Melissi Sofia Studios
Melissi Sofia Studios in Sykia is the accommodation ideal for guests who are not too demanding and who are looking for nicely arranged and clean accommodation that provides privacy and tranquillity. It’s recommended to families with children as well as to those who prefer a peaceful holiday in a green surrounding.
It’s in a quiet location about 200m from Sykia beach, but if you go by car, then it is 1km. The nearest tavern is about 500m far from the accommodation, on the main beach. A bakery is at 350m, a supermarket at 500m and the center of Sykia at about 2km.
The last time villa was renovated in 2014, and the owners continually bring some innovations. It offers four triple and four quadruple studios on the ground floor.
Triple studios (20m2) have a kitchen, a double and a single bed in the same room. Three of them have an edged showering space without curtain or cabin, while one has only tiles.
Quadruple studios (25m2) have a kitchen, a double and two bunk beds in the same room. Two studios have a double bed narrower than the standard ones. All quadruple studios have a bathroom with an edged showering space, without curtain or cabin.
Studios have wireless internet, mosquito nets, kitchen with hotplates (without oven), air conditioning, TV and a balcony with garden view. Owners can also provide a baby cot upon request. Guests can use a washing machine, upon request, in agreement with the owner. Cleaning, as well as replacement of towels and bed linen, is performed every 3-4 days, or earlier upon request. Pets are allowed.
The large courtyard within the family property is green and full of olive trees, with colourful flowers around the house and enough space to park a car in the shade of trees (not a classic parking place). There’s also a shared barbecue, as well as several tables with chairs. Someone from the owner’s family is always there for any question and help.
After turning from the highway towards Sykia beach, turn into the first street left and follow the dirt road that’ll lead you to the big yard. Melissi Sofia Studios is located on the right side of the yard.
If you’d like holiday in a modest accommodation, surrounded by greenery, near the sandy beach, then this is the right place for you.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Maja 18.02.2025 18:22:24
Dobro veče. Zanima nas da li je smeštaj slobodan od 25.5. za 6 noćenja? Dve odrasle i dete od 4 godine. Hvala.
Drobnjak Slobodan24.08.2024 20:56:24
Postovani,hteli smo da rezervisemo smestaj za dve osobe u periodu od 2-12.09. Hvala
Biljana 18.08.2024 12:24:29
21-31.08 10 nokji, 3 kreveta studio, kujna, toalet, klima Ve molam za cena
Bojana11.07.2024 12:46:36
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodnih kapaciteta od 30.07. do 09.08. za 2 odraslih i 2 dece (4 god + 2 god)
severin gonczi27.06.2024 18:08:49
8.8-22.8 ..13 nights.. thanks
Anica11.06.2024 17:49:11
Hi, I would like to check if I can bring my dog with me? It's small dog, very calm, 15 years old and with good behavior. Lo
Marija Nikolić 25.05.2024 21:33:25
Da li imate dva cetvorokrevetna apartmana od 15 avgusta do 25? Hvala
Andrea Kospić23.05.2024 17:54:07
Pozdrav,zanima me cena i da li imate na raspolaganju neki od apartmana u periodu 29.6.-12.7. za tri osobe;jedna odrasla i dvoje dece?
biljana vuckovic17.05.2024 08:18:47
gde mogu videti cenu. hvala
Milica 16.05.2024 09:30:53
Dobar dan. Potreban je smestaj za porodicu, dvoje odraslih i dete od 3,5 godine... od 4.07 do 10.07... trokrevetna soba sa kuhinjom... Da li imate slobodan termin i koja bi bila cena po noćenja? Hvala unapred.
Brankica Matkovic09.03.2024 15:56:07
Dobar dan! Da li imate slobodan 1/3 studio apartman u smeštaju Melissi Sofia studios za 2 odraslih i 1 dete (14 godina) u periodu od 15.07.-25.07.2024. (10 noći)? I po kojoj ceni?
Ivana12.02.2024 10:31:21
Poshtovani. Trazimo tri apartmane za tri porodice od 29.7-8.8. Jel moze nam date informacije za trazeni period? Hvala Vam
Alina Racheva01.07.2023 08:52:32
Hello, we are a family of two children (7 and 14), two adults and a 17 kilos female dog (breed something like a border collie). We are looking for accommodation for July or till the first half of Aug. Do you have something available, if of course the dog is welcomed as well? :)
Irena20.04.2023 00:13:25
Dali ima obodni 3 apartmani za 3 familii so 2 vozrasni I 2 deca od 11,13,15,16,16,17 god od 24 07 do 02 08
Ivan Zivkovic10.08.2022 16:22:16
Poštovanje. Da li je slobodan termin od 30-og avgusta do 9-og septembra za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece,jedno dete 4 godine drugo 2 godine? I da li je sve kao sa fotografija i iz opisa?
