Sarti is the most popular and visited place on the Sithonia peninsula, on Halkidiki.It is a small fishing town of total of 900 settlers.It is 140km away from Thessaloniki, being situated on the eastern coast of Sitonia, between Vourvourou and Sykia.
The history of Sarti dates back to 7th century BC, and during the Byzanthium period it used to belong to the monestary from the Athos Mount. It suffered great damages caused by pirates, and in 1992 in a great exchange of population it was populated by the refugees from Turkey, and since then its constant growth began.
During approaching Sarti you will be delighted by the the breath-taking view of the place cuddled among mountains and the green scenery and of its many-kilometer-long beach with crystal clear and the transparent, turquoise water.
The place itself is full of villas and private rooms for renting, taverns, restaurants, souvenir shops, cafes and bars with comfortable armchairs suited for enjoyment by the very side of the sea.One of the reasons for its popularity is the beach because it is the owner of the blue flag. The beach is always clean, arranged, with the tiniest sand both in the water and on the shore, with a long shoal and thus is perfect for families with small children. Except for the town beach that has been marked in the polls as one of the most beautiful in Greece, nearby Sarti there are some more beaches that are considered as some of the most beautiful on Sitonia and Halkidiki in general.
These are firstly Kavourotripes that is described as “heaven on earth” and MUST SEE, then the well-known Orange, and Platanitsi, Achlada, Armenistis…
Right beside Sarti is located Achlada which can help on days when the sea on the town beach is restless. Just behind the hill always peaceful Achlada awaits you. On the other side of the town beach is located the beautiful Platania, a smaller sandy beach which is always uncrowded. If you like exploring and goiing to wild coves, the surroundings of Sithonia, as well as Sithonia will make the whole experience of discovering new places, spending time in the water and relaxation unbelievably enjoyable.
In Sarti there are different tours through interesting places on Sarti and the surroundings, and the most popular tour is certainly the one through Athos Mount by small ship. This trip gives you the opportunity for having a better understanding of the mysterious world and life on the Athos Mount, the combination of wilderness and the peaceful monestary life.As the sun goes down, the new life in Sarti awakes and slowly cafes and restaurants on the promenade and at the square become livelier, lights and candles at the romantic tables are lit up along the shore, the music can he heard, young people gather craving for having fun, the street sellers set up their goods, you can smell the fish and the Greek traditional dishes from taverns and all of this mixed with the scent of the sea makes you feel completely relaxed and without worrying about anything, being away from all the problems without having to worry about anything.
In Sarti there is a big Atlantida market with decent prices, and when you are coming to Sarti, there is Lidl supermarket after Nikiti, place so it is a good idea to stop by.
If you want to spend your vacation in a nice resort with a beautiful beach, suitable both for families with children and young people as it offers the night life as well, the resort Sarti is more than a good choice. Check out the most beautiful beaches around Sarti that you can visit.
To check out accommodation offers in Sithonia click HERE.
Watch this video clips from Sarti on our Youtube channel.
Mira Bogdanovic21.08.2024 00:23:10
Da li se moze naci smestaj u Sartiju od 01.10.-10.10.2024. Za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece?
Slavica08.08.2023 12:02:16
Upravo sam u Sartiju. Vetar ne prestaje da duva, pirka...kako kad... talasi su veliki i konstantni....dubina mora jeste postepena i 50m plićaka, ali talasi su talasi i mislim da nikada vise necu da dođem ovde...
