Myloi Loggou Studios
Not far from Sykia beach, in the spacious courtyard with a lot of natural shade, there is Myloi Loggou Studios. It is ideal for families with children, because it has fenced playground for children, but also for all those who are looking for modest accommodation with affordable prices.
Accommodation is located 150m from the long, sandy Sykia beach, behind the famous Theano tavern. The closest mini markets are in Melissi and Pitsoni campings, at 700m, while the bakery is on the main road, 2km far.
In total there are three buildings for renting, while in the fourth are staying the owners and there is only one accommodation for renting. First and the second one are merged, while the third one is at the bottom of the yard, so it has its own privacy, and the fourth one is next to the first two. The first one is facing the sea, while the other one is on the latheral side from the sea.
First building is consisted of seven studios and one quadruple apartment, loacated on the high ground floor and the first floor. Three studios are double (no. 1, 4 and 7) and have double bed, while the other four studios are quadruple (no. 2, 3, 5 and 8) and have two queen size beds. Quadruple apartment (no. 6) has a double bed in the bedroom and two single beds in the room with kitchen. Kitchen is the same in each unit, it has hotplates and small fridge. The only difference in studios is that the kitchen in quadruple studios is separated from the room with beds, but there are no doors in-between. In the bathroom of the double studios there are only shower and tiles, while in the quadruple studios there is an edged showering space. Double studio no. 1 and an apartment (no. 6) have renovated bathrooms with a shower cabin. Two quadruple studios (no. 5 and 8) have sea view from afar. All accommodation units have air conditioning, TV, internet with excellent signal, mosquito nets, as well balcony with sitting set and umbrella.
Second building is consisted of eight studios, four on the first floor and foor on the ground floor. On the first floor there are one double studio (no. 17) with one double bed, two quadruple studios (no. 14 and 15) with two double beds each and one quintuple studio (no. 16) with two double and one single bed. On the ground floor there is one double studio (no. 10) with one double bed and one quadruple studio (no. 9) with two double beds. This quadruple studio is renovated, like all the double studios. Two quadruple studios (no. 11 and 13) on the ground floor have two queen size beds, in the price list - 4 bed studio, ground floor, non-renovated, both without the air-conditioning. Kitchens are the same like in the first building, they have hotplates and small fridge. In the bathroom is an edged showering space, bathtub or just tiles. Balconies of studios no. 9 and 10 are actually one big balcony, as well of studios no. 11 and 13, so there is no privacy, but each studio has its own sitting set. Balconies of studios no. 15 and 16 is also one big blacony, as well of studios no. 14 and 17. Also, each studio has its own sitting set, but balconies of studios no. 14 and 17 are passable. All studios have air conditioning, TV, excellent internet signal and mosquito nets.
Third building, actually the small house, is one quintuple apartment. It is consisted of two bedrooms, in one is a queen size bed and a single bed and in the other one are two single beds. In order to reach the bathroom, in which one is an edged showering space, you should pass through the bedroom with single beds, so this bedroom is passable. Kitchen is equipped with small oven with hotplates, big fridge and one sofa. Balcony overlooks the courtyard and it has a sitting set.
In the fourth building, which is a ground floor house, are living the owners, there is also a reception, while on the backside there is a triple apartment overlooking the courtyard. The apartment has a double bed in the bedroom and a single bed in the room with the kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with hotplates and small fridge, while in the bathroom there is a shower without tray (only tiles).
Replacement of towels and bed linen, as well as cleaning of accommodation units, is done after 3-4 nights. Pets are allowed upon request. The owners are very kind and always available for the guests.
In the courtyard, there’s a playground (in the sand) for children, barbecue, sitting set under the vine and private parking.
The easiest way to reach the accommodation is to follow the road next to Sykia beach and when you see Theano tavern, turn left, before the tavern, on the dirt road which will lead you directly to the courtyard of the accommodation.
Myloi Loggou Studios is a good choice for families with small children, because of the spacious courtyard and the street without traffic.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Irena10.03.2025 12:32:58
Došli bi sa prijateljima pa nam treba 2 studia. Ukupno nas je 4 odraslih i 4 dece. Termin je u drugoj polovini augusta. Hvala na odgovoru.
