Chrissoula Rooms
Chrissoula Rooms is an accommodation in the center of Metamorfosi, at a walking distance from its contents. This is a great choice for non-demanding guests who prefer a warm atmosphere, affordable price and the vicinity of the shops and taverns.
The accommodation is located at 40m from the center of Metamorfosi and its contents, 200m from the nearest supermarket and 450m from the beach.
The accommodation consists of 12 accommodation units. They offer double rooms, triple studios, triple apartments and a quadruple studio located in a little house in the courtyard. Rooms, studios and apartments are located in three buildings within the same yard, two buildings and one little house next to the barbecue and gazebo. One building and a little house are owned by an elderly woman named Chrisoula, while the other building is owned by her daughter Magda.
Chrisoula’s units (not available for reservations at the moment):
- Quadruple studio located in the little house has one double and two single beds, TV, air conditioning and a kitchen equipped with hotplates, fridge and necessary dishes. There is a shower tray with curtain in the bathroom.
- Two double rooms have one double bed and they have no kitchen, only hotplates on the terrace for preparing simple meals.
- Three triple studios (2+1) have two single beds, one auxiliary bed and a new kitchen. One triple studio has a non-renovated bathroom, two single beds and a folding armchair bed, its kitchen is new, with hotplates and a fridge with freezer compartment.
Magda’s units:
- Triple studio-apartment on the second floor (2+1) has one double and an auxiliary bed, but also a dining table and mosquito nets. The kitchen is located in front of the unit, on a covered terrace.
- The second triple studio has one double and one single bed and a fully equipped kitchen with hotplates, refrigerator with freezer compartment and a coffee machine. The bathroom with a shower tray and curtain is separated by sliding doors. The studio is nicely decorated, in purple tones, and it has a sitting set on the terrace.
- On the ground floor, there’s a quadruple studio (2+2) with two single and two auxiliary beds (for two children). The kitchen part is equipped with an oven and a large fridge with freezer. One step up leads to the bathroom with a bathtub in it.
When it comes to the replacement of bed linen and towels, after five overnights the owners will give you the clean ones. Upon request, they also provide iron with the ironing board, and the guests are responsible for the hygiene of accommodation units. The owners of this accommodation are renting rooms as family business, they are very kind and always at guests’ disposal.
In the shade of the vine in the yard, ideal to enjoy a siesta, there are barbecue and gazebo. There is plenty of greenery and paths, perfect for socializing and relaxing. Private parking is not provided.
After entering Metamorfosi, follow the main street until it branches, take left, then right on the next crossroad and after 30m you’ll be in front of Chrissoula Rooms.
The accommodation is charming and modest, and the internet signal is available in the courtyard and on the terraces. Chrissoula Rooms is the right choice for tourists who primarily appreciate a good location close to all the content in Metamorfosi.
You can find out more about Metamorfosi in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Ivana10.02.2025 10:27:05
Dobar dan! Zanima me da li ima komaraca u tom zelenilu u dvorištu? Imam dvoje male dece pa mi je to važno. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Katarina17.08.2024 00:18:58
Zanima me samo posto nas bi doslo 4 znaci dvoje dece i suprug i ja ,a vidim ovde samo onaj krevet za troje da li ima jos jedan ili je to to a racuna se da jedno dete spava sa nama dole u bracnom?! Hvala Vam na odg
Dragan Tadic13.08.2024 14:43:24
Hi Magda Do you have free room for us? Thanks in advance :)
Davor 28.07.2024 14:54:38
Sanela Kostic03.07.2024 18:32:26
interesuje me cena za termin od 10.08 do 17.08.-og ? 4 odraslih , dete 8 godina i beba od 1 godinu !
Goran02.07.2024 14:29:13
Da li je smestaj slobodan od 10 na 7 noci za troclanu porodicu I koja bi bila cena
Milena Sibinović 12.06.2024 17:13:46
Do you have accommodation available for a family with 4 beds and what price from 10 to 15 August
Jelena Jovanovic10.06.2024 13:03:44
Dear Sir, I am interested in the price of an apartment for two adults and two children aged 11 and 8 from 13.8.-23.8.
