Kalalas Studios
Kalalas is located in Skala Rachoni, a place that has a natural shade and sandy beach so it is very popular and among all, one of the first that solds out. It has a great location, just a few steps from the sea, direct access to the beach and it is located in a quiet place. Guests can enjoy the beautifully arranged yard and have a private parking.
The accommodation is on the beach. It is 3km away from the port of Skala Prinos.
The nearest supermarket with a bakery is 300 meters away.
Kalalas Studios offers three apartments and two studios, and although all accommodation units are located in the same yard that has direct access to the sea and the beach, only one apartment and two studios have a sea view. The size of the accommodation units goes from 20-25m2.
Apartment no. 1 consists of a bedroom with a double bed. In the living room, there is one double bed and a bunk bed.
Studio no. 2 has four single beds and it is located in the first row and has a sea view.
Apartment no. 3 is also in the first row and has a sea view. It consists of a separate room (which also has a kitchen) with one double bed while the other room has two single beds.
Studio no. 4 is in the second row and has no sea view. There is one double bed and an extra single bed, as well as two bunk beds.
Apartment no. 5 is next to the studio no. 4 and it has one double bed in the bedroom, and one single in the living room, and there is a space to add extra bed, so four people can accommodate here. However, by inserting an extra bed the room will be less spacious, because this apartment is a little bit smaller than the apartment no. 3.
All accommodation units have a fully equipped kitchen, internet access and air conditioning, and only the windows have mosquito nets.
Pets are allowed only in the accommodation units in the second row. A hairdryer is available upon request, as well as a baby cot (on request upon booking).
Cleaning, as well as the replacement of towels and bed linen, is done every three days.
In the yard, there is a playground for children, with numerous toys, with a basket, swings, etc., and guests can also use a barbecue and beach sunbeds.
Private parking for guests is provided.
If you are heading from the direction of Prinos, turn right from the Latsouris market and turn left into a street that is parallel to the beach and follow the signs that lead you to the Yiamas tavern (Jamas). Accommodation is located next to the tavern.
If you want accommodation on a beach with natural shade, in a quiet location, Kalalas Studios can be an excellent choice.
You can find out more about Skala Rachoni in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Take a look at a short video of the beach near this accommmodation on our YouTube channel.
Milan 16.02.2025 08:27:08
Postovani, U kom periodu imate slobodan termin za apartman br.3 ? Zanima me minimum 6 nocenja za 2 odrasla i 2 deteta : 3 i 5 godine
ana31.01.2025 23:42:04
Postovani, da li imate slobodan termin u avgustu na 15 dana za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (8. i 12.god)? Hvala
ana31.01.2025 23:37:07
Postovani, da li imate slobodan termin u avgustu na 15 dana za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (8. i 12.god)? Hvala
Ramona08.09.2024 08:10:21
Buna ziya.Avem un boxer si am vrea sa venim cu el 10 zile.Iunie sau septembrie.Se poate?Multumim anticipat.
Ilina11.08.2024 15:24:40
Hteli bi smo da rezervisemo jedan apartman sa 4 lezaja, 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 9 godina u periodu od 21-28 Avgusta (moze 2-3 dana plus-minus od zavisnosti kad je slobodan). Molim vas za cenu. Hvala. Ilina Angelovska
Jovana31.07.2024 10:00:40
Da li imate slobodan apartman od 22 do 30 avgusta za dvoje odraslih i troje dece od 15, 14 i 5 godina? I cenu molim vas.
Saška Repacki26.07.2024 11:01:20
Da li imate slobodnog smestaja u avgustu za dvoje odraslih sa detetom? Hvala
Jovana Vidojkovic01.07.2024 20:18:15
Cena smestaja
Marija Rafailovska28.06.2024 17:50:24
I am interested in booking a studio for 2 adults and one 9 years old kid from 22-31 of August. We are flexible on dates. Thank you Marija
Jelena21.06.2024 19:46:45
Da li imate slobodan apartman u avgustu, sa odvojenom spavaćom sobom, na 10 noci, vreme dolaska fleksibilno?
Ivana19.06.2024 16:05:02
July for 10 nights,2 adoults,1child
Ana16.06.2024 20:11:23
Zanimaju me dve smeštajne jedinice u tom periodu
Natalina12.06.2024 23:21:38
Dali je slobodan u navedeni termin iako smo i fleksibilni u odnosa na termine dva do tri dana apartman br.3 za Kalalas Studios 10 nocenja? Hvala
Jelena Bugarski 06.06.2024 17:56:33
Molim vas da li imate slobodan smeštaj?