Milorad18.07.2022 21:31:02
Zdravo. Zanima me pocetak avgusta. Par sa detetom od 5 godina. Desetak noci. Hvala
Sandra 12.07.2022 15:02:37
Da li ima slobodnih soba od 7.8-17.8
Marijana Cvitkovac07.07.2022 18:56:25
good day, do you have an apartment available in the period from 1.7. to 15.8. for 12-14 days for two adults and three children aged 13, 11 and 7? Marijana
Csilla 25.05.2022 15:48:35
Hello, Do you have available 3 studios for period 24.07-31.07.2022.what îs The price? Thank you
Diana Sazoncikova03.05.2022 16:00:04
Hello, We would like to stay in your accomodation from 22.7.-04.08. (13 nights). We are one big family 8 persons: 4 aduls, 4 children (age 16 years, 9 years, 3 years and 5 months). Will it posible? Thanks for respon. Diana
Nataša 21.08.2021 23:56:58
Da li ima slobodan smeštaj za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 12 i 13 godina. Od 24.avgusta
valter27.06.2019 19:41:26
do you have free apartment for 2adults and 2children(16 and 14years) between 29.7. and 5.8. ? we can change the date if it is not free
Tanja Maljkovic26.06.2019 12:32:55
Da li je slobodno od 15.08.2019.-27.08.2019. za 4 osobe?
maria26.06.2019 11:58:37
Hello, We are interested in a 14 nights vacation. The period would be at 14 August to 28 August. Upon your availability we can adjust our dates. We would need 1 apartment or studio, if is possible ground floor; we are 1 family with 1 child (ages 1) and 2 Adults. Can you please send us your availability? If is possible, can you tell me your price? Thank you Maria
jelena matić14.06.2019 13:33:04
poštovani, potrebna su nam 2 četvorokrevetna apartmana (studia) i jedan dvokrevetni studio, za dve četvoročlane porodice, i jednu dvočlanu. uzrast dece 7,8,11,11 godina, u periodu od 20.08-30.08 2019.
Zoran01.06.2019 23:12:14
Dali ima slobodan termin od 20.07 do 30.07 za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece
Tanja08.04.2019 20:54:20
Da li imate slobodna 2 cetvorokrevetna u periodu od 14.-24.08.2019.god.?Pozdrav
Dunja27.03.2019 01:06:43
Koja je cena od 01.06 do 11.06? Da li važi ono 25€ po danu za trokrevetni studio?
Slavisa07.07.2018 12:41:26
Pozdrav, zanima me smjestaj od 06.08 do 13.08.2018. Dvoje odraslih+dvoje djece,3 i 8 godina. Hvala.
Dragan Sliško12.06.2018 18:27:03
Poštovani Molim Vas za pomoć. Uplatili smo za 10dana počev od 27.06. a ne nalazimo ništa od hartija koje bi nam potvrdile da li je uplata u korist Melisi ili melisi Sofia studia. Uplatilac je Danica Popović iz Kruševca, a iznos je 74e i to 29.01. kod Erste banke.. Želimo da mailom potvrdimo svoj dolazak a imamo i pitanja što se tiče našeg psa.. Bio bih Vam zahvalan ako biste prosledili mail vlasnice studia. Pozdrav i hvala unapred.
Mery12.06.2018 00:13:31
Postovani,da li imate dva studia u periodu od 12.7. do kraja meseca na osam nocenja?cetvoro odraslih,cetvoro dece 1,4,5,8 godina.Hvala
Galina Taskova06.05.2018 09:08:39
Hello, We are looking for accomodation for the period 08.07-18.07.2018 for: - 2 adults + 2 children; - 2 adults + 1 child; - 1 adult + 1 child; - 1 adult + 1 child; - 1 adult + 1 child. Thank you and regards, Galina Taskova
SANDRA18.03.2018 22:00:58
Good evening, Do you have a free - 1x3 Bad studio and 2x4 Bad studio for 3 families for period 18.06.-02.07.2018. Thanks, Sandra
Marta Zunino07.03.2018 15:11:44
Good morning, we are two couples of adults and a small polite dog, we have already been in Sikia camping guests and this year we would like to stay at your beautiful home. We would like to know the prices for two separate apartments in July. Thank you
igor13.02.2018 21:11:32
hello we are interesting for one apartment in period 29.06. to 14.07. 2 adult and 3 kids(6,10 and 11 years) do you have something free and price. thanks
Irina Petkova07.02.2018 14:33:46
Do you have 3 four- bed studios + 1 three-bed studio for period 02/09/2018 - 08/09/2018 - 6 nights for 8 adults and 7 children summary and what will be the price? Thanks!
