Sunrise Rooms
Sunrise Rooms is located in Vrachos at only 50m from the beach. Even if it’s very close to the beach, its location is hidden from the noise. Private parking is provided for all guests and balconies have amazing sea view.
The nearest shop and bakery are 100m away.
This accommodation offers six units (two apartments and four studios) located on the ground, first or second floor.
Studios (25-28m2) are for 3-4 persons. Triple studios have one double and a single bed, while the quadruple have one double, one single bed and one sofa. Bathroom has shower with curtain. One studio is on the ground floor, while other three are on the second one. Only one studio on the 2nd floor has side sea view. The others have direct view.
Quadruple apartments (50m2) have one double bed in the bedroom and two single bed in the room with a kitchen. They are on the first floor. There are shower cabins in the bathrooms. There is big fridge in the kitchen.
All accommodation units have air conditioning, TV, completely equipped kitchen with the oven, bathroom with a hairdryer, wireless internet and a balcony with a sea view.
Bed linen and towels are replaced every three, four days.
Parking is provided for all guests and it is in the shade ot the olive trees.
The guests can use sunbeds and umbrellas in front of Akrogiali restaurant (family businnes) if they order a drink.
When you enter Vrachos, drive for 1km along the beach, then take a turn left right after Akrogiali restaurant. Then continue for 30m up the hill until you see this villa on the right-hand side.
Sunrise Rooms is convenient for families with children, young couples and everyone who’d like to enjoy in the beauty of the coastal town and an excellent accommodation.
You can find out more about Loutsa in our Tourist guide to Epirus.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Ivona 28.02.2025 17:02:41
Zdravo. Sloboden smestaj za 4 nokevanja, period od 1.07 do 15.07. za 4 vozrasni I 3 deca (2,3 I 8 godini)?
Milorad Djurnic11.02.2025 13:02:44
Hello, we need two four-bed accommodation for two families, the first family is a husband and wife and two children (3 years and 8 years old) and the second family is a husband and wife and three children (3 years old, 5 years old and 8 years old). in the period from 25.06-05.07, 10 nights, and the price of the accommodation?
Milorad Djurnic11.02.2025 13:02:39
Hello, we need two four-bed accommodation for two families, the first family is a husband and wife and two children (3 years and 8 years old) and the second family is a husband and wife and three children (3 years old, 5 years old and 8 years old). in the period from 25.06-05.07, 10 nights, and the price of the accommodation?
Vedrana04.02.2025 13:02:34
Hello Do you have 3 apartments ( for 3 families) for the period beginning of july, for 10nights 1. 2 adults and baby (1y) 2. 2 adults and kids 3 and 6y 3. 2 adults and kids 7 and 5y
Dejan31.01.2025 20:28:49
Zanima me ovaj apartman od 50 kvadrata,troje starijih I dete od 16 godina 28.6 do 05.7.
Bojana09.01.2025 16:00:41
Dobar dan,koja bi cena bila za apartman 2 odrasle i dvoje dece 13 i 8 godina. Period od 13-23.08. Svako dobro.
Bojana09.01.2025 15:59:40
Dobar dan,koja bi cena bila za apartman 2 odrasle i dvoje dece 13 i 8 godina. Period od 13-23.08. Svako dobro.
Andrea Nagy09.11.2024 08:11:27
Dobar dan,interesuje me dali imate ponudu za 2 osobe.
sanja ilić06.11.2024 10:34:07
Poštovani, potrebana su dva apartmana-studija za period 06.07. 15 noći 1/2 i 1/3 da li možete da mi kažete cenu za taj period ili kontaktirate na telefon,viber +381637603302 kako bi potvrdili rezervaciju u koliko nam cena odgovara. Srdačan pozdrav, Sanja Ilić
Sanela05.11.2024 09:32:38
Postovani, Interesuje me 3 krevetna soba, za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 15.godina, u periodu od 12.07.2025.-30.07.2025. Koja bi bila cena u tom periodu?
Sanja Zivkov27.10.2024 23:05:33
Interesuje me 2 bed room.Da li postoji mogucnost smanjenja cene ,jer meni treba za samo 2 osobe.Pozdrav
Sasko12.08.2024 08:52:48
Marija03.07.2024 17:47:52
Hi, I am interested in a 4 bedroom apartment from 30th of August, 10 nights. Is it possible to get that room with a sea view, or any room for two adults with a view?
B 4915.06.2024 14:32:28
Price for 7 night
Milena Lazic23.05.2024 10:36:33
Poštovanje...Da li ima slobodnih mesta od 15 jula-10 noćenja?U pitanju su dve porodice...
Goran Apostoloski21.05.2024 15:42:03
Dve tro krevetni ili edna za 6 osobo od 20 .7 9 noki
Dusica21.05.2024 11:35:07
Za tri osobe od 14.ili 15.jula za 10 noci.Koliko iznosi?