Marija19.06.2023 19:30:05
Postovani zamolila bih za dostupnost nekog smestaja u Sartiju, za period od 26.6. u trajanju 6-8 noci.Potrebna su mi 2 dvokrevetna studija u istoj vili ili neki apartman sa dve odvojene spavace sobe? Unapred hvala, Marija
Ljubivoje14.09.2022 18:51:25
Bili početkom septembra, gužve nije bilo jer su svi sa školarcima otišli. Od 9 dana bilo je vetra 6 dana pa samim tim i talasa. Međutim, nama to uglavnom nije smetalo jer kada ugreje sunce onda je bilo prijatno, par dana je bilo hladnije pa smo išli na Orange beach. Kao i svako mesto, potrebno je letovati par sezona da bi se otkrile skrivene tajne mesta a onda bude baš dobro. Savetujem da kupite one patike za plažu ako planirate da istražujete uvale u okolini, koštaju 5 evra a mnogo znače ako se ide preko kamenja. Supermarket na magistrali je izuzetno snabdeven mada smo se mi obezbedili u Lidlu usput. u dolasku. Još bolja varijanta je supermarket u Gevgeliji, pored granice. zove se S-53. U Makedoniji je skoro sve jevtinije nego kod nas uključujući i cigarete, duplo jevtinije nego u Grčkoj. Tu vredi uzeti mleko, kafu, kačkavalj ovčiji stari 10 evra, ma sve uglavnom. U Lidlu (Nea Moudania ili Nikiti) sokovi 1 evro, paket vode nešto slično, feta sir obavezno, pravi grčki. Maslinovo ulje na tezgama, 5l je 30 evra a u Sartiju u tom velikom marketu bila je akcija za 26 evra. Ono što smo kasno saznali je da roštilj može da se pravi na obeleženim mestima, nije kao na Tasosu gde svaka kuća ima roštilj pa smo to promašili. Kasnije samo našli i dve ribarnice ali već smo se spremali za povratak pa ništa od toga.
Olivera Prokic19.07.2022 19:52:42
Dali imate nesto u ponudi za ove datume za Sarti
Vladimir 05.09.2019 09:07:34
Talasi, vetar.... Tesko da ce se neko sa decom kupati na gradskoj plazi. U okolini ima lepih plaza, na 7 km od Sartija, Orang plaza, male uvalice, guzva, ljudi kao sardine. Prljavo poprilicno na Orang plazi. Platanisi pre Orang plaze, placa se ulaz, lezaljke, nista specijalno. Najlepsa plaza meni je bila Manasu bar i restoran, tako se i plaza zove, na nekih pola sata od Sartija voznje, placaju se lezaljke i suncobran, 6 eura paket, placa se posebno pice, ali je prelepo, cisto i nema guzve, za razliku od ostalih plaza gde sam bio.
Sasa12.10.2016 10:23:48
Treba samo detaljno procitati tekst, koji je dobro napisan. Lepo pise da ima i talasa i vetra i kada i gde je alternativno resenje. Bio sam pa cu i ja iz prve ruke reci da vecinom ima vetra i jacih/vecih talasa. Sarti je specifican po tome. Ali i pored toga, Sarti preporucujem : kristalno cisto more, ciste, duge, pescane plaze, ima ih mnogo u okolini, pa svako nadje nesto za sebe.
Dusica28.07.2016 13:45:13
Divno mesto za pravi odmor.Plaza je duga pescana sa sitnim peskom ,postepenom dubinom.More je cisto i toplo.Istina je da duva vetar i da ima talasa,kome smeta moze otici do obliznjih plaza prema Sikiji one su u uvalama i imaju mnogo manje vetra. Samo mesto je lepo,posebno je lepa crkava,kao i vidikovac sa goga se pruza divan pogled na Atos i celo mesto.Mesto je dobro snabdeveno robom im nekoliko supermarketa,mesara,pekare i poslasticarnice.U vecernjim satima ispred velikog parkinga mozete kupiti voce,povrece,maslonvo ulje i druge proizvode na kamionetima.U samom mestu imate dosta restorana sa odlicnom hranom i pristupacnim cenama,picerije,brza hrana,palacinkarnice itd. Mi smo uzivali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jovana22.02.2015 14:04:00
Citala sam nekim forumima da u Sartiju ima dosta vetra i talasa, pa molim za utiske nekog ko je bio. Hvala
Jelena07.05.2014 11:45:48
Prelepo mestašce,bila sam prošlog leta sa porodicom...Obavezno posetite!!!