Milan31.01.2025 16:14:46
Postovani, zainteresovan sam za Vas "4 Bed Studio, Ground Floor, New" u periodu od 09.08. do 17.08.2025. godine. Boravio bih sa suprugom i jednim detetom. Da li je studio slobodan i kolika je cena za 8 noci? Hvala.
Dušan 21.08.2024 14:51:25
Pozdrav, da li je na plaži u blizini moguće zakupiti suncobran i ležaljke? Takođe, da li u apartmanu postoji posuđe za pripremu obroka?
Milica Remic01.08.2024 19:52:04
Dobar dan,trebala bi nam kuca za 6 odraslih i 5 dece u periodu od 17.8-26.8. Hvala unapred
NATASA17.06.2024 10:14:58
Good day, do you have accommodation available from 15.07.2024. until 22.07.2024. seven nights and what is the price? We need accommodation for three adults and two children, do you have an apartment with separate rooms?
Nadezda Milovanovic06.06.2024 16:39:15
Vladimir Sretenovic22.05.2024 22:46:10
Postovani, naveo sam termin od 18-24 avgusta. Mi smo na odmoru od 13 do 26 avgusta tako da mozemo da pomerimo termin 6-7 nocenja
Nikola Milić17.04.2024 15:42:02
Poštovani, ne mogu da skontam da li ovaj smještaj: "4 Bed Studio, Non-renovated, Ground Floor" ima klimu? Prema opisu bi trebalo da ima, ali unutra vidim ventilator. Hvala unaprijed
Nikola14.04.2024 18:23:11
Postovani, ima li slobodni termin od 22Jun do 06 Jul 14 noci, porodica dve odraslih i dve deca 6 i 9 god. Hvala unapred
Slavica09.04.2024 13:35:28
Good afternoon, I am interested in whether you have any rooms available around July 15 for a 10 day stay? Friends recommended you to us, they say it was very nice. It is a young married couple with a 14-month-old baby. We would need a room with a kitchen first of all. Thanks in advance for the answers. I hope that we will cooperate to our mutual satisfaction. Slavica Lukic from Serbia
Branislava Milanovic06.03.2024 19:16:08
Postovani, potreban nam je smeštaj za dve porodice, jedna četvoročlana, jedna tročlana, za period od 20.07. do 30.07?
Milan26.02.2024 12:03:41
Pozdrav, interesuje me cena Jul, Avgust? Dve porodice, 4 odrasle i 5 dece male?
Branislav24.02.2024 13:00:26
Upit za smeštaj Dve porodice Prva od 14.07 do 25.07 dvoje male dece (2 i 4) Druga od 15.07 do 25.07. troje dece (4,10 i 16) Hvala
Jelena23.02.2024 16:01:05
Postovani, zanima me da li imate slobodno od 15.7-25.7 za jednu odraslu osobu i jedno dete od 5.god i koja cena bi bila? Pozdrav!
Goran Zdravkovic16.01.2024 21:17:25
postovani , Interesuje nas apartman sa odvojenim sobama za četri osoba. U periodu od 10.07 12 noćenja. Pozdrav Goran
Zakupszki László09.01.2024 14:43:28
Good afternoon! I am writing from Hungary. We spent a fantastic 9 days at your place in 2022, so we thought we would repeat this in 2024! My question is, do you have any space for 3 apartments for 8-10 days from 07/21/2024? Thank you in advance for your answers! Best regards: László Zakupszki
Marija Seizovic18.08.2023 13:07:45
Postovani, Da li imate slobodan apartman sa 4 kreveta u periodu od 22.8. do 31.8.? Hvala
Sinisa Stankovic 15.08.2023 12:11:20
Postovani, da li imate slobodan trokrevetni studio u periodu od 20-og do 29-og avgusta? Cena smestaja? Za dve odrasle osobe i dva deteta od 6 i 3 godine? Hvala
Chirita Oana08.08.2023 18:02:07
Hello, is this available ? 2 studios, one for 2 adults and 2 children and one for 2 adults
Boban Djordjevic23.07.2023 22:26:27
Postovani, zanima nas smestaj u vasoj vili na 10 noci od 29.07 do 08.08 ili neki dan kasnije za cetvoroclanu porodicu sa dvojedece 11 i 5 godina
Ratko Mitric18.07.2023 15:24:49
4.apartman ,Pozdrav
Ratko Mitric18.07.2023 15:15:11
Pozdrav ,1 apartman
Milena17.07.2023 13:20:48
Zanima cena četvorokrevetnog apartmana za period od 29.avgusta.Ako je moguće da mi pošaljete i slike tog apartmana
Olivera 13.07.2023 22:58:55
Postovani, da li imate slobodan smestaj od 10.avg 10 noci za 4 odrasle osobe? Polazak moze da se pomeri 3 dana, pre ili posle 10.8. Hvala.