Nadja22.07.2023 20:22:22
Zdravo, da li imate slobodnih soba i ako da, kada?
Dragan Tadić14.07.2023 22:43:32
Poštovani, tročlanoj porodici (bračni par sa osmogodišnjim detetom) se sviđa Vaš smeštaj. Ako je slobodan trokrevetni studio u terminu od 8. do 16. avgusta mi smo radi da ga rezervišemo. Molim Vas za instrukcije oko plaćanja. Hvala!
Zdenko02.07.2023 16:49:43
Interesuje me kakav je WiFi, da lli je dobar, potreban mi je za rad. I da li ga ima u sobama?
Milovan19.06.2023 21:54:09
Pozdrav, da li ima slobodnih smeštajnih jedinica za dve odrasle osobe, jedno dete 6 godina i jedno dete od 2 godine koje spava sa roditeljima? period od 10.07, do 19.07. ?
Tatjana Buzarević21.05.2023 19:25:58
Da li ima studio za 2 osobe bez deteta za termun od 14.07. do 24.07.
Γιάννης 21.08.2022 21:05:48
Από 1η Σεπτέμβρη ισχύουν οι ίδιες τιμές για Κασσανδρινούς;
marija04.07.2022 21:34:25
Postovani, da li imate 1 apartman za dve odrasle osobe i 1 dete od 4 godine. Period 08.08-15.08.2022?
Sani02.07.2022 11:39:18
Dobar dan. Da li imate smeštaj za jednu porodicu sa dva odrasla člana i jednim detetom, porodicu sa dva odrasla člana i dvoje dece i porodicu sa jednim odraslim članom i jednim detetom sada na početku jula meseca? Hvala.
Marko 27.06.2022 21:09:30
Dobar dan, termin od 09.07-12.07 za dvoje odrasle i jedno dete 4 godina?
Ivica14.06.2022 21:26:53
Moze 3 bed roms slike
Snezana09.02.2022 21:57:40
Postovani, 3 Bed Room i 3 Bed Studio da li su na raspolaganju u vremenskom periodu od 1. do 10.8.2022.god? Molim Vas za fotografije pomenutih jedinica. Hvala unapred!
Branislav21.05.2020 11:00:52
hi, tell me, do you have free room from 20.06-30.06. for 2 adoults and 1 kid ,4 years old. thanks
Natasa19.08.2019 19:40:53
Dear, I need 4 beds apartment or studio from 22. or 23. August for 6 or 7 nights. Are there free apartment or studio? Best regards Nataša Matić
marija12.08.2019 18:39:49
Hi, do you have avilibile from 13-08-17.08 fir 2 person?
Marko10.08.2019 23:11:42
Hello, We need accommodation for 2 adults and 1 small dog (puppy mops, 5 months old), in period from 28.08.-06.09. We will arrive with our car so we would need a parking space, too. Prefer staying in the upper floors (no ground floor). Is there anything that you can offer to us? Thanks!
Dusanka08.08.2019 22:04:20
Da li mozda postoji neka slobodna soba za jednu noc,10 na 11.08 dvoje odraslih dvoje dece ,dve i sest godina.
Ivan07.08.2019 22:53:24
I am interested in giving you free accommodation 12.8-17.8 (6 nights) What would be the price Best Regards
Nina04.08.2019 14:57:29
Postovanje.Slobodan smestaj od 08.08-16.08 za 2+2 (7i4 godine)? Cenu molim
Jovana Manigoda03.08.2019 21:41:12
Da li imate slobodan smestaj u navedenom terminu? Da li je smestaj dovoljan za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 7 i 9 godina?
Marija03.08.2019 15:07:34
Free accomodation from 11.08-19.08 for three persons and price for that period. Best regards
svetislav28.07.2019 22:23:37
Do you have a free term from 5.08 to 15.08 for 2 adults and 2 children in advance thank you for the answer family preradovic from serbia and price for 10 night
Vali Stanescu23.07.2019 19:38:24
Hi! Do you have one room avaible for 2 adults and 1 child (14yrs) from 14.08-24.08?
milena23.07.2019 00:42:00
Da li imate slobodan smestaj za 3 osobe u avgustu i koja je cena?
