Egluvi is one of the most beautiful mountain villages in Lefkada. It is about 3km from the largest village on the island, Karia, and is located 700m above sea level, which is why it also represents a populated place at the highest point of Lefkada. The village is famous for the production of lentils, so every 6th of August there is one of the most unusual celebrations on the Ionian coast, dedicated to the lentils. On that day, after the evening service at the church of St. Donatos, a traditional festival is held, during which the local population prepares and offers the guests the lentils cooked in caldrons, salted sardines, olives, bread, homemade wine, and, of course, the celebration is accompanied by music and dance.

In the center of the village there is a small square with two taverns located in the shade of a mulberry tree. In the 1970s, there were about 400 people living in the village, and now there are no more than 100 inhabitants who are mostly engaged in agriculture, primarily in producing organic lentils in traditional way. The advantage of the village of Egluvi is that, in comparison to other villages in the surrounding area, it has a large area of arable land rich in potassium and it is protected from winds by the surrounding hills, which especially favors the production of this legume of incredible taste. The lentils produced in this area have a high nutritional value and are rich in carbohydrates, plant proteins and fibers, vitamins and minerals, calcium and iron.

The locals of the village Egluvi managed to maintain the traditional appearance of their houses. They are two-storey and stone with wooden ceilings, and the courtyards are full of trees of various fruits and flowers. The streets that pass through the village are very narrow.

Small hiking trails from the village lead through the forest to the already mentioned church of Saint Donatos, who was the bishop of Lefkada in 284. The church is at about 900m above the sea level. The legend says that during the persecution of Christians, Donatos was thrown from a tower whose remains still exist not far from the church. A little further from here, at about 1000m above sea level, there is another church dedicated to the Holy Prophet Ilija, in which the liturgy is organized every year on July 19th and 20th. From this point there is a beautiful view of the Ionian coast, and the sunsets give all visitors a special experience.