Aleksandra08.07.2023 13:31:16
Good day. Do you have apartments available from 19.08 to 27.08, I need two apartments, one for two adults and one child aged 8 and another apartment for two adults and two children, 6 and 8 years old, and what is the price?
Roma03.07.2023 18:37:40
Hello.we are interesting about small house from 4.08 to 14.08.what the price and reservation conditions?
Bojana Stefanović 30.06.2023 10:35:14
Dobar dan. Da li imate slobodna dva dvokrevetna i jedan trokrevetni studio, u terminu od 18-28. jula. U pitanju je sedam odraslih osoba.
Jovo28.06.2023 06:26:03
Do you free 4 bed studio or 4 bed apartments.We may chack-in (arrive) from (01.-10.) 08.2023. Best regards.
Maja25.06.2023 10:50:33
We need app for 2adults and 1child (age 5) for this time 5-15 avg??
Marija 24.06.2023 21:29:50
Potrebno dva apartmana ili studija za dve cetvoroclane porodice u periodu pocetkom avgusta, 10 dana
Miodrag14.06.2023 08:46:19
Poštovani, Želimo da rezervišemo smeštaj u ovom objektu za 2 porodice sa decom od 16,12 i 6,2 godine u periodu od 03.08. do 12.08. Za porodicu sa starijom decom 5 krevetni apartman sa odvojenom spavaćom sobom a za drugu porodicu 4 krevetni apartman. Srdačan pozdrav
Nikolina11.06.2023 18:27:59
Dobar dan, zanima me cena apartmana za 2 osobe u periodu od 31. jula do 12. Avgusta (12 noćenja) i da li ima slobodno?
Ivana Graovac31.05.2023 23:18:26
Zainteresovani smo za ovaj smestaj.da li imate slobodno za period 18.07.-28.07.2023. (10 noci-moze i 7 noci) za 4 odraslih i 4 dece (16,13,11 i 8 godina). Moguca je i korekcija datuma/perioda boravka. Hvala unapred
Jelena31.05.2023 14:36:14
Poštovani Interesuje me smeštaj za četvoročlanu porodicu i 2 mala psa,patuljasta šnaucera,termin 10.8-20.8,zainteresovani smo za izolovanu kućicu na kraju dvorišta 5bed duplex
Milica29.05.2023 19:05:42
Postovani, da li mozemo da dobijemo slike ili video od apartmana 4BED STUDIO, NON,-RENOVATED,GROUND-FLOOR. POZDRAV
Marija Naumovic15.05.2023 13:54:58
Da li ima slobodno u terminu 17.06.-25.06.2023. za dvoje odraslih i dete 12 godina?