Marina28.05.2024 13:58:43
Da li imate slobodno za dvije porodice, dva apartmana. Jedna porodica dvoje odraslih i dvoje djece od godinu i po i par mjeseci. A druga porodica dvoje odraslih, jedno dijete godinu i po, drugo 4. 29/7-8/8. Srdacan pozdrav
Irena16.04.2024 09:57:23
Hello, we are interested in apartments 1 or 3, with sea view, for two adults, and two children (2y and 6y), from 2.9. to 15.9.2024. Is there anything available, and what would be the price? Best regarda, Irena
Tamara Cegar12.03.2024 12:06:00
Upit za apartman br 3.Koji su slobodni termini?
Angelina04.03.2024 14:24:10
Da li imate slobodno za 4 odraslih i 2 dece (5 i 2 god) od 01. septembra do 9. septembra?
Milan Mrsic16.02.2024 17:49:50
Da li imate slobodan apartman 3.za ovaj period,za 4 osobe
Miljana Aleksic15.02.2024 14:24:32
Da li imate smestaj za 2 odraslih i 2 dece u julu ili avgustu? 10 dana Miljana
Ivana13.02.2024 09:52:25
Jel imate slobodni tri smestaja za tri porodice od 29.7-8.8? Svaka porodica je dvoje uzrasli sa dvoje deteta. Hvala Vam
Ines12.02.2024 15:16:36
Pozdrav, ne uspavam da nadjem slobodne termine za Kalalas studio, 2 odraslih, 2 dece (7,10). Hvala! Pozdrav Ines
Vera Obradovic12.02.2024 13:27:18
Draga Nikana, Da li u Kalalas studiu ima raspolozivih soba za 3 osobe u drugoj polovimi Jula? (za 10, 11, 12 ili 13 nocenja) Mi bi se prilagodili slobodnim terminima! Koja je cena? Vera Obradovic
Valentina01.02.2024 13:41:08
Hello, when do you have accommodation available for 10 days, and how many people can stay in the apartment? and what is the price?
jelena15.01.2024 12:04:53
hay,can you tell me price for 12.07.2024. 13 night for 2aduts and 1 child .j m inrested for bed and breakfast
Vera25.08.2023 20:04:49
Hello, do you have accommodation available from september 12 to 22 for 3 adults and one child, I am interested in apartment no.3. Thank you for answer.
Lidija14.06.2023 00:28:29
Dobro vece. Da li imate slobodan aprtman za 4 odrasle + dvoje dece od 14.07 ili 15.07. do 04.08. ili 05.08.? Hvala!
mirjana rajković28.05.2023 23:35:48
Hello, do you have a studio in period 02.-12.09. for two persons? Thanks BR Mirjana
Nela09.04.2023 19:28:59
Zdravo. Da li imate slobodno u Vasem objektu za 4 porodice od ,08,08, na 7 nocenja. Nismo fiksni sa datumom , moze i dan dva da se pomera. Koja bi bila cena po studiju/apartmanu. 1, 2odraslih+1 dete 13godina 2, 2 odraslih 3, 4 odraslih 4, 3 odraslih Hvala
Danijela Simic14.03.2023 14:29:46
We are family of 2 adults and 2 children (age 5 and 9). We are interested in spending 10 nights in the period from 15th July to 25 August. Please provide available options. Thank you. Sincerely,
Marina Bosnjako25.06.2022 20:04:08
Potreban smestaj za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (1godina,9godina) za 10 noci, kraj jula pocetak avgusta. Smestaj kao Kalalas Studios bio bi idealan, i pozicija i smestaj su dobri. Unapred zahvalna za pomoc u pronalasku smestaja.
Marina PErovic27.05.2022 11:56:33
Do you have accomodation in August. 10 nights. "adults and 2 children
Natasa04.05.2022 11:22:31
Dobar dan, izvinjavam se što se ranije nisam javila, odustajemo od prethodnog smeštaja zbog datuma, da li možete da nam proverite da li u ovom smeštaju ima slobodan apartman, ako je moguće broj 3,i zanima me popust jer važi ako se recimo odlučimo sad, ili od 15.5.Hvala unapred
julian stanescu30.06.2020 16:43:07
anything free for august / september we are relatives of Dan and Smaranda Baciu booked for the 21st of july please answer at the email above appreciated, Julian
Raicu Florina22.06.2020 14:53:56
Hello! What do you have in July for a family with two adults and one child(10 yrs old) and another family with two adults and two children(13 and 9 yrs old ). Thank you!
Raicu Florina22.06.2020 13:52:58
Buna ziua! Va rog sa imi spuneti ce puteti oferi unei familli compusa din 2 adulti si 2 copii(9&13 ani)in lun iulie,pt o perioada de 7 nopti.