Dusko18.07.2019 18:40:52
Postovani, Da li imate dva cetvorokrevetna smestaja (dve porodice) za period 29.07 - 08.08 ili neki drugi termin? Hvala. Dusko
Marija Miskovic04.07.2019 23:04:24
Dobro vece Da li imate slobodan 4 bed studio ground floor za 2 odrasla i 2 dece ( 15 i 12 godina) u periodu 10.08.-18.08. Srdacan pozdrav Marija Miskovic
Marija19.06.2019 11:21:58
Poštovanje, Interesuje me da li imate slobodan smeštaj za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 2 godine i ukoliko imate koja bi cena bila u periodu od 21. avgusta do 28. avgusta, 8 noćenja? Hvala unapred na odgovoru. Hello, I'm interested in whether you have a free accommodation for two adults and a baby for 2 years and if you have what would be a price, from August 21 to August 28, 8 nights? Thank you for the answer, All the best Marija
Emilia30.07.2018 07:32:12
Free 2 apartman 18.08.-24.14.? 2 adult,1 kid? what is the price per night? Thank You!
ivana23.07.2018 09:13:23
Postovani ,interesuje me cena za studio za 2 odrasle I 2 dece(1.5 I 3 god). u septembru 12.9 ili 24.9. Srdacan pozdrav
Farnadi Kata12.07.2018 17:17:10
Free apartman 08.08.-08.14.?2 adult,1 kid?
Aleksandar03.07.2018 23:12:49
Have you free for 01. 08 or 03.08or05.08 for 9nights 2adl and 2children 4y 8y
SASA03.07.2018 14:59:41
Da li može za period od 28.07 do 10.08.2018 god (14 dana) da cena bude 630 evra
cezar09.02.2018 21:12:07
We are 3 families from Romania ( 1 family- 2 adults,1 kid of 16 years old , 2 family- 2 adults and 1 kid of 11 years old, 3 family - 2 adults, 1 kid of 13 yeras) and we are interested by 3 rooms in a period that I menioned(28/29/30.07 - 04/05/06.08.2018). Please tell us if you have rooms available and a price . Thank you. Best regards, CEZAR
Sladjana 23.07.2017 02:11:55
Hello! I am looking for an apartment for summer holiday, from15.8 for 7 nights. It is for 7 people-a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 kids) and for a couple plus a teenager Could you pls send me info on availability and prices, many thanks!
Miroslava15.07.2017 19:31:40
Postovanje, Da li mi moyete reci da li imate slobodne studie ili sobe u periodu od 6-19 avgusta na 10 dana. Trebala bi nam 2 studia ili sobe za dve porodice. Po dve odrasle osobe, i jedna porodica ima 1 dete od 2 god. Hvala unapred. Pozdrav
Natasa12.07.2017 16:07:17
Poštovani, Da li se može rezervisati smeštaj u trokrevetnon apartmanu za dva odrasla i dve devojčice, 14 i 6 godina od 13. do 19. jula? Pozdrav
Igor lecic08.07.2017 13:56:55
Trebaju mi 2 apartmana za 2 porodice u periodu od 14.8-27.8 2017 u metamorfozisu. Moze li se dogovoriti cena od 40 eura za noc po apartmanu? Budzet mi je limitiran... Pozdrav Igor lecic
caca26.06.2017 17:34:58
Dobar dan, da li imate slobodan smestaj za dve osobe u periodu od 17.07 do 27.07?
TANJA MALOVIC18.11.2016 13:46:11
postovani interesuje me apartman za 4 osobe ,od 22.07.-31.07.2016.da li je slobodno i koliko kosta.pozz
Maja Stefanovic20.08.2016 13:37:35
Molim Vas odgovorite mi da li je vila pet friendly. Zainteresovana sam za studio u periodu od 04.09-18.09.2016 - dvoje odraslih i mali pas. Hvala na brzom odgovoru.
zoran18.08.2016 18:55:03
Dear friends, we are family from Serbia with one child (10 years) and we want to inquire about your accommodation Chrissoula Rooms. We plan to stay in Greece 22.08 - 30.08. We have small, quiet dog, miniature Schnauzer, very small house trained dog, not shed, not bark, very calm and friendly. His is rather small *(6-7 kg). He had his own basket, so we want to know also is your accommodation pet friendly. If everything is alright, just send me price. thank you in advance best regards Zoran
Goran15.08.2016 09:50:47
Postovani da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu od 18-22.08 za 2+1.
