Elata Apartments
Elata Apartments is a modern and quality accommodation close to the center of Limenas. Advantage of this accommodation is high level hygiene, spacious accommodation units, kind owners and private parking which is a big plus for accommodations in Limenas.
Accommodation is on a quiet location, in the heart of Limenas, while it is km far from the city beach, i.e. 15 minutes by feet. The closest market is at 100m, while the city center is at 600m.
Elata Apartments is actually part of Drakontis Studios, it is located on the first floor of the main building. It is consisted of two apartments and one studio which can accommodate 4-5 persons.
Helena Apartment has a bedroom with a double bed and living room with a big folding sofa which becomes a double bed for two persons. In the living room can be added one extra bed. Both rooms have air conditioning. Kitchen is fully equipped, with all necessary utensils, small oven and big fridge. In the bathroom there is a shower cabin. This accommodation unit has three balconies with garden view.
Agape Apartment is the same as Helena Apartment, the only difference is that it has two balconies and a garden and street view.
Anastasia Studio has a double bed and a big folding sofa which becomes a double bed for two persons. This accommodation unit has a big balcony with table and chairs and street view. Kitchen is completely equipped and it has a big fridge and a stove. In the bathroom there is a shower cabin.
All accommodation units are very spacious, they have air conditioning, TV, balcony, baby cot that can be added if needed and internet.
Replacement of bed linen and towels is done every 2-3 days, while the cleaning is done daily.
Courtyard of the villa is in shade, with sitting sets. The accommodation offers private parking to all guests.
When you disembark from the ferry boat, continue straight and on the crossroad turn left and drive straight until you reach the market Arenopoulos where you should turn right, right after rent-a-car agency. Continue straight until you reach the sign for a dead end street and on the beginning of that street, on the right, you will see Elata Apartments.
If you want decent accommodation, a couple of minutes on foot from all the contents in Limenas, kind hosts and peaceful vacation, Elata Apartments might be a great choice. Limenas is an excellent choice as a base for going around because it is close to the most beautiful beaches - Marble (6km), Makryammos (2km), La Scala (4km), Pachis (8km).
You can find out more about Limenas in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Jovana20.02.2025 22:26:59
Da li je slobodan neki od apartmana za 5 osoba (2 odrasle i 3 deteta 16,15 i 11god.) U periodu 02./12.07.ili približno tada. I cena. Hvala
Suzana11.07.2024 21:48:39
Postovani, Da li je apartman dostupan od 13.7. do 22.7. za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta (5 i 8 god)? Hvala
Andrijana21.06.2024 20:01:26
Apartman sa jednu spavacu sobu 2 odrasle i 3 deca, 16, 13, 6 godina, od 05.07. 7 noci
Branka18.06.2024 08:57:17
Da li imate slobodan apartman u Limenasu (4 odraslih) , u periodu od 15. 16 ili 17 jula. 10- 12 noćenja. Hvala.
Ivana07.06.2024 15:26:23
Mozete nam reci dali je slobodno u dadenom terminu zeleli bi rezervirati
tatjana ivankovic30.05.2024 23:26:10
Molim vas za informaciju da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu od 15.07. na 10 noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 5 i 8 godina. Hvala.
Biljana08.05.2024 16:51:16
Interesuje me Limenas od 1.8.-12.8.
Maja 04.03.2024 05:39:25
Poštovani, Zanima me ima li termina kad su slobodni ovi apartmani? Kao i cene? Hvala
Valentina28.02.2024 15:27:01
Da li imate dva apartmana (oba sa odvojenim spavacim sobama) od 29.7. do 8.8
Natasa19.07.2023 16:18:44
Pozdrav, interesuje me raspoloživost ovog smeštaja od 7.do 12.avgusta za 4 osobe u aprtmanima Agape ili Helena?