Every summer the island is a pole of attraction of any kind of artists like singers, musicians, dancers or even chefs of international reputation. So in case you are lucky enough to be on vacations in the island during a festival, don’t miss the chance to visit it. More specifically here is a list of the most common summer festivals that usually happen in the island.


30th of June – 1st of July : Gastronomic Festival which actually is a demonstration of local recipes by famous chefs. Also there is an exhibition of local products. Usually takes place in Marka square downtown Lefkada.

9 – 16th of July : Lefkas Music week festival which is a venue of international instrumentalists and musicians who teach at the Music school of Lefkas. Also several concerts and music chamber ensembles take place during this week.

14 – 15th of July : Riganada Festival which takes place in the mountainous village of Karia. There the locals offer riganada. It is an old traditional snack from sardines on bread slices with olive oil, tomato and oregano. Also late at night local singers and dancers perform at the main square of the village.

24 – 25th of July : Fiesta del Canal, a music festival that takes place at night with fireworks at the west canal of the capital. Orpheus, the local dancing and cultural club organizes and supports the event.

28 – 29th of July : Traditional village wedding that takes place in Karia village. The event represents the old traditional wedding ceremony that used to last for 2 days.

6th of August : Lentils Festival which takes place in Eglouvi village at Agios Donatos church every year. Here the locals cook the famous Eglouvi lentils and offer them to the visitors.

12th of August : Honey Festival which takes place in Dragano village. There is an exhibition of local honey products along with folklore music and dance by local performers.

14 – 15th of August : Two big days for the island and Greece in general. Without doubt these days are very religious for Greeks as they are dedicated to Virgin Mary (Panagia in Greek). After all She is the patron saint of Lefkas and all the orthodox churches of the island honour Her during these days.

19th of August : Varkarola, a parade of traditional boats with singers on board at the canals of the capital. Local singers with traditional uniforms sing Ionian cantatas. The New Choir of Lefkas and Santa Maura company of singers participate and organize this event.

26 – 2nd of September : International Folklore dancing Festival. Folklore dancing groups from many countries around the world participate in this unique event. Usually it takes place in the open theater of the capital.

1st – 2nd of September : Local Wine Festival in Apolpena village.

Of course some of the above dates are not always the same and depend on the sponsors’ needs who support the events. In addition to the above list other happenings like theater performances and live concerts take place in the island. Also popular Greek actors and singers perform in several events in the island during the summer period combining their holidays with their work.

See our offer of accommodation on Lefkada and choose the right one for you and your family HERE.

You can find all the information about vacationing on Lefkada in our guide:
General information
Travelling to Lefkada
Food and Drinks
What to See Shopping