Bojana 01.02.2018 00:09:57
Dear, please send me the price list for period 18.08.18, 10 nights, for 2 adults and 1 children 6 years Thanks in advance, best regards
Jovana Zecevic21.01.2018 19:02:07
Are there 3 appartments for 4 persons available in period of 17 to 28 July and what would be the price? One of them would be pet friendly for small dog. Thank you in advance
Braba21.08.2017 17:56:25
Da li imate dva app za dve porodice sa po dva mala deteta (deca od 1-3god) za period od 27.8.17 do 08.09.17. Hvala.
Nena nedeljkovic19.08.2017 12:05:28
Interesuje me smestaj od 24.-25.08. Za poroducu 2+2 (9 i 5) na 9 noci. Da li i.ate jedan ili dva cetvorokrevetna studia? Nisam razumela cenu od 28e po noci p mi recite kolika je krajnja cena za navedwni period?
Aleksandra03.08.2017 18:09:07
Helo, we are 2 adults and 1 12-years old child from Serbia. Do you have any accomodation in the period from 10. till 21. or from 16. till 26. this month and what would be the price? Best regards, Aleksandra
julija24.07.2017 18:48:17
Postovani, Dali imate slobodni apatrman od 26.07-30.07 za dvoje odrasli i dete 3god?
Boža23.07.2017 08:02:56
Interesuje me da li imate slobodna dva studia od 27.07. do 06.08? U pitanju su dve četvoročlane porodice.
Milos16.07.2017 13:37:16
Postovani, Da li je studio (2 odraslih i 2 dece, 15 i 14 god) slobodan u periodu od 3.8 - 7.8 , 10 nocenja? Pozdrav i hvala
Suzana13.07.2017 08:19:36
Kada imate studio za 3 osobe počev od 18.07. za 7 noći?
Srdjan Stojanovic12.07.2017 22:16:34
Dear, do you have free Studio for 2 people in period from July 19 to July 28 on 5 days (nights)? Thank you Best Regards Srdjan
ljiljana11.07.2017 12:08:58
Dobar dan potreban mi je smestaj za dvoje odraslih i 2 dece od 5 i 3 godine od 18 avgusta do 14 septembra u Melisi Sofija koja je cena za 25 dana . Hvala pozdrav ljiljana
Elena20.06.2017 16:51:22
Cena za 2 odrasle i 3 dece 1 dete-15god. 2dete-13god i 3dete-2god za period od 06 08.
DRAGANA11.06.2017 14:35:04
Marina11.06.2017 13:57:29
Zdravo Koja je cijena sobe za 2 osobe od 1.8 do 7.8?
Ana09.06.2017 00:24:13
Smestaj na slikama lepo izgleda kao i ogromno dvorište,mene samo interesuje pošto se na slikama baš ne vidi kakvo je kupatilo,da li postoji tuš kada ili se bukvalno tusiras na plocicama?
dra01.06.2017 20:10:07
Postovani, Zanimaju me dva apartmana, studija, prvi za dve odrasle osobe sa dvoje odrasle dece od 7 i 10 godina i drugi za dve odrasle osobe sadve odrasle dece 7 i 10 u periodu od 17.8.2017. sa 8 nocenja. Pocetak koriscenja smestaja se moze korigovati, tj. moze zapoceti bilo kada od 16.8. pa do 20.8.2017.
Milka Ilic19.04.2017 18:17:19
Postovani, interesuje me smestaj za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od dve godine i periodu od 02.09-12.09.2017. godine. Da li imate slobodnih studija i koja je cena? Pozdrav
Zoran07.02.2017 11:08:02
Postovani, Zanimaju me dva apartmana, studija, prvi za dve odrasle osobe sa dvoje odrasle dece i drugi za dve odrasle osobe sa jednim odraslim detetom u periodu od 17.7.2017. sa 10 do 12 nocenja. Pocetak koriscenja smestaja se moze korigovati, tj. moze zapoceti bilo kada od 16.7. pa do 18.7.2017. Da li mi mozete reci da li na prozorima i vratima smestaja postoje mrezice protiv komaraca (komarnici) kao okvirne dimenzije kreveta, da li je u cenu ukljuceno koriscenje klima uredjaja. Hvala u napred na odgovorima. Srdacan pozdrav