vesna babic09.05.2023 23:33:45
Dear friend I am interested in whether you have free accommodation in the specified period and at what price? August is also suitable for me, but only until the 20th. 8. We are interested in how the supply is, are there any larger markets? price? Do you accept small dogs. A small pet for children, well-behaved and does not cause any problems or noise. If possible accommodation with a large fridge and a stove with an oven. Thank you very much. I am waiting for your reply. Greetings from Belgrade from the Babić family
Nikola Mitrovic09.05.2023 14:49:34
Hello, Is there a free accomodation (2 units) for 2 families on 21.07-31.07. Dates are not fixed. Each family has 2 childrens. Thanks
Radostina Bogdanova22.03.2023 15:40:43
γειά σας! We are 12 persons - 8 adults and 4 kids(0years, 1 year, 3 years, 8 years) and we are looking for a place for all of us for the period of 3rd of July to 11th of July. The starting date is flexible, we could come earlier for example from 26th of June. Please check and find a solution for us to enjoy your beautiful place this year! Ευχαριστώ πολύ, Radostina Bogdanova
Ivana Jevtic22.03.2023 10:26:30
Da li imate slobodno od 24.06 do 6.07 na 12 noci za 2 odraslih i 3 dece uzrast 12 godina
Slavica21.03.2023 23:14:43
Postovani,zanima me da li ima slobodan neki termin u periodu od15.07 do 20.08. Mi bi hteli petnaest nocenja,porodica od troje odraslih i dvoje dece od14 g. tako da nas zanima apartman za petoro. Pozdrav
Nenad 14.03.2023 17:40:50
Poštovani da li imate slobodan smeštaj za period 15.07-25.07.23. za dve porodice sa po dva deteta od 9 i 13 godina?
Andja27.07.2022 18:03:03
Da li je slobodan cetvorokrevetni apartman za period 25.08 - 02.09., za troje odraslih i jedno dete?
Jovana Paroski25.07.2022 21:57:49
Da li imate slobodan apartman 1/4 u periodu od 20. do 30. Avgusta za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece. Hvala
Oliver Despotovski10.07.2022 13:25:43
Dear, Please let us know how I can reserve 3 apartments, and make payment Thank you, Oliver
Tijana06.07.2022 07:55:30
Hello, Do you have something available for 3 adults and 2 kids (3, 4 years old) from 15/8/2022 until 21/8/2022 ? We just need 2 separate bedrooms, because of kids.
Milan Janjic01.07.2022 20:48:28
Dobar dan, Da li imate slobodan dupleks apartman za cetvoro odrlaslih i dva mala deteta 3 i 5 godina 10 nocenja 17 Jul do 27 Jula; ili 18do 28; ili 19 do 29; ili 20 do 30 Jula
Slavica Mijajlovic Bogojević 11.06.2022 09:38:01
Molim za ponudu za 2 odrasle osobe termin od 02.7. 2022. Hvala, Slavica
Snezana Milovanovic30.05.2022 16:47:47
Da li imate slobodno za period 20.7-30.7 , 4 odrasle osobe i dete ?
Milos Polic29.05.2022 16:05:38
Dir sir, we are interesing in 3 bed studio, 3 adult persons, 8 nights, date 23.07.2022 - 31.07.2022, can you tell me do you have something available for that date and size of studio or app, if you do, can you send me the photos of acccomodation and tell me the price. Greating from Serbia Best regards
Marina29.05.2022 13:08:10
Pored kog veceg mesta se nalazi apartman?Da li ima kafica I restotana?
Diana Sazoncikova03.05.2022 15:26:18
Hello, We would like to stay in your accomodation from 22.7.-04.08. (13 nights). We are one big family 8 persons: 4 aduls, 4 children (age 16 years, 9 years, 3 years and 5 months). Will it posible? Thanks for respon. Diana
Iva26.04.2022 21:31:03
Dear owner, is your 5 bed apartment available from July 6th until July 16th?
Milovan Durkovic05.04.2022 22:09:42
Zanima me dostupnost 4 krevetnog apartmana br 6 sa odvojenom sobom od 04.07. I koja je cena
Vladimir27.02.2022 12:19:18
Interesuju me 2 bed studio na prizemlju i 3 bed apartman takodje na prizemlju obzirom da nas ima 4 odrasla i 1 dete u periodu od 10.08. do 24.08., dakle 14 nocenja. Raspolozivost? Hvala.
Nenad02.06.2020 18:52:44
Interesuje nas 4 bed studio, ground flour, non-renovated, za termin: dolazak 15tog avgusta, ujutru, 10 noci. Da li je slobodno i kako rezervisati? Pozdrav, Nenad
Nenad02.06.2020 18:50:06
Interesuje nas 4 bed studio, ground flour, non-renovated, za termin: dolazak 15tog ujutru, 10 noci. Da li je slobodno i kako rezervisati? Pozdrav, Nenad
Angelina Topalović30.05.2020 17:48:22
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan termin od 31.07.-08.08., za dvoje odraslih i dvoje djece 5 i 7 godina?
