Evi's Seasons Studios
Evi’s Seasons Studios is located just a few meters from the sea, in the old part of Sarti. It can be an excellent choice for those who want to be close to the center and the beach.
The beach is about 60m away, and the center of Sarti about 150m away.
The offer includes three three-bed studios and one five-bed apartment. The studios have one double bed and one single bed and are all located on the first floor. Two have a direct and one has a side sea view. The apartment has a double bed in one room, and the other one has a double bed and a single bed. The apartment is also located on the first floor and overlooks the street. Currently not available for bookings.
All accommodation units are air-conditioned, have mosquito nets, internet and TV. In the bathroom, there is a shower tray with a curtain. A hair dryer is also available to the guests. The kitchens are equipped, they have two hotplates, a kettle and small refrigerators with a freezer compartment.
Bed linen and towels are changed every five days, while the hygiene of the studio is maintained by the guests.
The disadvantage of this accommodation is that it does not have a yard, which is the case with most accommodation in Sarti, and it can be a problem with parking, especially in the height of the season, but public parking is about 300m away.
As part of the accommodation, there is a beach bar in front, whose umbrellas and sunbeds the guests can use if they order a drink.
You will reach the accommodation by going straight to the beach when you reach the large public parking lot in Sarti, then turn left into the street that goes along the coast, continue straight for about 200m and you will see this building on your left.
If you want to be in the center of all the events, a step away from the beach, Evi’s Season is an excellent choice.
You can find out more about Sarti in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Sanja Krstinovska05.03.2025 22:55:51
Tica20.02.2025 09:28:55
Postovani, cena smestaja za period 26.07-10.08.2025? 2 odrasle osobe, 2 dece, 10 i 8 godina. Hvala
Verica Jošić15.02.2025 17:53:23
Poštovani, imate li dva aprtmana/ studia za jednu odraslu osobu i dvoje dece i dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete u periodu od 17.07. do 25.07.?
Aleksandar Petrovic15.02.2025 07:22:52
Postovani,dobro jutro. Zanima me jedna trokrevetna soba. Tu bismo se smestili supruga i ja sa troje dece. Beba bi spavala u krevecu (video sam u opisu da je raspolozivo na zahtev) ,ja u krevetu samcu,a supruga sa sinom i cerkom u bracnom krevetu. Tako spavamo i kuci :-),jer deca hoce sa majkom. Sin ima 8 godina,cerka 5,a bebac nece imati no godinu dana. Zanima nas termin od 10. do 20.jula.
Milena Mijailovic11.02.2025 22:07:51
Cena nocenja
Kristina Dimitrijevic 10.02.2025 18:44:50
Postovani, pokusavam da napravim rezervaciju za ovaj smestaj ali ne ide mi od ruke. Da li mozete sa mi kazete da li je slobodan apartman sa 5 kreveta za 10 dana do 2 nedelje krajem juna, pocetkom jula (fleksibilni smo sto se tice i datuma i duzine boravka)? Pozdrav, Kristina
Olivera09.02.2025 23:42:18
Postovani, zanima me cena za ovaj aprtman u periodu od 10 do 20 jula? I da li imate dve takve sobe? Hvala
Milica Kuzmanovic09.02.2025 11:32:31
Poštovani, da li je smeštaj pet friendly i da li ima mogućnost uplate polupansiona( doručak i večera) za tri osobe odrasle u naznačenim terminu i koja je cena sa i bez hrane? Hvala.
Milan08.02.2025 09:23:40
Koja je cena studia ili trokrevetne sobe?
Marijana07.02.2025 07:37:25
Da li imaze slobodno od 28.6- 11.7 2 odraslih i 3 dece 13, 11 i 3 godine
Dragana Trailovic22.01.2025 15:20:06
Imate lu slibodan smestaj za 4 osobe period od 21 juna 10 noci Koja je cena
Marina10.01.2025 08:54:13
Poštovani, zanima me da li će taj petokrevetni apartman biti dostupan ove sezone?
Marina10.01.2025 08:53:12
Poštovani, zanima me da li će taj petokrevetni apartman biti dostupan ove sezone?
Ivana02.01.2025 13:39:12
Imate li slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (15 i 14 godina) pocetak jula, 10 noci?? Ako ima, koja je cena??
Ivana02.01.2025 13:39:04
Imate li slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (15 i 14 godina) pocetak jula, 10 noci?? Ako ima, koja je cena??
Laszlone Elek03.07.2024 21:03:06
Dear Host, I would like to ask if there is a 4-bed room available between August 23rd and 30th? (3 adults, 2 children - 6 and 4 years old, they sleep with us). And if so, how much does it cost? Thank you for your answer in advance! Best regards: Eva
DEJAN26.06.2024 18:43:11
da li ovaj smeštaj ima trokrevetni studio za period 11.07.-15.07.2024. ( 4 noći ) i kolka bi cena bila po noćenju?
