The weather in May in Thassos Island
Very often you ask us about the weather in May on Thassos and whether swimming in the sea is possible.
Although it is impossible to predict what the weather will be like in May on Thassos and anywhere else in Greece, the month of May and spring in general are the most beautiful parts of the year in Greece. The average air temperature is around 24 degrees, and there is usually no wind or rain. Nature is in full bloom and the vegetation is the most lavish. The unreal blue-green color of the sea takes your breath away, while the pine trees and greenery above the coast provide a sense of freshness and complete relaxation.
If your sole purpose of visiting Thassos is swimming, then you would be disappointed if you visit before May 20th, as it is usually not warm enough for swimming. The air is cool and fresh, especially with the occasional breeze, and the average sea temperature is around 18 degrees. Of course, it is possible for May to be exceptionally warm and sometimes even warmer than June, but usually it is not. Check out the average sea temperature in all the resorts in Greece by month during the season here.
An unwritten rule is that swimming in Thassos starts around Easter. If Easter falls during the May Day holidays according to the calendar, then visiting Thassos is the right choice, as the Greeks greatly respect their religious holidays, especially Easter as the biggest one, so besides relaxation, you can also experience a festive atmosphere in Greece.
The weather is difficult to predict, especially in the long run, but what is important to know is that May is beautiful for a peaceful vacation without crowds, with pleasant temperatures, usually no rain or wind, the scent of pine trees being the most intense, swimming not being as enjoyable especially for those who are sensitive to the cold, but the accommodation prices are significantly lower, and all of this influences many tourists, especially from Scandinavian countries, to visit Thassos in May.
Check out the weather forecast for any place you are interested in Greece, and read more about how much you can rely on the weather forecast and how to plan your vacation HERE.
Here you can see what kind of weather, temperatures, and atmosphere await you in Thassos in May, June, September, or October.
If you go to Thassos without the intention and desire to necessarily enjoy swimming, you can still have a great time and relax.
Check out the largest selection of accommodation in Thassos by clicking HERE.
Nikana17.05.2010 15:45:45
Vreme je sada odlicno, suncano i toplo. Voda nije hladna, nadam se da ce tako ostati. Pozdravi i vidimo se.
galinada17.05.2010 12:20:23
Eto nas 26. maja pa kako bude bice. Mi se radujemo i jedva cekamo...ja sam nestpljivija..jedva cekam taj tasos da vidim :-))
Ivanerns17.05.2010 09:50:41
Nadam se da se izuzetak neće ponoviti, ma kako bude da bude, cenim da i po lošem vremenu može da se uživa samo ako čovek to zna sebi da ispuni... U nedelju stižem pa ćemo videti ;-)
Nikana04.02.2010 15:44:50
Potpuno si u pravu, apsolutno ne moze da se zna kakvo ce vreme biti. Jako je nezahvalno odgovoriti na pitanje kakvo je vreme u tom i tom mesecu. Ni za avgust se ne moze sa sigurnoscu reci, a posebno ne za predsezonu. Ipak, moram reci da je na neki nacin lepo vreme pravilo, a lose vreme izuzetak, doduse izuzetak koji moze da se ponovi :-)
Ana04.02.2010 14:27:58
Нема правила,први пут сам била на Тасосу у мају 2008,било је право лето,вода је била више него топла,купала сам се савки дан по цео дан али су ноћи биле баш хладне.Морали смо да се добро облачимо,дугачки рукави и дугачке ногавице. Други пут сам била у септембру 2008,онако,било је топло али и променљиво,али моја сестра је у то исто исто време била на Лефкади и имали су кишу свих 10 дана,то ми није баш јасно јер је Лефкада скроз на југу а Тасос најсеверније. Трећи пут сам била у јуну 2009,било је супер време и ноћи нису биле хладне било је топло и ноћу и дању,у ствари ноћу јје било пријатно.Говорим о Лименасу,Скали Потамии и Скали Панагии.Ето,моји пријатељи су били једне године у септембру и свих 10 дана је падала киша.Мислим да нема правила,у ствари једино правило је да је мени Тасос диван увек и по киши и по сунцу и на пролеће и на јесен .....само зависи ко шта воли