Dejan15.02.2020 20:14:57
Potrebna su nam dva studija ili apartmana sa dolaskom 0d 14.7 do 17.7 za 10 nocenja.Struktura prve porodice roditelji i deca 16 i 13, a druge roditelji i deca 15 i 10.
mladen15.01.2020 15:02:42
Postovani, Da li su slobodni cetvorosobni apartmani u periodu od 06.07. do 16.07.? Zanima me smjestaj za četiri porodice?
Tanja Nikolovska02.09.2019 19:40:41
Molim vas dali je Slobodan 5 duplex apartman za navedenog datuma
Stiven19.08.2019 23:24:50
Postovani, zanima me imate li slobodan smestaj za period od 03.09. do 09.09. za 5 osoba, dva bracna para i jedan samac?
Saša 13.08.2019 02:19:03
Poštovani,da li ima slobodan trokrevetni studio za 10 noći u periodu od 16.08. do 31.08.19.? Unapred Hvala ! Pozdrav,Saša Rančić
Jovica06.08.2019 23:30:15
zdravo, treba mi studio za 4 osobe, 2+2 za 7 dana u periodu oko 15 li 18 avgusta
Marija Tomic Simic04.08.2019 11:38:35
Do you have free studio for 3 adults and 1 child (5years) for 10 nights (15.08-25.08)? Best regards from Serbia!
Milorad31.07.2019 15:12:52
Zdravo. Da li imate slobodan smestaj za period od 5-6.avgusta, 10 nocenja za par sa detetom od 2 godine?
Aleksa13.07.2019 16:19:55
Da li je dupleks apartman renoviran, posto Sam video kroz komentare da neki nisu a neki Jesu? Da li je moguce na sofu da se smesti dvoje u dupleks apartmani? Kona no da li imate slobodno u terminima 25.08 do 31.08?
Mirjana01.07.2019 00:52:45
Postovanje,da li ima slobodnih cetvorokrevetnih studija bez klime posle 18.07?Najam za deset nocenja? Porodica sa dva deteta 5 i 8 godina. Hvala.
Dragana24.06.2019 14:46:22
Imate li slobodno šta posle 11.7. Ostali bi 10noći 2 odraslih 2 djece i beba 6 mjeseci. I koja je cijena
Tanja Maljkovic24.06.2019 10:44:58
Da li imate slobodan smestaj za 4 osobe i koji studio.?
TANJA MALJKOVIC22.06.2019 15:01:32
Jovana20.06.2019 23:44:16
Zanima me trokrevetni studio za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece ( od 4 i 1 godine). Da li ima krevet za bebu?
Marija19.06.2019 10:51:20
Poštovanje, Interesuje me da li imate slobodan smeštaj za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 2 godine i ukoliko imate koja bi cena bila u periodu od 21. avgusta do 28. avgusta, 8 noćenja? Hvala unapred na odgovoru. Hello, I'm interested in whether you have a free accommodation for two adults and a baby for 2 years and if you have what would be a price, from August 21 to August 28, 8 nights? Thank you for the answer, All the best Marija
valter18.06.2019 21:26:50
do you have free apartment for 2adults and 2children(16 and 14years) between 29.7. and 5.8. ? we can change the date if it is not free
Alessio16.06.2019 16:43:35
Dear sirs, We are looking for an accomodation between 16-30 of july. There is an available ground floor appartment with A/C and a direct access to the garden? Could you send me an estimate for the nights bellow (16 -30 of july) for 2 adults and 1 children? Thank you!
Gordana16.06.2019 11:45:53
Zdravo, Da li ima slobodno od 5.07.-15.07.2019 za dve osobe? Hvala
Verica Stanković06.06.2019 21:46:34
Poštovani,inetresuje me smeštaj za dve odrasle osobe (bračni par) u periodu od 24.06.-04.07-19. Da li imate slobodan studio i po kojoj ceni,da li ima klima uređaj,internet?