SASO30.04.2024 20:29:31
2 Apartman za period od 18 Avgust. 2 vozrasni i 2 deza (10-4). 2 vozrasni i 2 deca (13-9) god.
Srđan22.04.2024 17:06:18
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodan apartman od 7-17.07.? Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (12 i 9) godina.
Aleksandar20.04.2024 16:15:05
Poštovani, zanima me smeštaj za 5-članu porodicu krajem juna. Deca su još uvek mala pa nam odgovra i trokrevetni ili cetvorokrevetni apartman.
Marija25.03.2024 01:33:22
Koje termine imate od 25.juna do 6.jula, 7 do 10 nocenja, za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece.
Katarina01.03.2024 10:29:08
Dear, Do you have accommodation available for two families of 5 members in the period from 29.06. until 07.07. and what would be the price? Best Regards, Katarina Stepanovic
Olivera Jovanovska24.02.2024 19:03:37
Koja bi bila cena smestaja u ovom periodu?Date mogu da budu promenjive,neki dan prije ilikasnije
Jelena 24.02.2024 07:47:19
Dobar dan ,zanima nas da li imate slobodan ovaj smeštaj od 15.07 na 12dana,dvoje odraslih I dvoje dece 5g I 9g,moze cena? Hvala
Marija 23.02.2024 17:53:23
Poštovani, interesuje me da li imate raspoloživost dva apartmana za dve četvoroclane porodice u julu mesecu,kao i cena,unapred hvala
Marijana Galovic22.02.2024 13:48:52
A da li slobodno os 01.07.?
Marijana Galovic22.02.2024 12:47:16
Postovani, Da li smestaj slobodan od 22. Jula do 04. Avgusta za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (10 i 12 godina) i koja je cena? Hvala
Vesna22.02.2024 10:47:46
Do you have something aveilable for two adults? Best Regards
Danijela20.02.2024 13:33:04
Da li može kućni ljubimac do 5 kg
Hus Mirabela22.01.2024 21:46:44
Hi ! We are a group of friends and we are looking for accommodation. In total we are 10 families. I would like to know if and how many rooms you have available between August 17-24. We will need double, triple and 4-person rooms (2 adults and 2 children) and one single. In case you have these rooms or part of them, please let me know and tell me what the price would be. Looking forward for your answer ! Best regards, Mirabela Hus
Olivera02.09.2023 10:13:41
A sea view, 1 double and 2 single beds
Marija01.09.2023 10:20:15
Zdravo, interesuje me apartman ili duplex za 3 osobe od 12,13 ili 14-og 10 noćenja. Da li imate slobodan termin i koja je cena?
Snezana Dimitrovska18.07.2023 14:05:36
Zdravo. Interesuje me smestaj za dvije odrasle osobe u periodu od 21 do 28 Avgust, i cena smestaja? Blagodaram Pisem iz Makedonije Skoje
Maja Stankovic Stamenkovic05.07.2023 19:55:05
Da li je raspoloživ studio 3+1 za dvoje odraslih i dva deteta ( 7 i 13 godina) u periodu od 12.08. do 19.08.?
Zorica28.05.2023 15:50:21
Interesuje me da li je slobodan apartman za 2 odraslih i dvoje dece(13 i 10 god) U periodu od 15.08.-25.08?Cena?
Dragana24.05.2023 22:02:07
Pozdrav! Interesuje me da li je slobodan studio za 3 osobe, na drugom spratu i sa pogledom na more, u periodu od 31.07. do 15.08.2023. (15 noćenja). LP
margica velickovska08.05.2023 21:04:48
mi smo iz Makedonije, iz Kumanova. Zainteresovani smo za smestaj u Sunrise rooms u Vrahosu. Mi bismo hteli da potvrdimo rezervaciju. trebalo bi da uplatimo 15 %, depozit, kako sam razumela, molim vas da mi objasnite , kako bi ishla ta uplata preko Banke iz Makedonije. pretpostavljam da kjete mi poslati fakturu ili neki drugi nachin, kreditnom karticom, pretpostavljam da radite i sa goste iz Makedonije? Potvrdu za plakjeno valjda kjemo dobiti preko maila ili? Hvala puno unapred,
Gordana18.04.2023 15:53:11
Da li ima raspolozivo u ovom periodu?
Dejan Jotev02.04.2023 01:18:13
Dear Ms./Mr., I would like to know if you have accommodation for four (4) adults (if possible single unit, two separate rooms) from 19. July to 21. July (2 nights). Please write to me possibilities and best prices for the solutions. Sincerely, Dejan Jotev
Vanja03.03.2023 20:54:49
Postovani, da li ima slobodnih apartmana u periodi izmedju 20.jula i 03.septembra, za 10nocenja
GORAN PURTIC01.03.2023 09:01:26
Da li imate slobodan Apartman od 28m2 u terminu od 22.07 - 30.07.2023? Četvoročlana porodica, 2 odraslih, deca12 god i 4 god.