Marija Milošević17.06.2020 10:19:01
Molim Vas da mi napišete da li ima dva slobodna apartmana za dve porodice sa dvoje odraslih i troje dece za 10 dana, period kraj jula do sredine avgusta, bilo kada da je slobodno. Hvala
Branka25.02.2020 14:30:53
Poštovani, zainteresovana sam za apartman br. 1 da li imate slobodnih mesta od 13 jula do 31 jula. u pitanju je 4 odraslih i 2 dece na 10 dana. Hvala
Lucia24.02.2020 12:27:29
Hallo..We are two families with one child each (7 years and 8 years) and a little dog friendly.We want to visit you 5 nights during the period 25.08-12.09, as you have availability. How much it costs and what the days are exactly. We are waiting for the answer with much interest Thank you.All the best!
verica20.02.2020 17:50:55
Postovani, Zanima nas kolika bi bila cena za dve odvojene smestajne jedinice 1. 2 odraslij i 2 dece 3 i 4 godine 2. 2 odraslih i dete 4 godine Period od 15.08.2020 16 noci. Hvala
Biserka18.02.2020 19:56:05
Da li mi mozete reci da li imate slobodnih mesta u julu 2 odraslih +dvoje dece 7 godina? Koja je cena? Hvala
Dejan12.02.2020 10:40:26
Poštovani, zainteresovani smo za period 22.06.-02.07.2020. da li ima slobodnog smeštaja? 4 odrasle osobe i dvoje dece (7 i 2 godine). Unapred zahvalan.
Florin Ghetu27.01.2020 20:58:32
Hello, Please tell me if you have any rooms available for 2 adults and 2 kids from 8 to 16 August pr 15 to 23 August 2020. Thanks, Florin
Carmen Radoi 04.01.2020 08:03:58
Hello, We are a group of families and we are interested on Kalala Studios(we want to rent all 5 units). We are plan ING to come from 22th og August 2020 till 30th(8 nights). Can you tell me if it's Free and the price for each studio/apartment? Thank you in advance!
goca09.12.2019 12:35:20
Poštovani, da li je ovaj smestaj slobodan u periodu od 20.07-03.08.2020. 7 bed apartman. Hvala
Milijana19.03.2019 20:29:11
Postovani, interesuje me cena studia za 2 odraslih i 3 dece -(od 1 godine, 6 godina i 11 godina), za 10 nocenja u periodu od 4.8.2019.-15.8.2019.
Jelena Ivanović28.01.2019 08:59:15
Postovani,sta podrazumeva apartman sa 7 kreveta,tj.sta ima od prostorija i kako su rasporedjeni kreveti?Hvala
Sanja24.01.2019 16:01:24
Zanima me da li imate slobodan app br 3 za porodicu sa tri deteta u periodu 23.06.-03.07.2019.? Koja je cena? Hvala!
Svetozar Nanev18.12.2018 19:40:05
Dear Sirs, We are a group of people from Bulgaria who are looking for accomodation for around 10 days in the period between 20th of June and 30th of July 2019. The families are as follows: Family 1: 2 adults, 2 kids (12 and 8 years old) Family 2: 2 adults, 2 kids (8 and 5 years old) Family 3: 2 adults Family 4: 2 adults, 2 kids (9 and 3 years old) Can you please inform us of the possible accommodation and the respective prices as we have to stick together and plan our vacation. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Svetozar Nanev +359 89 661 5759
Violeta Vucetic27.06.2018 23:37:12
Interesuje me cena za apartman za 4 odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od 2 i 12 godina za period od 12.do 22.7.2018.
Zvonko Petrovic14.04.2018 11:19:54
Treba nam dva apartmana za dve cetvoroclane porodice (deca odrasla), sa pocetkom boravka 16., 17., 18. ili 19. jul. Boravili bi deset dana. Pozdrav iz Novog Sada
Sasa07.03.2018 15:28:09
Da li ima slobodnih mesta u avgustu?
Ivan21.01.2018 16:27:25
Postovani Interesuje me smestaj za 3 osobe i2 deteta od 10.07 do 20.07 i koja bi cena bila? Hvala
Sneža31.05.2017 19:18:27
U kom periodu u julu imate slobodan termin (12 noćenja, 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece)?
Ceca16.05.2017 17:31:37
Hello, Please send me the price and availability for 2 adults and 2 children ,12 and 9 from 29.6 to 10.7. Thank you in advance
Milica09.05.2017 16:53:57
Interesuje me.koji su termini slobodni?Probala sam od 25.juna-3.jula ali je zauzeto.Hvala unapred.Pozdrav.