08.2023 08:06:59
i need help amergency