Fouli's House
With its unique retro style, Fouli’s House in Sykia brings you back in time. Beautifully arranged courtyard with a shared kitchen and barbecue is ideal for relaxation and enjoyment. There’s also a friendly and attentive owner, available 24⁄7.
By the house, there’s a path leading to Sykia beach, which is about 500m away. On the main road, about 550m from the house, there’s a bakery, and at about 350m there’s a grocery store. The closest supermarket is on the beach within the campsite Melissi.
The house is divided into two parts, the left part is called Georgia’s House, while the right is under the name Fouli’s House. Each part has its own courtyard and entrance. Fouli’s House offers one double studio and five double rooms, set on the first and second floor.
The studio and two rooms on the first floor, while the other three rooms are on the second floor. The capacity of the studio and rooms is two persons, because each of them has one double bed, except two rooms where an extra bed for the child can be added (at an extra charge). The studio has a kitchenette, while the rooms use shared kitchenettes on the first and second floor. All accommodation units have a bathroom (tiles and shower), a small fridge with a freezer compartment, a terrace (two are transitory), air conditioning, TV and internet. You can use the washing machine at an extra charge.
One part of the courtyard serves as a parking space, while the other one is arranged for enjoyment, with sitting sets, barbecue with shared kitchen, shower and toys for children. Quiet hours are from 15:00-17:00 and from midnight until 8:00.
The house is on the main road, so it’s impossible to miss it. You will find it at about 1,5km after you pass the turn for the Valti camping, and in front of the house, there is a bus station.
Fouli’s House is a modest, yet unique accommodation, ideal for couples and group of friends who’d like to explore and visit the surrounding beaches.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Dragan28.02.2025 17:24:46
Γειά σου! Είμαστε μια οικογένεια - 2 ενήλικες και 1 παιδί (9 ετών). Με ενδιαφέρει αν έχετε δωρεάν ραντεβού για 10 νύχτες μεταξύ 1ης Αυγούστου. Και 20.8.
Dragan30.07.2024 21:39:13
7 do 9 dans ali da izlazim 27.08
Aleksandar 18.06.2024 05:13:05
Do you have room for 2 13÷22.07
Milijana16.06.2024 19:49:42
Postovani, da li ima slobodan trokrevetni studio ,ne sobe , u periodu od 12.08. do 22.08. ili 13.08.,14.08. pa deset dana ? I cena koja je ? Pise da nisu cene azurirane .
Boris15.06.2024 16:42:41
Zdravo, zanima me dali ima slobodno od 14.07. do 24.07. dve odrasle osobe I dete od 4 godine. Pozdrav
slađana07.06.2024 14:09:35
Poštovani, Da li ovaj smeštaj može da ponudi trokrevetni studio za 2 odraslih i 2 dece,uzrasta 6 i 4 god,u periodu od 05.08-15.08?Hvala
Danijela06.06.2024 13:22:51
Postovani, Dali inmate slobodne apartment/done of 21.07. do 01.08.2024. 2odrasle, 2 deteta (5 i 16 Codina) Puno hvala unapred na odgovoru, Danijela Ostojic
Dejana Sadak06.06.2024 10:56:30
Poštovani, da li ima slobondih termina od 22,07-29,07. za bračni par sa detetom od 2god
Olivera27.03.2024 13:36:13
Zdravo, da li imate slobodan studio za tročlanu porodicu - dvoje odraslih i dete od 13 godina? Potrebna su uz to još dva apartmana ili studia - 1 trokrevetni i jedan cetvorokrevetni. Period od 06.07. do 16.07. Pozdrav
Dragan Manic13.07.2023 18:22:26
Poštovani, zanima me da li je moguće u studiju dodati pomoćni ležaj za dete od 10 god? I da li imate slobodano za dve osobe i dete 10 godina u periodu 30.07. do 08.08. (9 noćenja) i koja bi bila cena? S poštovanjem Dragan
Nenad11.07.2023 09:31:55
Da li ovaj smeštaj može da ponudi dva trokrevetna studija u periodu od 31.07. do 08.08. ili par dana gore dole. Hvala.
Stefan Karajovic16.06.2023 12:49:01
Da li imate slobodnih smestajnih kapaciteta od 3.7.2023. za 8 nocenja? Dvoje odrasih I jedno dete. Hvala.
Nikolina11.06.2023 18:34:10
Dobar dan, zanima me da li ima slobodan apartman za 2 osobe od 31. jula do 12. avgusta (12 noćenja) i koja je cena?
Vlada21.05.2023 09:54:42
Interesuje me smestaju za dve odrasle osobe I dete od 9g. Prva polovina avgusta Po mogucstvu 31.07-09.08. Ili bilo sta sto ulazi do 15.08.
Marina30.07.2022 23:40:23
Pozdrav, interesuje me cena za period od 22.8. do 31.8. Za 2 odrasle osobe, jer cena nije ažurirana od prošle godine. Koja je razlika izmedju 2 bed room i 2 bed studio? Da li ima slobodno u tom periodu? Hvala
Dijana20.06.2022 19:35:44
Da li studio za 3 osobe ima svoju kuhinju i terasu?
Ana07.08.2019 10:40:50
Hello,Do you have a studios or rooms for the period between 12.08.-17.08.2019, 5 nights for 2 persons? What's the price? Thank you
Marija19.06.2019 11:30:24
Poštovanje, Interesuje me da li imate slobodan smeštaj za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 2 godine i ukoliko imate koja bi cena bila u periodu od 21. avgusta do 28. avgusta, 8 noćenja? Hvala unapred na odgovoru. Hello, I'm interested in whether you have a free accommodation for two adults and a baby for 2 years and if you have what would be a price, from August 21 to August 28, 8 nights? Thank you for the answer, All the best Marija
Milka12.08.2018 16:42:29
Dal ima slobodne jedna trokrevetna jedna dvo krevetna soba za 3ili 4 nokevanja od 24ili25 avgust do 28avgust i cena
sladjana09.08.2018 10:37:55
da li imate smestaj za dve odrasle osobe od 20 avgusta
Ana 02.08.2018 10:59:26
I need an apartment (4) or studio in period of 13-23.08?
Ivana29.07.2018 23:20:37
Dobro vece Zanima me u cemu je razlika izmedju 2 Bed Studio i 2 Bed Room? Vise bi mi odgovaralo da imam u sobi svoju kuhinju.Hvala