Sanja18.02.2023 20:40:41
Interesuje me smestaj za tri porodice :1. Dvoje odraslih i 2 deteta-app sa odvojenom sobom. 2.dvoje odraslih jedno dete. 3.dvoje odraslih i jedno dete. Prva porodica ima i malog psa pa nam je neophodno da bude pet-friendly. Unapred hvala
cezar buica18.01.2023 23:02:43
Good evening. we are 4 families, 8 adults and 2 big children (16, 17 years old). we want to stay with you in August for 10 days. do you have availability price?
Hristina Kulisheva03.01.2023 14:14:27
Hello, do you have available accommodation for 9 adults and 4 children, 5 rooms, in Sunrise rooms for the period end of June or beginning of July 2023. Thank you
Ana02.08.2022 23:51:40
Poštovani, da li imate 2 studia u periodu od 20.8-28.8, za dve porodice, jedna 2 odraslih i dete 4god. a druga 2 odraslih i 2 dece 10 i 4 god, i koja je cena?
Ivan Vitković22.07.2022 14:28:28
Da li ima slobodan termin od 06.08. do 13.08
Milkica22.07.2022 11:58:11
Da li ima slobodno od 15 avgusta za 3 osobe 10 dana
Nikola20.06.2022 23:11:41
Pozdrav, Da li je moguće rezervisati termin tako da se preklapaju 2 perioda (cenovna) i kako se onda obračunava? Na primer, 24. avgust do 4. septembra bi iznosio koliko? Hvala unapred! P.S. Pitanje je nevezano za ovaj apartman, nego za celu ponudu
Dragana Ilić07.06.2022 14:00:47
Da li imate slobodan Apartman u terminu od 02.08 - 12.08 Četvoročlana porodica, 2 odraslih, dete 18 god i dete 12 god Koja je cena? Unapred hvala Lep pozdrav, Drafana
Ane21.05.2022 23:43:22
Hello, I am interested to rent two apartments for two families (2adults, 2 (17years old) kids, each family) for periods: 27/6-11/7 for first apartment 2-11/7 for second apartment. Do you have available? Please inform me for the price. Best regards, Ane
Dijana23.01.2020 23:30:57
Poštovani, zanima me raspoloživost smještaja u periodu 17.06 do 27.06 za 5 osoba ( dva bračna para i jedno dijete 13 god )
Katarina Djuric01.12.2019 21:36:02
Poštovani, Da li za rane uplate u celosti imate neki popust,konkretno za objekat Sunrise Rooms?
Sashe21.08.2019 11:09:35
> Hi > We have few days holiday in September and we wanted to come to your > place.. I was wondering if you have 2 studios available for 2 nights > (7-9th of September)..?!? > Thanks, regards
Zorica11.07.2019 17:41:32
Od 22.08 9 ili 10noci dali ima nesto slobodno i dali je moguc 5ti krevet za dete od 13godina?
Savka11.07.2019 17:07:51
Ima li nesto povoljno na Lefkadi (Agios Nikitas)od dvoje odraslih i dete od 13 godina.oi
Krume10.07.2019 01:10:29
Zdravo, Dali e slobodno od 23.07.2019 do 30.07.2019 (3 Bed studio)? Pozdrav,
Danko08.07.2019 19:54:47
Postovani, Da li postoji mogucnost dodavanja jos jednog lezaja u trokrevetni studio koji je na raspologanju? Ili da mi javite koliki je singl krevet i procenim da li mogu dva deteta od 7 i 9 godina spavati na njemu? Pozdrav
Jasminka29.06.2019 18:26:12
Potrebne su nam dve smeštajne jedinice. Jedna za 4 osobe (2 odraslih i 2 dece uzrasta 13 i 14 godina) i druga za 3 osobe (2 odraslih i jedno dete uzrasta 13 godina). Prvi dan boravka od 06.-09.07. , period boravka 10-12 dana.
Natasa27.06.2019 20:58:14
Imate li slobodan termin u avgustu,i koja je cena 3 odrasle osobe i dete10g,za 13-14 nocenja
Marina01.05.2019 13:11:30
Zdravo, da li u periodu od 15.07 do 27.07 ima slobodan termin za troclanu porodicu? Pozdrav
Biljana29.04.2019 22:46:14
Da li pocetkom jula ima slobodan termin za dve porodice(dvoclana i troclana) ako ima koja je cena? Hvala
Vera29.04.2019 18:27:01
Perio od 10.08-17.08 dali ima neki slobodan smeštaj za tri odrasle osobe i tri deteta uzrasta 16,12 i 7 godina. Pozdrav