OLGA Radojlovic Barac14.06.2024 23:06:36
Dobro vece, mene interesuje boravak od 10 noci nasi termini su fleksibilni od 1-5 jula dolazak pa deset dana ili termini od 31 jula do 15 avgusta opet deset dana . Smestaj je dve odrasle osobe , jedno dete od 15 godina i imamo kucu koja mesanac, stene od 7 meseci naravno i cena hvala
Linda30.04.2024 17:30:53
Slobodan termin od 12 do 21 jula.za 5 osoba.dvoje odraslih i troje dece.studio sa terasom.
Aleksandar28.04.2024 06:20:55
Da li je smestaj slobodan u terminu od 22.7.2024 do 29.7.2024. za cetvoroclanu porodicu i koja je cena?
Paola15.04.2024 16:00:31
Hi, I’m looking for a sea view accommodation for two people from 30 July to 7 August (dates are flexible). Do you have availability? Kind Regards
dragan blagojevic21.02.2024 17:41:53
meni je potrebno deset dana ili i 9 nocenja u bilo kom periodu od 06.07 do 27.07, Ja supruga i cerka od 6 godina moze i samo jedan lezaj francuski. i koja je cena
Ioan Sorin Schintee11.02.2024 13:22:13
Hello, I want to book 2 rooms (studios) for the period July 15-20. Do you have rooms available? Thank you! Best regards, Sorin +40722341389
Snezana Radovanovic09.02.2024 10:31:04
Da li je slobodan termin u periodu od 22.07 do 29.07. Za cetvoroclanu porodicu i koja je cena
Nenad Ilickovic18.08.2023 16:41:55
Do you perhaps have something to recommend to us in that period and that the price is close to this apartment...? Due to commitments, we can only do it in the period from 22.8-29.8... I wouldn't want to come with the children and search there... Sorry for the inconvenience, but it's the first time I'm on this site... Thank you for the information
Nenad Ilickovic18.08.2023 16:14:00
We really like that apartment and the date suits us both because of the proximity to the beach and because of the children... The children are a 12-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl...
Nenad Ilickovic18.08.2023 15:38:05
We like your accommodation and we see that you are free from 22.8-29.8... We are only interested in whether we could stay in that accommodation for the 4 of us (two adults and two children, a younger child could sleep in our bed) After you wrote if it is for 3 people, it doesn't bother us and suits us if possible?
Nenad Ilickovic18.08.2023 15:07:18
Καλή μέρα. Μπορώ να λάβω οποιαδήποτε επαφή ή e-mail από εσάς...; Δεν μπορώ να βρω τον αριθμό τηλεφώνου και το email. Ευχαριστώ
Milena15.08.2023 15:46:01
Postovani, da li u ovom objektu ima slobodnog termina u periodi 25-1.09.? Ili u tok nekom pribliznom terminu na 7 noći za dve odrasle osobe? Hvala na odgovoru. Srdačan pozdrav
Marija10.06.2023 22:35:18
Pištovani, Da li imate slobodan studio za 2 odrasle osobe u @Evi's Seasons Studios, u periodu od 15.07 - 21.07.?
Markovic Tatjana05.06.2023 18:38:19
Da li imate slobodan studio za bracni par,krajem juna-pocetak jula na deset noci?Koja je cena?
Damir 24.05.2023 18:43:33
Jesul dozvoljeni mali psi
Marija Naumovic15.05.2023 13:56:35
Da li ima slobodno u terminu 17.06.-25.06.2023. za dvoje odraslih i dete 12 godina?
Milena03.04.2023 20:43:31
Da li ima slobodan studio u Evi's Seasons za 2 osobe u periodu od 29.6 do 9.7?
Sanja21.03.2023 21:14:01
Postovani, Ima li slobodnih studija za dvoje odraslih u periodu od 02_11.9,sa kuhinjom i terasom, i molim Vas da mi posaljete fotograf kuhinje i kupatila. HvalA
Ivana Lazarevic15.08.2022 18:41:59
Studio for 2 adults from 04.09. - 14.09. Regards
Marija12.07.2022 23:38:07
Poštovani,da li je još uvek slobodan studio od 16 do 23.jula,da li mogu da ga koriste 2 osobe i da li ima kuhinja?i cenu molim.Unapred hvala
Miki10.07.2022 18:25:39
Can you send me photos of kitchen and bathroom at my mail novapartijanfs@gmail.com
Miki09.07.2022 23:11:39
Mozete li mi poslati slike kuhinje i kupatila na mejl pošto ih ovde nema.
Anita03.06.2022 14:22:37
Zdravo, ima li 2 slobodni sobi od 23 juli do 30juli bilo koj den za 4 ili 5 nokevanja?
Dragana Rosic30.05.2022 23:14:21
Postovani, da li je slobodan trokrevetni studio Evi's seasons u Sartiju u periodu 26.07.-05.08.2022.
sasa milenkovic29.05.2022 18:36:03
sasa milenkovic29.05.2022 18:04:51
htli bih rezervaciju za period 01.07 do 08.07.hvala