Zoran06.06.2019 01:33:54
Period od20.07 do 30.07,2 odraslih plus 2 deteta,dali je slobodan apartman sa klimom
Tijana14.05.2019 20:03:00
Da li imate slobodan termin od 15.07-25.07? Pozdrav
Neda11.05.2019 17:36:25
Postovani,jel imate slobodan apartman u periodu u 8.7. do 15 .7. za cetiri osobe i jedno dijete ?
sasa simic04.05.2019 00:31:16
da li imate slobodne termine od 19.08 do29.08 za 3 odrasle osobe i jedno dete od 11 god i koja je cena
Jovanka01.05.2019 23:42:05
Interesuje nas termin od 04.08.2019 do 19.08.2019 za 4 Bed Studio, Ground Floor, no A/C).
Valter29.04.2019 18:56:07
We need an apartment for 2adults and 2 children with one seperate room,with wi-fi and aircontidition. From 1.8-7.8.2019.
Predrag27.04.2019 20:58:50
Dostupnost studia u periodu od 1.07 do 11.07. 2019 za dve porodice... troclana 2+1 i cetvoroclanu porodicu 2+2
Sanja Selakovic09.04.2019 18:34:28
Poštovana, 4 Bed Studio, Ground Floor, no A/C da li ima kuhinju i ograđeni deo kao terasu.
Stanko28.03.2019 14:18:28
POŠTOVANI, DA LI BI SMO MOGLI DA REZERVIŠEMO KOD VAS JEDAN ČETVOROKREVETNI STUDIO U PERIODU OD 01.07.2019god DO 14.07.2019 god. U pitanju je 2 odraslih i 2 dece. Unapred zahvalni.
zivorad21.03.2019 18:23:05
Mozete li mi poslati slike cetvorokrevetnih apartmana koji nisu renovirani.
Anita20.03.2019 14:25:25
Da li ima mesta u periodu od 08.07. do 18.07. za tri porodice sa malom decom? Odgovarala bi nam dva cetverokrevetna studija i jedan petokrevetni.
Ana Savic01.08.2018 18:27:57
Good afternoon, I am interested in whether you have a free apartment with 4 beds in the period from 13.08-23.08? It is a family with 3 adults and two small children (4 and 2 years). Thanks in advance
marija24.07.2018 19:57:38
Cao, da li ima slobodnog smestaja za dve odrasle osobe i 5godisnje dete za period 13.8-22.8.2018
Dragana30.06.2018 14:47:47
Postovani, dali je dvokrevetni studio za dvoje odraslih i bebu od 14 meseci slobodan za period od 14.8-21.8.2018, 7 noci, za porodicu Ristanovic? veliki pozdrav
Ana Savic21.06.2018 13:16:02
Hello, I'm interested in whether you have a free apartment from 13.08 to 23.08 for 3 adults and 2 children aged 2 and 4. Thanks in advance
Sanja Dobrnjac16.06.2018 11:56:28
Ima li apartman za cetveroclanu porodicu u periodu 21.7. do 4.8. Molim konkretnu ponudu i cijene HVALA, POZDRAV
Hristina13.06.2018 17:45:40
Da li imate slobodan smestaj za dvoje odraslih i dete od 12 godina u periodu izmedju 12. 08 do kraja avgusta na 10 dana i po kojoj ceni za smestaj myloi-studios sykia. Hvala
Amin11.06.2018 15:57:04
Hi, I want to book a studio from 4.7 to 11.7 for a couple. What would be the price? Thanks
Roman11.06.2018 12:33:21
Hello, we need 2 apartments. For 3adult+1child, and for 2 adult + 2 child. From 16/08/18 to 30/08/2018 or other nearest dates. Thanks
slobodanka05.06.2018 18:10:52
postovani, dali ima slobodan apartman od 13.06. do 23.06 za dve odrasle osobe. Ako nema u tom terminu moze i neki drugi u junu. hvala
gordana29.05.2018 11:52:14
postovani, da li ima slobodni 1/3 studio i 1/4 apartman u periodu od 23. 7- 03.08. hvala
Natasa26.05.2018 23:29:31
Pozdrav. Zanima me da li imate slobodan apartman pd 02.07.-12.07. za dve osobe?
Natasa Popovic22.05.2018 10:43:36
Da li ima slobodna dva apartmana ili studia za dve porodice sa decom uzrasta 3,8,10,14 god u periodu od 06.08-16.8