Maja Petrovic10.08.2016 15:58:04
Postovani Da li imate imate slobodno od 13-og za cetvoroclanu porodicu? Hvala
Maja Petrovic09.08.2016 12:53:18
Postovani da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu od 13-23.08 za dvoje dece i dvoje odraslih i koja je cena? Hvala
Milan Reljic06.08.2016 08:10:29
Do you have free accommodation for the period 15-18 August. We need 10 nights. It is a family with two children (1,5 and 7) years. If you do not have bed can bring us to a conclusion and, if considerably cheaper than triple bed studio older child can share the bed with us. Thank you
Dalibor05.08.2016 14:01:56
Da li objekat poseduje wifi?
milena05.08.2016 11:10:41
Respect interested me in your accommodation facility 13.8 to 23.8 for two adults and two children that would be the price in a triple room . Thank you
Marija05.08.2016 00:44:22
Da li je jos uvek slobodan apartman od 13.08.?
Ivana04.08.2016 20:46:08
Postovani,da li u trokrevetnom studiju mogu da se smeste 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta(6.i 15god)..i da li je slobodan od 13.08. za 10 noci? Hvala!
Sandra04.08.2016 17:25:37
Dobar dan. Koliko je vila udaljena od plaze? Da li u trokrevetnom studiju moze da se smesti 2 odrasle osobe,blizanci od 8 god. I beba od 2 godine? Unapred zahvalna
Bojana04.08.2016 01:01:19
Da li mozete da nam pronadjete nesto u periodu od 08.08 do 18.08.2016 na prvom ili drugom prstu, studio za dve osobe? Cena? Hvala
Tatjana Meleg Sadiki01.08.2016 13:03:47
We are looking for accommodation for two adults and one child of two and a half year for a period of 5-20 September. We are especially interested about rooms on the groud floor. We are taking baby portable cot with us. What is your best price for that period? Best regards from Serbia from family Meleg
Snezana26.07.2016 14:29:12
Koliko metara od plaze je udaljena vila Chrissoula? Ta informacija se ne navodi,a vazna nam je zbog deteta.Hvala unapred,
Nenad24.07.2016 11:39:56
Ima li Slobodan termin of 1.8 do 11.8 3 bed Kako Ima Kako da GA rezervisem,I da li su sober na spratu ili prizemlju.Hvala
Dejan 21.07.2016 11:22:53
Poštovani, Da li imate u ovom smeštaju ( slobodan apartman u periodu od 03.09.2016-10.09.2016god (7 noći)?. U pitanju su dve odrasle osobe, jedno dete 3,5god i jedno dete od 1,5god( za njega nosimo krevetac).
biljana lazar20.07.2016 20:09:37
poštovani,da li u ovom smestaju ima slobodan apartman za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 3 god,od 01.09. do 11.09.hvala unapred na odgovoru
Dijana16.07.2016 12:06:39
Postovani da li ima slobodnih kapaciteta za tri osobe u periodu od 26.07-4.08.Koja je cena smestaja u tom periodu.
kristina05.07.2016 17:56:57
Pleace we need room for 3 adolts and 1 tree year chaild of period of 15 till 22 .7.16 and price for it. Thanks
Radović Katarina28.06.2016 12:16:19
Interesuje me da li imate mesta za mene (odraslu osob) i dete od 20.07. i cenu istog. Unapred zahvalna
Vladimir22.06.2016 07:13:24
Da li ima slobodnih mesta za dete 2 godine i 8 meseci,zenu i mene...u terminu 29.07.--08.08...ili priblizno tome...pozdrav
Gordana19.06.2016 15:03:21
Hallo! Please tell me do you have available 1 room for 4 people and 1 room for 2 people for 6 nights from 3 th or 4 th or 5 th of July, and tell us tre price. Tank you .