Matsani Studios
Matsani Studios is located in the second line from the sea, and one of the most beautiful beaches on Thassos - Golden Beach. It is a decent accommodation with a great location. The owners pay a lot of attention on the hygiene in the units, which makes it one of the accommodations advantages.
Matsani Studios is located on Golden Beach, 50m from the beach and right next to the Anna market. It is consisted of three studios that can accommodate till four persons.
Each of the accommodation units has the same bed arrangement - one double and one single bed with an extra bed that can be drawn from the single bed. Two studios are located on the first floor and have two balconies, one on the front side and the other one on the backside of the house. Although it is near the beach, the sea view is partial because of the trees growing in the yard and a building located in front of Matsani. The studio that is located in the ground floor is the biggest of all. It does not have a balcony, but a sitting area in front.
Every studio has completely equipped kitchen, TV and A/C. The owners give extra attention to the hygiene. The change of bed linen and towels is done every three days as well as the cleaning. The yard is covered with concrete, except a small part near the entrance.
This accommodation doesn’t have private parking, but you can leave your vehicle nearby.
You can reach this accommodation easily, just make a left turn at the entrance to the village Panagia. Keep driving straight until you reach the Golden Beach and see the market Anna on your left side. Right next to the market, there are the Matsani studios.
If you want clean accommodation, very close to the beach and amenities that Golden Beach has to offer, this accommodation can be a good choice.
You can find out more about Golden Beach in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Dušan02.03.2025 17:22:45
Poštovani, Interesuje me najam smeštaja (spavaća soba odvojena od dnevne) za dve odrasle I tri deteta(3,4 i 7 god.) U periodu od 1 jula? Koja je cena sa doručkom i ručkom i koja je cena bez hrane? I ako mozete predlozite mi slične preporuke na Sitoniji ili Kasandri ? Hvala
oliver angeleski04.07.2024 12:15:05
Zdravo dali imate slobodno studio ili amartman za 4 osobe dva odrasla i dve dece 13 i 18 u periodi od 12 do 22 avgust hvala
Lori28.06.2024 01:08:44
Postovani Dali imate slobodan apartman u avgust za 4 osobe ( 1 vozrasan i 3 tinejgera) i koja je cena. Unapred hvala Lori
Jelena Nastasic26.06.2024 22:05:00
Da li imate slobodno od 3.4. ili 5.7. 10 noci za dve odrasle osobe i troje dece(8,7,2 god) i ako imate koja je cena?
Dragana25.06.2024 11:43:34
Da li je mozda slobodan jos jedan studio u terminu od 25.7. ili dan dva plus mimus
Aleksandar22.06.2024 11:03:44
Imate li slobodno mesto za 2 osobe?
Katerina04.05.2024 09:14:36
Hello, Do you have free accomodation for 4 people (2 adults and 2 children, age 11 and 6) in August? Our relatives have made reservation from 5-13 august in your apartments and we would like to make reservation in that period (it can be also few days before or after that period)
Julija 02.04.2024 18:22:06
Da li ima možda slobodan termin 12.08-26,08,,hvala
Estera Tepes21.01.2024 16:26:37
Hello! We are a family composed of 3 adults(2adults+1teenager). We are interested to make a reservation in your accomodation. What would be suitable for us as a 3person family? We would like something spacious to have enough movement freedom. The period would be 19-29.08.2024 (10nights). Thank you!
Jelena 01.08.2023 15:37:31
Da li imate slobodno od 05.08. Do 15.08.
Ана Бегинова-Тодоров20.07.2023 00:54:41
Is this house have a barbecue and parking is it free.thanks
Mirela Sanader19.07.2023 16:46:37
Dali imate slobodan smeštaj?
Aleksandra Janchevska 08.07.2023 19:07:04
Dear Mr Georgios, I am Aleksandra from Skopje and I have tried several times to contact you. My friends Zoran and Natalia, pharmacists and colleagues from Skopje stayed in your villa last year. They gave me your phone number, but unfortunately couldn't find you. Please, we are 3 adults, family, and would like to stay in your villa in abovementioned period, 30th of July to 13th of August. Best wishes, Aleksandra
Gordana06.06.2023 11:39:35
Poželjno je da smeštaj bude u prizemlju, eventualno prvi sprat
Gordana06.06.2023 11:27:03
Poželjno je da je apartman u prizemlju, najviše prvi sprat
Ivan04.06.2023 01:43:25
Hello, are you free from 15.08 to 22.08 7 knockdowns 2 persons 1 child write me the price Thank you greetings
Peter Reich12.05.2023 20:34:26
Hello, looking for Apt for 3 adults within walking distance to golden beach. Prefer 2 bedrooms plus living/kitchen. Privat parking. Arrival June 17 Departure approx July 1. But flexible. What can you offer? Thanks and have a nice day. Peter
Petar Bojic27.02.2023 13:37:54
Postovani, zanima me da li u navedeno periodu imate slobodnih apartmana za 3 porodice u pitanju su porodice za dvoje odraslih i po dvoje dece Srdacan pozdrav Petar Bojic
Vladimir Dragojlovic21.02.2023 23:31:23
Postovana zanima me da li ima slobodan smestaj u drugoj polovini jula ili pocetkom avgusta na 15 noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece
Vladimir Dragojlovic21.02.2023 23:29:44
Postovana zanima me da li ima slobodan smestaj u drugoj polovini jula ili pocetkom avgusta na 15 noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje ddce
ALEKSANDAR BILIC30.01.2023 15:34:27
Prva porodica
Elizabeta19.07.2022 22:23:02
Treba mi smestaj za troje, 2 odrasli i dete, 13 godini. 0d 7 ili 8 avgusta do 13 ili 14. Zelimo 6 noci.
