Maria Haus
Maria Haus offers eight studios and eight apartments, in a quiet location, close to the beach in Nea Potidea. Small pets are allowed at the property and the units are clean and tidy. The owners are friendly and unobtrusive, despite speaking Greek and English and German.
The property is just 20m from the beach and 25m from the center of Nea Potidea, while the nearest market and bakery are about 100m away.
Of the eight studios, four are triple and four are quadruple. The same goes for apartments, and the unit area ranges from 20 to 35m2.
The units are arranged on the first and second floors. All have internet (signal is better on terraces), air conditioning, TV, safe, mosquito nets, terraces with awning or without awning (depending on unit location), kitchen with small fridge (with freezer), two-ring oven and coffee machine. The bathroom has a shower curb with curtain.
Changing towels and linen, as well as cleaning is done out every 3-4 days. Laundry service is also available and the first laundry is free of charge.
The yard is small, with no lawn, so it is not suitable for children’s play. There is a shower in the yard.
The accommodation has no parking, but guests can find easily space to park theirs cars, on the street.
Maria Haus is a great choice for families with children as well as couples who want good accommodation in a quiet location, close to the beach and the center.
You can find out more about Nea Potidea in our Tourist guide to Kassandra.
Ceca17.01.2025 00:04:39
Izvinite,kome se naplacuje ova stavka"generalno ciscenje"?Nadam se da nisam dobro shvatila...
Jelena06.06.2024 13:45:20
I am looking for accommodation for two persons. I have a little poodl so it is important that pets are allowed. If it is possible to be on the ground floor, that would be great, because my mother uses a cane to help her get around. Thanks in advance for the answers.
Roman Dorin21.05.2024 20:51:51
1 Apartment with 2 bedrooms.
Tanja28.02.2024 16:45:08
25.06-02.07. 1/4 apartman,da li je slobodno i koja je cena? Hvala...
Jelena Marković29.01.2024 17:38:03
Poštovani, da li u periodu od 21.-30.07. imaju raspoloziva dva studija.Jedan četvorokrevetni i jedan trokrevetni?
Jovana09.06.2023 16:16:58
Postovana zanima me da li imate slobodan apartman za porodicu sa dvoje male dece od 3 i 6 godina od 01.07. do 08.07. i koja je cena?
Ksenija14.02.2020 23:45:13
Molim cenu smestaja- apartmana za 2adl+ 2 chd,sa odvojenom sp.sobom. Period 17.06 do 01.07. Hvala
jASMINA MILIC06.02.2020 14:01:05
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan 4 Bed Apartment ili 4 Bed Studio u periodu od 03.08.2020-13.08.2020. godine
Miroslava Bilic28.07.2019 21:10:40
Interesuju me ovi apartmani u periodu od 31.08. do 05.09. Da li imate slobodnih trokrevetnih apartmana u ovom periodu i po kojoj ceni? I ukoliko nema ovaj, sta imate slobodno u ovom periodu da je u mestu, bliyu playe i da ima peskira?
Kristina12.07.2019 15:32:00
Zanima me da li imate slobodan studio ili apartman za 2 odrasle osobe od 19.7. do 29.7.
Nenad 30.06.2019 21:11:55
Postovani, Da li imate slobodan apartman ili studio za 2 osobe, u periodu od 5.8-15.8. i kolika bi cena bila? Pozdrav,
Katerina27.06.2019 23:12:21
Zdravo dali imate slobodno trikrevtno studio nekade na pocetok na avgust za 10 noki pozdrav
Hristina24.05.2019 17:31:02
Dali ima apartman za 4 osebe za 4 dana i 3 noca? Period 28 juna do 1 jula Hvala
Danijela Cvetkovic01.05.2019 15:54:10
please for the price of accommodation for 2 adults and 1 child from 28.06 ... 10 nights. Thank you
Mirta19.04.2019 20:09:07
Molim vas da nam kazete da li ima slobodan 1/4 apartman u terminu 30.07-9.08. za 10 nocenja i cenu za isti. Zahvaljujem
Mirta19.04.2019 20:07:18
Slobodan Petrov06.04.2019 15:06:15
Respected, do you have two four-bed apartments in the second half of July, for us and for our friends? The date is not fixed. Greetings thanks in advance, family Petrov and Jovanovic.
daniel05.03.2019 11:43:01
Hello! my name is daniel and I write to you from romania. I would like to know if you have rooms available during 06.07.2019-16.07.2019. we are two families composed of two adults and two children(6+9 and3+7)