Misa04.07.2022 14:50:15
Da limoze rezervacija za Matsani od 12 do 23.07
Andrea Pirkovic24.06.2022 01:31:25
Poštovani,da li je slobodan 4 krevetni apartman na spratu (2 odraslih i 2dece,4 i 5 god) u periodu od 22.08.-01.09. Unapred hvala
Bojan08.06.2022 22:10:38
Da li je studio za 4 osobe (2odrasli i 2dece) slobodan u terminu od 08.08. do 18.08?
Dragica Radin19.05.2022 04:44:12
Da li imate slobodno od 14.-24.8.2022. dva apartmana za 2 porodice? Prva porodica(2 odraslih i 2 dece(7 i 1g),druga porodica(2 odraslih i 2 dece(7 i 5g))Hvala mail
Зоран Цветковић 13.03.2022 23:20:48
Поштовани/а, Да ли имате слободно 9 ноћи/дана у периоду 15.07-13.08.? Упит је за супругу, две ћеркице (6 и 4 год.) и мене? Срдачан поздрав, Зоран Цветковић
Dragan11.08.2019 16:30:07
Do you have apartmans for 4 persons from 11.08 to 18.08
Dragan11.08.2019 16:17:32
Do you apartmans from 11.08 to 18.08
Teodora09.08.2019 20:18:32
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan smeštaj za dve osobe od 15. do 23.09. u ovom objektu? Hvala unapred na odgovoru!
Dejan09.08.2019 19:13:32
Da li jos uvek vazi ponuda za 18.8-26.8 studio za cetvoro,pozdrav
Srdjan08.08.2019 22:35:31
Poštovani,zanima me 4 krevetni apartman (2 odraslih i 2dece,4 i 10 god) u periodu od 15.08.-25.08. Unapred hvala
Daca08.08.2019 21:18:59
Poštovani,možete li mi reći dimenzije francuskog i pomoćnog ležaja?Hvala
Vladimir08.08.2019 19:43:42
4 adults 18-26
Zvezdan Grahovac10.07.2019 22:32:32
3 families 2 adults 2 kids 11 and 8 years old 2 adults 2 kids 8 and 4 years old 2 adults 1 kid 4 years old From 23 julay 10 nights. Have you got free rooms if you have please let us know also price too. Thank you
Mirko Rosić07.07.2019 10:54:27
Da li slobodan četvorokrevetni apartman u terminu od 5 do 15. 08 . 2019. g i koja bi bila cena i nacin placanja, Hvala
Andrea Gavrilovic05.07.2019 00:08:32
Da li imate slobodan apartman za period od sredine jula 14,15,16,17,18.07 na deset dana za 2 odrasle osobe i jedno dete od 4 god?
Jelena 14.06.2019 14:36:59
Please tell me a price for apartman for 3 adult and one child 14 years old, and do you have avelible aparman in period 10.08.-20.08.2019. Thank you
Jelena14.06.2019 14:06:48
Hi do you have free roon at the end of julay ...10 nights for two adults and two children....tenx
Tijana14.06.2019 12:13:22
Zanima me cena za period od 20.jula do 30 jula za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od 3 i 7 godina.Hvala
sanja djordjevic19.03.2019 06:41:31
Postovani,interesuje me smestaj u Vasem objektu u periodu od 25.07. Dolazim sa suprugom i dvoje dece 17,14 godina.Srdacan pozdrav.
sanja djordjevic19.03.2019 06:38:41
Postovani,interesuje me smestaj u Vasem objektu u periodu od 25.07. srdacan pozdrav.
Marija12.03.2019 22:54:18
Postovani,zanima me da li ima slobodan trokrevetni apartman u periodu od 09.07.2019 do 19.07.2019? Unapred vam se zahvaljujem. Srdacan pozdrav!
Predrag17.06.2018 22:08:09
Postovani, da li je slobodan cetvorokrevetni studio od 29.7.-9.8. 2018. Pozdrav.
Danijela Nedeljkovic15.03.2018 21:42:17
Hello, my respect! Saw your apartments and studio in internet.Please you to answer me how much it cost price of the apartment or studio for 4 people (2 adults and 2 children,18 and 15 years), for a period at the 13.7.2018. for 12 days? We would like a balcony overlooking the sea. Do you have Wi-fi ? And we do not want a bunk bed. Thank you, Best regards, greetings from Serbia
Milena Mihajlović05.03.2018 20:33:21
Možete li provjeriti raspoloživost 2 studija 30.6.-8.7.2018.